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Beta Players - Most Underrated Aspect of ESO?

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People will have to break common narratives.

NB is not a rogue,

Magicka is not (only) for Sorcerers

Templars are not Paladins

DK can more than tank (also I am not so sure about this  :wink: )

Sneak is not only for NB

Not only Sorcerers can wear light armor


and so on...


Many people get this by now, but many many still don't.

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Guest Aaron

I honestly think that ESO is highly underrated for the amount of freedom given to the player, at least compared to other MMO's. You can follow the quests like an other MMO, but if you play as though it was an Elder Scrolls game and not an MMO, the results are quite better than one may imagine. I honestly think this aspect alone will catch a lot of people off guard when it comes out. 

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People will have to break common narratives.

NB is not a rogue,

Magicka is not (only) for Sorcerers

Templars are not Paladins

DK can more than tank (also I am not so sure about this  :wink: )

Sneak is not only for NB

Not only Sorcerers can wear light armor


and so on...


Many people get this by now, but many many still don't.



This so much.


I just had a rather odd chat where someone assumed 'battlemage' meant sorc.  Someone said they were going to make a Fire based dunmer battlemage and got some reply like "Sorcerors don't get fire spells" or something along those lines.  Especially odd when the first person linked an esohead skill calc with dragonknight as the selected class.


IMO the classes are more like templates you apply to a build to get a slightly different theme, rather than decide your group role.  Granted some of the classes clearly shine more in certain roles when built right (DK's geta bit better damage reduction at times for example)

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