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Argonians - Insanely Overpowered

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Okay, guys, close your eyes and imagine this for a second. It will be hard to read the elder scroll I'm about to reveal with your eyes closed, yes, but it's not all bad. At least it will prevent your brain from melting after you realize you're looking at the future emperor of Tamriel until this is patched. 
Haven't you ever seen Indiana Jones? 


First things first. I'll cut right to the OP aspect of this build. Let me learn you on a little thing called Hemidactylus frenatus, better known to TES lore enthusiasts as the master race of Tamriel - yes, the Argonian.



Detailed biological schema of Hemidactylus frenatus by a police sketch artist.


Now that I have your ears (and hopefully not your eyes), I'll learn you about what's going to make Hemidactylus frenatus the most efficient killing machine Tamriel has ever seen since I massacred Whiterun in Skyrim 2 hours ago.
Ladies and gentleman....
I give you...
The most blatantly over-powered buff any MMO has ever seen.
+50% swim speed 
+50% swim speed
+50% swim speed
+50% swim speed
+50% swim speed


I don't even need to plan out any additional skills this is so OP. I mean think about it. See that puddle on the battlefield, nords? May as well go home because +50% fucking swim speed.


Oh, what's that? Your level 50 night blade khajiit can one-hit KO me with a backstab? Try again, because...


+50%. Fucking. Swim. Speed.


Fuck, I'm almost sorry because this just isn't fair.

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Oh, I get it now. You always knew these reptile facts because you always wanted to play as an argonian. Cheer up, Brodo Swimmins. Just find a healer, call him "Sam", and I'm sure that you'll find that the dream of being an anthropomorphic lizard is still worth holding on to.

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All of us non argonian are doomed...

Pretty please, dont swim me to death if i cross your path ingame.


I will take your pre-emptive surrender into consideration. I will offer all inferior builds a lifetime of hard labor for the glory of the argonian master race, as opposed to a slow and painful death death by swim.


I am a merciful god Emperor.


You know....  maybe argonians can out swim slaughterfish.


The real question is this - can slaughterfish out-swim argonians?


and this will be the most fun, kite little noobs into the slaughterfisch


i will do it and film it, maybe upload anytime a vid :D


I am eagerly awaiting this video, comrade.

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You know.... maybe argonians can out swim slaughterfish.

Nope, tested it a few times. Also the main body of water in Cyrodiil is infested with slaughterfish so the only real place to use this bonus in rvr are small ponds here and there, lol. Its funny how lizards irl can grow back their tails and they do not have any healing regen bonus in game. To me that screams healing regen bonus. I know they get a bonus to behing healed but wtf, 50% swim speed is damn near useless.

Actually in rvr it might give an argonian enough speed to cross a slaughterfish infested body of water whereas the other races would either die trying to swim after him or just stop chasing all together. Either way I'm playing Argonian :)


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Nope, tested it a few times. Also the main body of water in Cyrodiil is infested with slaughterfish so the only real place to use this bonus in rvr are small ponds here and there, lol. Its funny how lizards irl can grow back their tails and they do not have any healing regen bonus in game. To me that screams healing regen bonus. I know they get a bonus to behing healed but wtf, 50% swim speed is damn near useless. 


Actually in rvr it might give an argonian enough speed to cross a slaughterfish infested body of water whereas the other races would either die trying to swim after him or just stop chasing all together. Either way I'm playing Argonian :)


Don't know what kind of tests you did, but I swam through slaughterfish pools just fine, pop a pot before you go into the waters, you will survive. 

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Don't know what kind of tests you did, but I swam through slaughterfish pools just fine, pop a pot before you go into the waters, you will survive.

Can't out swim slaughter fish I mean. The speed bonus will come in handy but it's very situational.
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Can't out swim slaughter fish I mean. The speed bonus will come in handy but it's very situational.


Well, ain't no body can stand in the doomfishy waters. 


Which, I hope changed because water fighting is a very interesting mechanic. They need to make it so Argonians are immune to the slaughter fish and the world will be solved. 

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