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March 14 Beta Event

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  On 3/10/2014 at 11:12 PM, Francis said:

The next and probably last Beta has been confirmed for this weekend, March 14. Invites coming this Tuesday.

Nice, thanks for the update Francis! :)

Hope we either get a go at more content or we can just make some lvl 50s lol

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  On 3/11/2014 at 1:12 PM, Great.Cthulhu said:

w00t !!!


I just upgraded my RAM and graphics card.  Skyrim now seamless at max graphics settings.  Can't wait to see how it improves EOS gameplay :yes:


(ETA: Of course, now I'm gonna waste a whole Tuesday refreshing my inbox waiting for that beta invite)



What card did you get?  

I just increased to 16 gigs of ram yesterday and will be getting a new vid card in short order.

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  On 3/11/2014 at 2:25 PM, Great.Cthulhu said:

Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 card and another 6GB of RAM - my old Gateway chipset/mobo won't support much more than that.  "Only" $200 for the lot, but it's enough to buy another year or so of gaming while I put away pennies for a new build. 


It's a really interesting card - Power consumption is supposed to be so low with nice performance. Cheap too.


Anyway, on top of already waiting for my beta invite (having played previous betas) and probably getting a code for a friend (which will probably be the same code I gave to my friend, so still stuck to him), Green Man Gaming gave me 2 more codes for my pre-order of ESO. Lmao.

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According to the EOS news page: Previous participants won't need an invite (so no more refreshing my Inbox today) and new invites will be sent out to bring in additional beta participants.




Also, my EOS launcher popped-up an announcement for the 14th beta event right before dropping a 40 Mb patch onto my hard drive.

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I just received an email notification of this weekend's event, but this one didn't contain an "invite a friend" code.  So, yeah, zany and needless challenge will have to be implemented.  I say: Post a video of your envious begging performed via interpretive dance. :thumbsup:


ETA: The notice did say that the Imperial race would be unlocked for this event only.  So make that dance sincere and compelling

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If you've participated in a previous beta then all you have to do is login and let the launcher patch (40 meg or so, quick fix).  You can use an existing character or create a new one.  For this event only, you can also play the Imperial race and unlock the vanity pet.


If you've never been invited to a beta test event before, then you'll have to acquire a key.  EOS says they're sending out "more" invites but their announcement didn't say how many - although, since this is another stress test and their last planned test, I would imagine it's going to be large number of new invites.  Everyone who played the last beta received an "invite a friend" key, so there's a good chance someone on this forum has a spare key laying around.

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  On 3/11/2014 at 11:35 PM, Great.Cthulhu said:

If you've participated in a previous beta then all you have to do is login and let the launcher patch (40 meg or so, quick fix).  You can use an existing character or create a new one.  For this event only, you can also play the Imperial race and unlock the vanity pet.


If you've never been invited to a beta test event before, then you'll have to acquire a key.  EOS says they're sending out "more" invites but their announcement didn't say how many - although, since this is another stress test and their last planned test, I would imagine it's going to be large number of new invites.  Everyone who played the last beta received an "invite a friend" key, so there's a good chance someone on this forum has a spare key laying around.


You probably will not have access to Imperial Race unless you bought your game from ElderScrollsOnline.com, because people who bought at GMG or Gamefly didn't have access to the Imp. Ed. things that were available last beta.

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Just a suspicion, but I think Musclemagic already sent David a code. Saw that he was using the personal messenger right after David made a post before I could say anything. But if not, I guess we've got an offer from Thal and the Cheshire Khajiit over here. Guess you guys hold ultimate judgement.


  On 3/11/2014 at 9:07 PM, Great.Cthulhu said:


...via interpretive dance. :thumbsup:


Yeah, sure, he could. But I doubt we'll be able to respect him afterwards. Now way am I letting a dirty interpretive dancer administrate my ramblings.


....So, really? No other ideas? ...God dammit, we need Blake for this.

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Hey can someone let me know if the Beta Key I recieved last beta for a friend will work this weekend?

I never used it.

Will it work for the march 14th beta if I give it away now?

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