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Ranged OP in solo PvE?

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I've been following Force's youtube channel and I've noticed that he seems to be able to faceroll situations where I would have had trouble surviving with my melee characters. 

He can AoE grind mobs on his DK using destruction staff, while a sword/board user would struggle facing two opponents.

He also seems able to kite and kill most bosses designed for groups.


My question is the following: Do you think it's worth leveling a character using a melee weapon as your primary or would it be better to switch to melee after reaching max veteran ranks?


I was planning to to do a 2h/sword and board build but it seems like it would be gimped in solo PvE.

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My impressions in the beta were:

Get out as much dmg as u can and get damaged the less you can. No matter if you are melee or ranged. So there is no use in going tanky for solo pve. Just go all out dps and cc your opponents, dodge/block the dmg or burst them down quickly.


I was able to do solo dungeons 2-3 lvls above as 2handed dk while wearing mostly light armor, for example. And we finished the first dungeons with a group of lvl 10 (templer heal), 11(dk melee-dps), 11(dk tank), 12(templer melee-dps), all thrown together by the groupfinder.

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Watch his hp he come very close to dying a few times. In his videos he only fights single tank type bosses, they don’t seem to have CC of their own or gap closers, they just run after him as he kit’s them CC’s them and lock’s them down.


The few videos he has up with him fighting ranged or more than 1 boss he ends up dead.


I don’t think, ranged is over powered. I think boss mob need to have better tactics and use some of the skills we have the ability to use.


As far as having an advantage over melee, yes because the boss mobs are for 2 or more people and do a lot of damage. As a tank you get hit and solo you don’t have heals. As ranged you don’t have to get hit.


Just giving all bosses a ranged attack would fix the problem.


Lest not over look Force’s skill I sure some people out their have a tank build and the skill to kill solo some of the boss mobs, unfortunately I know I don’t.

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