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The ESO Nightblade PVE Guide


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My first idea is to experience the game within the three days of ESO BETA, so there is no installation of plug-ins. Now, I have a little regret, however. Because there is no specific data, it can not intuitively reflect and compare my skills and clear their advantages and disadvantages. I know that it is so unbelievable to depend on feelings. Thus, I’m simply opening the build for discussion and hope perfect my skills after the game is launched.
From this build, it is obvious that my aim is PVE. As a matter of fact, there are commendable points for PVE in the build. The high mobility of Teleport Strike and Assassin’s Blade is good. Upgraded Impale and Ambush can provide the capabilities of control and remote output. Shadow Cloak can not only save my character’s life but also help clear hatred in the case of OT. Shadowy Disguise outputs critical strike by 70%, which can cause damage bonus and three-second control when it is used with Surprise Attack under stealth state. Even Shadow Cloak with Surprise Attack becomes a super-powerful, deadly skill; the initiative using of Shadow Cloak + Surprise Attack brings me the first chance to kill enemies.
As we all know, Nightblade is a weak class. For my Nightblade, however, slaying a team with three enemies is a piece of cake. Even if one vs. four, I worry about nothing. If I am the first to attack, Ambush can stun targets for 1.5 seconds; Blinding Flurry follows and then the common attack skill attack. Finally, Impale finishes the battle. The whole fighting time is not over three seconds. Shadow Cloak + Surprise Attack can kill a monster and stun others for three seconds. If the second monster is remote attack or spell attack monsters. For 1 vs. 1, it depends on you.

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As we all know, Nightblade is a weak class. For my Nightblade, however, slaying a team with three enemies is a piece of cake. Even if one vs. four, I worry about nothing. If I am the first to attack, Ambush can stun targets for 1.5 seconds; Blinding Flurry follows and then the common attack skill attack. Finally, Impale finishes the battle. The whole fighting time is not over three seconds. Shadow Cloak + Surprise Attack can kill a monster and stun others for three seconds. If the second monster is remote attack or spell attack monsters. For 1 vs. 1, it depends on you.


Hi there Esonightblade,


I have read your post and read the article you have linked. Since you seem to be asking for comments and suggestions, I will do what I can to assist you with your PvE build.

Firstly I just wanted to clarify a few things from your post here:

I am not sure what you mean however by the statement "As we all know, Nightblade is a weak class". I'm not sure why you think this but that is not true.

Anyway, I am also assuming the part where you discuss fighting a 1 v 4 is in pve against npcs. In which case, I assume you are "worry about nothing" because you have a healer behind you? Most mobs at lvl cap stage in instanced dungeons aren't pushovers after all.


I read your article for your complete story so I will now refer more directly to your build. I have assumed you intend to use full medium armour due to the picture of your character you posted. You use magicka based skills for 4 out of 5 of your skill bar. As such I would normally say this is not feasible if you wish to be spamming some of these skills while in medium armour and given you write about using the combination of Cloak and Surprise Attack regularly when engaging large groups of npcs - I would definitely say that its going to be too much of a strain on your resources. If you wish to trial this type of fighting, I would recommend using full light armour and perhaps even considering spell cost reduction enchantments on your jewelry so that using so many magicka-based skills so often becomes more feasible. You seem to spread your attributes evenly between all 3 stats but I would recommend placing your attributes only in stamina and/or health. You are going DW and relying on reducing enemy armour with weapon damage as your dps as well, so stacking into stamina will help your main dps move which seems to be Flurry and health is always important to not have at a minimum.

Honestly, your strategy seems based on using lots of single-target CC which is useful in a pve fight but if that is your main idea plus physical damage dps then perhaps instead of using Ambush you might want to consider a longer CC like one of Agony's morph options rather than having the minimal stun from Ambush. Agony can alleviate incoming damage on you and your team by keeping one or two npcs out of the fight until you are ready to deal with them due to its lengthy stun time(12s) and is not really more of a strain on your magicka pool either. Taking Agony will allow you to benefit from the Magicka Flood passive that increases your magicka pool by 8% which will also aid with your resource issues. Having cloak with surprise strike seems to make ambush feel particularly redundant to me for pve and npcs won't exactly be running away either.

I agree with your decision for your build to use Flurry over Twin Slashes and to not use Strife. My other comment would be based around your issue of mitigation. If you take light armour to support your build (or even medium) you will be a character that gives your team's healer a potential nightmare to heal. You have left all your stamina for Flurry so perhaps you were intending on blocking or dodge rolling often which would be recommended since you have no skills that boost your defences. If you intend to use Cloak, as you've stated, as a way to drop the aggro of mobs and to avoid damage at times, then you really will need to be using it often and since it is not cheap if you do choose medium armour instead of light then I do not see this build working.

You have not proposed a second skill bar nor have you offered your considerations on gear/enchants/mundus stone/weapon or armour traits. So from here, without this information, it is difficult to advise any further changes.

Hope that helps and give us more information if you want further comments.

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