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Can't get back into Mzulft to finish quest!

Guest Kate


For some reason, which I now heavily regret, I left Mzulft before reaching the oculory. Now when I try and enter the main door it says it's locked! I started this quest hours and hours of game time ago so loading a new save is not an option. Is there a second entrance or am I totally s.o.l.? Has anyone run into this before?

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Are we talking about the exterior door or an internal door? I've never heard of the exterior door locking after Revealing the Unseen has been started; make sure you double check the objective log for this quest. What system are you playing on?


Check UESP and the wiki under the "bugs" heading for your situation and potential solutions. 

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Yeah, it's the actual exterior door... I'm on Xbox 360. I've completed the part where you find the Synod researchers or whatever and the next step is to reach the oculory. And also, nothing is showing up in my navigation bar up top.

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  On 7/28/2014 at 2:53 AM, Kate said:

And also, nothing is showing up in my navigation bar up top.


This seems to be one of the bugs listed on UESP.



The Mzulft map marker isn't added by the quest as the scripting for it wasn't set up properly. Also, Gavros will not be in the entrance to Mzulft to give you the key. Updating the game to a newer version will not solve the problem for existing saved games.


Since you have already entered Mzulft once the second part probably doesn't apply.


Can you double check your quest log and make sure that the current objective is the following?


At Mirabelle's suggestion, I entered the ruins of Mzulft searching for the Synod researchers. I found one man who died, and suggested that more people may be inside something called The Oculory. I should head further into the ruins to see what's going on.

  • Objective: Reach the Oculory

A little past the exterior entrance there should be (or should have been) a locked door with a dying NPC near it, Gavros Pilinius, who gives you the key to it. That's the only door I remember being locked.

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