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Tolfdir Attacking me At Saarthal

Guest Noah


I am having an issues in Under Saarthal. I'm at to the point where Tolfdir is catching up with me to attach the orb an as soon as he catches up with me he starts attacking me. I tried to kill him but doesn't die, he get's wounded and then regenerates health. Then the entire time after the iron door he attacks me instead of the enemy.


Please if someone could help me out or tell me how to fix this let me know asap. This is the first time he has ever attached me throughout this quest. 

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If you have hit him that's the most reasonable reason he would attack another is the quest mite of bugged I've had the same issue with a different quest and person. You could try three things. One select a save and go back before the mission starts. Two leVe sarthall all together wait ten hours in game and go back in. Three restart your game all together

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- Three restart your game all together

Do you mean start a new game? because if you do, I fail to see how that's fixing anything. That would just start allot of different problems for us to have to try and fix later... not to mention that sitting through that intro has become torture...

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try running back and letting the daugr guy run behind you. When you are far enough kill the daugr alone, tolfdir wont run after you. then return to the big orb and exit trough the door which is behind the orb. tolfdir will still be attacking you so run further and let tolfdir exit the room. then run all the way back at the beginning and you will find tolfdir reseted to where he was when you entered the dungeon. then talk to tolfdir and he will tell you to return to the archmage. solved the problem for me.

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