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ESO: Crafting “Ask Us Anything�

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2546eec1673980370e312153ea715684.jpgThe ESO team answers your questions and delves deeper into the art of crafting. Here’s some of what you can expect from this week’s article, “Ask Us Anything: Crafting“.

How will crafted gear compare to dungeon loot and PvP rewards? I hope the crafting system won’t be there just to do something when you’re bored, but that it will contribute to the economic health of the game.

Crafted gear of the same level and same quality as gear found in the world is almost always better. For instance, if you find a level 22 sword of fine quality, but your friend crafts a level 22 sword of fine quality, the damage done by the crafted sword is going to be slightly better. However, some of the gear you find in the world will have unique enchantments or set bonuses crafters cannot replicate. Still, a crafter might be able to take that dropped item and make it even better while retaining the unique enchantment.

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I've found it's actually much better to craft gear than to find it. For the level it's very noticeably better. It's about 1 "grade" difference. A green "found" piece is even worse than a white crafted piece.


Also, just to clarify; when you upgrade a "found" item through crafting it doesn't become as good as the crafted equivalent does... So even if you upgrade a "found" piece to legendary, the legendary crafted item will be better.


However... about the "unique enchantments".... I personally believe that "found" gear is actually better. EDIT: Just maybe not on Weapons, because those modify your damage based on their damage..

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