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Most damaging Charge "Spell"


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Good morning everyone


I have been participating in the last 2 Beta sessions, and there is a "Spell" i do love : Charge.


Initially the one i was using was the one in the 2hand weapon tree (Critical Charge). I loved it and found it was doing pretty sustained damage (i was level 15 at that time).


I realize now that i'm studing which class to start with when the game will be realeased that there are 3 charge "spells" :

- the 2 handed weapon "Critical Charge" that has a 100% crit rate

- the 1hand+shield "Shield Charge" that also stun

- the Templar Class " Focused Charge"


I was wondering which charge was doing the most damage. Here is my analysis :

- Critical Charge and Shield charge are both weapon "tree spells", cost stamina, and perform physical damage

- Focused Charge is, on the other hand, a class spell, cost magicka, and perform magic damage


My guess is that physical damage is increased by weapon power, and thus influenced by the weapon base damage. IE the more powerful my weapon is, the harder the charge will hit. Same thing for weapon power boosts like Momentum or Surge, that will according to be benefit to the physical damages induced by let's say Critical Charge.

On the other hand, Focused Charge, that is magic damage based, will not directly benefit from the weapon (melee) power. The only thing that will improve Focused Charge is Spell Power, which mean items or buff that will increase spell power.


On that regard, i would anticipate "Critical Charge" to scale up quicker that "Focused Charge" with level rising up. Moreover, i plan to be equipped with Heavy Armor, which i'm not sure i will be able to enchant with any "+++ Spell Power" but i don't know for a fact about it.


PVP wise tho, i anticipate many people will be equiped with medium armor or heavy armor, which means heavy physical damage mitigation. That being said, physical damage mitigation will affect physical damage made (for ex with Critical Charge) but will not affect magic based charge like Focused Charge. The only thing that will affect Focused Charge is "Magic Resistance" which at the end is not really spread around. For sure light armors have huge magic resistance. Immobilisation (from Heavy Armor) also grant a nice bonus. but that's it. 


So my guess at that point is that :

- Critical charge will do more damage in absolute as it will scale up quicker with levels (as it's benefiting from increased weapon power)

- but taking into account physical and magical resistances in PVP, i anticipate that Focused Charge will do more damage as my guess is that magical resistance will be less that physical damage mitigation.


I would love to ear your arguments regarding this analysis. and your thoughts in general.

Thanks in advance

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The 2 builds i am currently hesitating into are :




Heavy Armor

2H Weapon

PVE bar : 

1) Critical Charge

2) Surge

3) Momentum

4) Bolt Escape

5) Winged Twilight Pet


PVP Bar : 

1) Critical Charge

2) Surge

3) Bound Armor or Immovable

4) Bolt Escape

5) Winged Twilight Pet

Purpose of this build is to buff myself (Momentum is Stamina Based, Surge is Magicka Based, so good equilibrium) and charge to the enemy. Critical Charge has a 100% crit chance which proc Surge to self heal. Bolt escape is stunning around me while moving me away, so that i can charge again. The Twilight pet is here for additional damage and healing me if below 30% health. 

Kanjiit is chosen because of the 15% damage increase when critical strike, which is garanteed with Critical Charge. 

After it's just that i'm full Heavy armor for damage mitigation.


The 2nd build i'm hesistating with is :




Heavy Armor

1h + Shield

PVE bar :

1) Focused Charge

2) Puncture

3) Sun Fire

4) Immovable

5) Restoring aura.


PVP Bar is made of healing spell and wearing healing staff.

Purpose of this second build is to charge using focused charge, then Puncture for 40% resistance reduction (debuff), then Sun Fire (magic damage + DOT), Sun Fire also Snares, so that i can move away to charge again. Immovable is for armor and resistance upgrade + anti-CC, and restoring aura help to have sustainability.

Breton is for natural magic resistance (PVP) and spell cost reduction.


Your preference ?

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shield charge deals low dmg but has the longer stun,can go up to 4 sec,and from my pvp experience ive learned that the dmg that you can deal during those 4 seconds its vastly superior to the difference in dmg between crit charge and shield charge,and thats the reason why invasion has become so popular on the pts.....so i suggest to do 1h-shield or use focused charge if you are a templar,but its has a shorter stun and they increased the cost recently....crit charge its only worth it if you want to spam it with crit surge,but even so i consider the cc better than a minor heal

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Ok Many Many Thanks for your inputs.


Following the Templar path then, and having a template turning around Focused Charge, my theory is that Focused Charge, as it's a magic based skill, and generate magic damage, is not influenced by the weapon i wear (IE, i can wear a level 1 sword or a level 50 sword that does 100 times more physical damage, it doesnt change the damage done by my spell). In my mind Focused Charge is just like a regular spell (fire ball for ex) that has a "skin" where my character will actually move to the other one. But there will be no real "weapon hit".


According to me, magical damages are only influenced by spell power. Physical hit are influenced by weapon power. Thus Focused Charge, as it's a magic spell, that performs magical damage, is only influenced by spell power.


The reason why i'm asking that is "What weapon should i choose", in order to optimise Focused Charge ? should I go for a massive 2 handed sword for ex (should we say that physical damage of the sword adds to or influence the magical damage of Focused Charge), or should i can go for a restoration staff let's say. 


Indeed, i am considerably looking at one passive of the restoration staff : Cycle of life. does any body knows if this passive will increase the damage of my Focused Charge ?

 Cycle of Life

Rank 1/2
  • While a restoration staff is equipped...
    • +1% damage for every 20 health you have.

 Thanks in advance for your help

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Does the cycle of life's health requirement change as you level or is it based on a % of you're total hp?  Cause 1% damage boost for every 20 hp when you have 2000 health... o.0 


I'd just roll a nightblade spamming ambush and deathstroke on everything

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So at best it's a 5% damage bonus for all spells. Makes for sense. But less interesting also :)


Do you know if "Focused Charge" is benefiting from the weapon damage ? Will my level 50 sword Focused charge do more damage than if i do the same charge with a level 1 sword ? 


Focused charge is supposed to do magical damage so in my mind should only be influenced by Spell power, and no weapon power, but i could be wrong.

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its 20%hp,not 20 hp


Wew....  but still 5% damage boost across the board for everything? that sounds like it should be the weapon of choice for a dedicated class ability spamming build.


Just think of the silly things you can do >.>  Anti vamp dk  pyromancy comes to mind (with destro on the weapon swap to apply weakness and a form of magicka regen from burning your foe to death)

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So at best it's a 5% damage bonus for all spells. Makes for sense. But less interesting also :)


Do you know if "Focused Charge" is benefiting from the weapon damage ? Will my level 50 sword Focused charge do more damage than if i do the same charge with a level 1 sword ? 


Focused charge is supposed to do magical damage so in my mind should only be influenced by Spell power, and no weapon power, but i could be wrong.


 spells are not affected by weapon dmg

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Wew....  but still 5% damage boost across the board for everything? that sounds like it should be the weapon of choice for a dedicated class ability spamming build.


Just think of the silly things you can do >.>  Anti vamp dk  pyromancy comes to mind (with destro on the weapon swap to apply weakness and a form of magicka regen from burning your foe to death)


You can put 2 skill points into that passive making it a 10% damage boost across the board for everything. It does sound abit too strong to me. I hink this is a big reason why so many DK's use resto staff aoe magicka builds on the pts.

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I have a BIG DOUBT here. 


The talent sais that "+1% damage per ...". The staff is, before anything, a weapon. Thus i would tend to consider that the 10% damage we are talking about is "weapon damage". Thus this would not affect spells damages.

That being said :

- Resto Staff does not perform any weapon damage as a blade for ex. (you do not have any resto staff skill that performs physical attacks, and light and heavy attacks are magic)

- Most of the DKs i've seen were wearing Resto Staff. I would tend to say for the 10% damage bonus to their fire AOE spells. 


Could anybody say for a fact if this 10% bonus applies to weapon damage only, or any damage (including spells) ?


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Not sure that's enough to get the OP to swap from templar to nightblade.


I read it as OP played a lv 15 Templar in beta weekend but is not sure what class to play at release:



I realize now that i'm studing which class to start with when the game will be realeased 




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