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Which magic-using abilities are the least dependent on spell damage?

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I'm actually going to use the term "magic potency", by which I mean the combined influence of spell damage and maximum magic. My understanding is that one's maximum magic has an impact on abilities that use magic as their resource, but that it does not contribute to the "spell damage" number on the character sheet.


Having poked around on Esohead a bit, it seems that only damage is influenced by magic potency. Those of you who know for sure, to what extent is that true? Obviously, damage-related effects, like "heals for x% of damage done" are indirectly influenced by magic potency because they're directly influenced by damage. On the other hand, I'd guess that magic potency has no influence on Fiery Grip's ability to pull its target to your position or on its Empowering Chains variation which adds 40% to weapon power for the next attack.


Some things are less obvious though. According to Esohead, Spike Armor always gives +25 armor regardless of magic potency (or rank or character level). Is that accurate? It sounds wrong, unless it's actually +25%.


Whether or not damage is the only thing directly influenced by magic potency, I want to know which abitlities that use magic as their resource you think are the least influenced by magic potency, and/or which give good boosts to stamina-based abilities.


Hmm. In particular, how about summons? I know they aren't great in general, but any idea if they get stronger and/or tougher if you have more magic potency, or is it just based on rank and character level? Oh, and can you actually have the two different summons out at the same time if you're willing to tie up 20% of your magic and two slots?


Are there any magic-using abilities whose damage is not influenced by magic potency?


Do magic-based crowd control effects work better and/or longer if you have more magic potency?



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Some abilities are only based off character level and ability level. These are usually best used as supplemental abilities to a Stamina build rather than using them as a Magicka build. Because they cost MP you would be spending your main resource on something that doesn't scale, and you could be spending on an ability that scales instead.


Summons seem to be one of these cLvl and aLvl only abilities. CC effects and such do usually last longer as you rank the ability up. :)


Sorry if I didn't address all your questions, my girlfriend's yelling at me to get off the computer.

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I don't think there are any magicka based abilities that don't derive their damage from spell power/magicka.


CC duration seems to only be affected by passives and ability level.


If you're looking for magicka fueled damage tricks, you'll have to think outside the box and find soemthing that alters your combat proficiency, like Haste in teh Nightblade Assassination skill or that power drain from siphoning that adds a percent boost in damage based on enemies hit.


Esohead's calc only really shows the lvl 1 effects I think and appears to be missing a few letters/characters at times.  In that draogn knight skill I think it's a scaling buff that changes based on your level (that might also be affected by spell power?)

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