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How to remove regen penalty as a Vampire and never feed again.

Vladimir Cristo

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If you play as a Dragon Knight Vampire you get.

Dragon Blood

  • Heal 27% of missing health.
  • +40% health regeneration for 20 seconds.

And now if you have Blood Altar morphed into Sanguine Altar from the Undaunted skill line you now have + 80% Health regen which means you now went from the -75% penalty to +5% Health regen. If Blood altar morphed wont work for you then just have a friend who has the ability and now it will effect you because you are not the one who placed it or you can also get the health regen passives that Dragon Knights , Heavy armor and vampires skill trees give later on. Of course again questing and doing whatever with another vampire friend would be best so you can buff eachother all the time ( No Homo ) haha.

I imagine you could get fire resist enchants. I plan on going NORD personally, just personal choice. Dark Elf would probably be all around best choice. This build Idea could be not so good also if they end up changing things but I have a feeling Zenimax wanted people who play vampires to figure out stuff like this anyway, I mean Dragon Blood morphs into COAGULATING BLOOD!! and blood altar morphs into SANGUINE ALTAR!! haha so I feel like it was ment to be. I feel like its a vampires way of carrying lunchboxes and blood packs around instead of needing body farms aka THRALLS!! ha. Things could of already changed for all I know tho. I feel like it wont be nerfed or anything because its more of a PVE fun thing not so good in PVP because you cant place down Sanguine altar and hope to recover too much health very well when being ran over by an army of enemy players and it only brings you up to about on par with non-vampire health regeneration. Should be fun tho.

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life regen its not a big deal,it caps to 50 every 2 sec,with the 75% penalty you lose 35 hp every 2 sec, that makes no difference.....the main issue its the fire weakness, on the pts most of the people dropped vampirism because of it

 Ya, so many fire abilities and anti-undead / daedra.    I am thinking possibly  2 handed offtank with  the abilities    Momentum , Molten weapons, critiical charge , Dragon blood, Drain essence  and Devouring swarm ULT.     I heard that they nerfed HEALTH  from adding 20 points per skill point to 15 which is good. I guess it was making it so putting all points into LIFE was a better option because overcharing HEALTH added more in the long run than the other attributes.  I probably will still go all health like most lvl 50s are doing but I will see how it is at launch and when I get to high lvls like everyone else.

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Am I the only one a little concerned that a guy named Vladimir is this psyched about Vampire abilities? ;)


/puts garlic up around windows and doors, and sharpens wooden stakes



Your forgetting a few key things... the bags of salt or sand, the relative locations of moving water and the rules about permitted entry.


on topic:

I'm wondering if the % buff effects are additive or not in regards to how they stack.

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Vampire players are considered undead right?  So the Fighter's Guilds skill line is one giant "F-U VAMPS!" series?  I assume werewolves would get affect only if someone had the specific passive in the skill line.

 for short or long everybody has enough skillpoints and has the passives

but i dont know if the passives are active if u dont use any fightersguildability or does it work in pvp at all?

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this interests me a lot.. im rolling a nightblade assassin focussing on ranged (bow) at launch and planning on going vamp, cause its cool (lol) and the buffs for assas are good.. I was planning bosmer or khajit, leaning toward khajit originally but after speaking to muscle was going to go bosmer... now im thinking maybe dunmer but that screws with the build a lot..... hmmm... decisions decisions... lol!!! 

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 for short or long everybody has enough skillpoints and has the passives

but i dont know if the passives are active if u dont use any fightersguildability or does it work in pvp at all?


If they're active and do affect everything...  it's gonna suck running into dunmer dragonknights specializing in pyromancy as a vampire.

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