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ESO Android Application

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I just posted this to TF. I forgot to put the download link it though... 



Just an update for everyone. The ESO Companion application has a new version that will be rolling out later tomorrow (Sunday 23 March 2014) on the android market. The update includes the fixes and change request we have received so far as well as the below listed additions.


New Additions in as of tomorrow.

-Character skill selection is now live. 

You can now select skills and morphs as well as save your selected builds into character slots. You will have the ability to save up to two (2) different builds. The two slot limit is temporary, we will be increasing that to eight (8) slots in the next week or so.

-Character stat calculation.

The character stats now update based on passive skills selected. This excludes skills that have a trigger like being cast or depends on certain types of armor or weapons equipped (see below on why this is a good thing).

-Overcharge calculations.

Stat overcharging is a tricky thing to calculate as the formulas are not fully understood at this time. However, we have added (and will continue to add) the values we have figured out so far. These values will change your stat to red bold numbers once you hit your cap for that stat.


Made some final adjustments to the alchemy and enchanting tables. As of now all known alchemy effects and enchanting rune translations have been added.



Upcoming additions.

-Character "paper-doll".

This will give you the ability to assign different effects and armor values to character equipment slots and see how that factors into your overall skills. This will be most helpful for seeing how close equipment load-outs will put you toward overcharging skills.




The only know issue is some older phones with a 4" screen or smaller are reporting scrolling or display problems. We are looking into those issues and they appear to be limited to only phones with 4" or smaller screens. Regardless, we are working hard to fix this issue.

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Evening everyone!

I received a significant number of request for us to include more than the two save slots for character builds. True to my promise of keeping the fans in control of what gets put into this app, I have increased the save slots to +8. I am also going to use the extra time to put a few more tweaks in that some people have suggested.


Unfortunately, adding the save slots is taking longer than I had hoped it would. That means I am going to have to push the update out from Sunday 23 March, to Monday 24 March. I think everyone will be pleased with the additions. My only regret is that I had to slip the patch by a day in order to get them in. Keep those messages and emails coming or post your request here.

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I've set the charlevel to 10, all stamina. After looking into the skills, magicka jumped to lvl 50 stats; race was changed to altmer. Could revert the magicka by reassigning the points, but mag reg was still on lvl 50 value.

Wow, Ill have to fix that one today. Thanks for reporting it DanGer!

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I wonder if there has been any noticeable upswing in hits on this site from the app... David?


I haven't noticed any major upswings / downswings, but it's hard to put an exact number on it since I have no real way to track a specific application.


Traffic with an Android operating system from March 17th to now, compared with the previous week, actually fell slightly (0.81%). Traffic in general over the same period has fallen 6% though, so if anything can be taken away it is helping. :)


The slight drop-off is due to esohead and a bunch of other resources popping up recently.

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The level sorting is already in work but good to hear I am not the only one that thinks that should be in the app.  Afraid I cant support localizing the app because I cant afford the translation fees. I would have to charge $5 per download to cover translating it into just one language.

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