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Bar Swap/some thoughts and qs


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In Beta, I got to test out tons of different passives/actives, and most of my questions were answered. However after doing my usual min maxing ritual on the calculator (bored....dear god can this game come out all ready) I noticed something odd. Flawless Dawnbreaker-deal magic damage with 60% increases damage to daedric/undead targets/increases weapon damage by 13% passively when the ability is on your bar.


Ok so lets give a perfect example of my question. As we all know, we have 2 weapon set bars. Lets say, FD is your ultimate on your second bar, and your using a different ultimate on your first bar. Would the weapon damage from FD still effect you when your first bar is up? 


I am almost sure it does, however I would like confirmation from someone on this. 


Side note- If it does, I have a spec that you all need to see. 

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No, it does not. Passives from ultimates and abilities are only active when the bar they are slotted on is currently equipped. Having Flawless Dawnbreaker will only give the weapon damage bonus if it is slotted on your active bar and if you switch to a skill bar that does not have it, then you will lose the bonus while using that bar.

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just had a long chat with an eso employee; "as long as an ability or ultimate is on your bar, you will receive the passive bonuses granted by that ability. So yes, Flawless Dawnbreaker will affect your weapon damage even if it is on your second bar while using your first bar."


this has opened up a world of possibilities. 

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Sorry, maybe my english is too bad, but i understand that quote as "on your -active- bar". Not on -any- bar. So, u got a chatlog where that person states - any- instead of -active-?

I am agreeing with DanGer here. For example, Defensive Posture is not going to make block cost and mitigation cheaper for you because you happen to slot it on your secondary bar but are using your primary bar which has a staff equipped for example. If this is occurring then it is a bug and will be fixed. But I have not seen proof this is the case either.


Your quote seems a little sketchy and it would have just been a customer service agent who answered your question and not necessarily someone well-versed in gameplay design. After all, why would it take a "long" chat to answer such a straight forward question?

I'm sorry if I seem to be a little distrustful or aggressive about the topic, I just find this a little too hard to believe and, to me at least, makes no sense if true.

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just had a long chat with an eso employee; "as long as an ability or ultimate is on your bar, you will receive the passive bonuses granted by that ability. So yes, Flawless Dawnbreaker will affect your weapon damage even if it is on your second bar while using your first bar."


this has opened up a world of possibilities. 


pts testing proofs them wrong

and it depends on the employee :D a graphic designer may know less than we about the game ;)

support knows nothing /allknownfact

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