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Australian Players WANTED for the Ninth Legion


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Hi all,


If you’re reading this I am assuming you are an Australian seeking an active, professional, and mature guild come ESO launch. The Ninth Legion is recruiting with a special interest in Australian players. We are based on the EU server and are a mix of european and Aussie players. We will be representing the Daggerfall Covenant.
We are an organised guild with players who have years of experience in previous MMOs. We are also an amicable and easy going group to get along with but still take appropriate gaming moments seriously. We are dedicated to both PvE and PvP and are keen to recruit any class at the moment. People interested in purely crafting are also welcome.


The Ninth has many members who have actively participated in ESO Beta, have theorycrafted about builds for almost a year now and pride themselves on up-to-date information and making the most of their builds. We love helping people to decide how to make the most of their characters and are forever keen to aid avid players who show potential.


We have a Raidcall server and Voice chat is a must.


If you have any questions or any interest in joining, please feel free to message me either here on Eldersouls or by applying through our Guild website which you can find below:




Thanks for your time and I look forward to hearing from some Aussies keen for a great guild and great ESO experience.


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