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Party forming questions

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1. what do you do if a party member shows up and they are a white arrow.  Can you do anything about it?

2.  To form a party when you  happen upon a group quest site, are there hot keys so you can keep looking at new screens while in chat mode with party members?  I have to manually exit the chat to view the party search feature.

3.  Why is it so slow to find party initiates (as you will) using the search tool?

4.  Is it bettr to just  hang around the quest area and jump and wave your  hands at others?



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Hey, there.


1. You're on the different Campaigns.

2. There might be a mod somewhere.

3. It's waiting for someone else to use the same search feature before it can pair you up with that person.

4. You could try. Send them a whisper. Try the zone chat too, because there could be people in the same area but just in a different instance.

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What do you mean by different "campaigns'?  Isn't a quest the same for everyone or do you mean the task might be part of a different quest line?  I'm not in a quest line, I just saw it and it looked cool.  :)


Should I assume that once the game is open to all users, more people will be available through the party searcher? I mean is it a matter of sophistication with the tool and available players from the prerelease who have leveled to 8 or whatever is the quest difficulty? 


Thank you for your help!  Zone chat is not producing answers, just everyone asking questions LOL

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Oh, sorry, it's only ever happened to me in Cyrodiil. I didn't know that still happened outside it. You must be in different instances. Zenimax was supposed to fix that bug.


As for the grouping tool... Well, the census is that people hate it. Maybe you should just join a guild. Here's one that has absolutely no requirements nor obligations.




Surprisingly, even for that kind of guild, they seem competently led and populated. And I'm in it as well, so...


But I'm mostly still skimming through. I'm trying out several. I've said it before, but you really can't survive this game in the long-run without some sort of group. Well, you could, but that'd a pain. Just try to make friends or go along with guild events, or something like that.

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Guest beryl94903

Your guild sounds great..which leads to another question...how to choose a guild.  I get that it is an easier way to form up parties and that is my goal...especially when faced with a quest that slightly outranks me LOL.  However, attitude aside, every guild is supposed to bring together players to play. I want to play with people I like, share sense of humor, etc.  Age may have something to do with it, definiteley gender (I'm a woman and would prefer a mixed guild than a guild that, intentionally or unintentionally is all, say, pre 20 age boys.  Use of Teamspeak or other tool preference by a guild would be of interest to me.  And finding guild members online easily by level (since there's no point in knowing where the level 18 people are playing when I'm level 8) are a priority.  Any advice about any of that because I have been screening guild sites and descriptions are crazy vague...You are so helpful thank you again.


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Your guild sounds great..which leads to another question...how to choose a guild.  I get that it is an easier way to form up parties and that is my goal...especially when faced with a quest that slightly outranks me LOL.  However, attitude aside, every guild is supposed to bring together players to play. I want to play with people I like, share sense of humor, etc.  Age may have something to do with it, definiteley gender (I'm a woman and would prefer a mixed guild than a guild that, intentionally or unintentionally is all, say, pre 20 age boys.  Use of Teamspeak or other tool preference by a guild would be of interest to me.  And finding guild members online easily by level (since there's no point in knowing where the level 18 people are playing when I'm level 8) are a priority.  Any advice about any of that because I have been screening guild sites and descriptions are crazy vague...You are so helpful thank you again.


Yeah. That's exactly what I'm going through. I'm having trouble finding a guild to call my own.


Well, I did accidentally join a guild full of chicks once... Uh, didn't end well. You probably don't wanna be with those prudes.


Another time, I've even tried joining a role-playing guild. You wouldn't believe the shit I heard. The guild leader was a massive Dark Elf fan. I once told her that I didn't think the Tribunal was that powerful, and she slapped me in the face and called me a "N'wah".


I wish I could help you, but I'm just as baffled.

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A huge problem, you'll notice, is that most of the time, you won't be able to see their forum sections until you join. I'm sure it'll lead to some interesting stories you'll tell your RP grandchildren some day.


"Come around, young ones. Let me tell you about the time I accidentally joined a group of death fetishists."


True story. They're my latest guild. I've been welcomed with a picture of the Cenobytes. It was fucked up, but at least they're good PVP'ers.

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