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Redguard v.s. Khajit

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Yeah it's a good match up. I'm making a melee Sorc and Redguard was a clear choice because of the Brovenant, but with the pre order any faction deal, it is tough.

More Stam more weapon damage, more crit damage more weapon damage.

More resource more damage and utility, more crit chance more damage and heal (surge). More max stamina or healing regeneration? I like the skeleton makeup for Redguard and I also like being a Thundercat.

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Personally liking the, what was it, 15% extra damage for crits.  Haven't really seen many effects like that in the various passives elsewhere in the game.


Crits deal 50% more damage or so.

The racial increase this by 15% (to 57.5% or whatever)


This passive alone will never make or break your character.

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Crits deal 50% more damage or so.

The racial increase this by 15% (to 57.5% or whatever)


This passive alone will never make or break your character.


The way it's worded makes it seem that it would be granting 15% bonus to the damage on crit. Not a 15%  increase to the bonus multiplier on a crit.


But i was never able to really look into it fully. 




basically I assumed it would be something like:


(damage * (1.5))*1.15


The way you say is:


 damage + (damage*(.5*.15))



If it is indeed the latter I won't be playing my khajiit and probably swap to a bosmer.


edit: didn't realize I forgot a one.

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Usually in MMO the crit damage bonus is as follow :

- 100% damage bonus for physical crit

- 50% damage bonus for magical crit


Do we have any information about ESO and the way they deal with crit damage bonus ? Because it changes the math for sure !


Now to come back to the 15% damage increase in case of crit, my understanding is this one :

If a normal hit does 100 damage

Acording to me, a crit hit will do 200 damages

With a Khajiit, it will be 215 (instead of 100% damage increase, i have 115%)


If it's 50% then Yaije math is the correct one according to me except the formula is : final damage = damage * 1.5 * 1.15 

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I've not seen any real mention of how much damage crits do except in relation to sneak attack.  Sneak attack as far as I'm aware was only mentioned as being 100% chance to crit with a stun tacked on.Sneak attack seems to only care if it's melee or ranged rather than magical or physical (positioning also taken into account)

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if you're looking to use dual daggers, yeah.


Basically before, carnage was just THAT awesome a looking bonus to make any crit happy physical damage build consider Khajiit.  Bosmer bow or khajiit bow? Bosmer had bonus weapon damage... khajiit got a % boost in physical damage (like snipe sneak attack since that sneak attack was a crit?)

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sneak attacks damage coefficient seem to be different depending on what you use.



sneak attack with a light or heavy attack using dual wield?

....not much damage at all. not even worth it.


sneak attack using twin blades?

....most damaging effect i seen so far out of stealth (1-shot lv18 mobs at lv15 with it).


sneak attack using uppercut and follow up with critical charge?

....really good damage (and fun), but still deal slightly less than a twin blades sneak attack


sneak attack using heavy bow and follow up with poison arrow?

...really good damage and the heavy attack does not cost any resources (and easy to land since it is ranged)

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