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need advice with my Templar build


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I´m not an min - maxer, but i want this build  to be powerful nontheless,
 Redguard: Templar, Two Handed, Heavy Armor
Skills: Aedric Spears, Dawns Wrath, Restoring Light,
my question is: will my char be much weaker, if i invest attribute points in Stamina, to boost my Two Handed dmg ?
I know that the Abilities are Magic based, and putting points into Stamina seems to be a waste, and a weakening of Attack and Defece,
But i want to play with a weapon too.
Any advice ?
Kind Regards



The boost of damage from stamina/magicka is minimal.  They real boost comes from having enough of those resources to utilize your skills in a manner you find comfort with.  As an early character I would advise getting whatever helps you level. When you reach 50 you will then respec attributes to whatever you want at that time. Your character wont be weaker at all.


I'd look at health firstly (like 4-5 points) and then maybe a few into whatever you find yourself using most of. It could, in fact, be a bit into both stamina and magicka.


Templar I find to be very straightforward and easy to use. And powerful as such. They aint tricky, but they are deadly.


Heavy is fine. Redguard is dandy. 2H is good and Bow as a secondary is terrific #2 for your build.

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I would try to answer to help you out but I cannot make any real suggestions because I don't know what skills you will be relying on. It depends whether you want your damage to come from light/heavy weapon attacks primarily and stamina skills, and depends on what type of class skills you will be picking and whether you are picking them for utility, heals or damage.So in summary, without actually listing or proposing what 5 skills and ultimate you are intending on using - it is too hard for me to comment.(P.s. I don't know what you mean by "aedric spear, dawn's wrath..." because they are the titles of those skill lines not skills in themselves)

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thanks for the input guys, that helped a lot, i´m not entirely sure what skills i will use.

I will add an list of skills, that I most probably play with, a bit later.


are there any reliable sources, regarding how much the Attribute points raise the dmg/duration/effectivenes ?

Cause i wasn´t able to find one.


would be appreciated

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thanks for the input guys, that helped a lot, i´m not entirely sure what skills i will use.

I will add an list of skills, that I most probably play with, a bit later.


are there any reliable sources, regarding how much the Attribute points raise the dmg/duration/effectivenes ?

Cause i wasn´t able to find one.


would be appreciated


I know Nybling (an ongoing beta tester at Entropy Rising) said that at level 50, twenty points of Magicka increased the damage of his Sorcerer spells 5%.

Accordingly that would be 0.25% per point (a quarter of one percent).

Most, however, do expect that number to get amplified a bit by the developers though. As they have made mention that they are aware of the small return.

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that would be cool, but one can not be sure if he´s already  reached the softcap :)

because i believe, that is what has happened.


No, he shows his numbers in a youtube video.  He hadn't hit the cap yet.

His Crystal Fragments went from 550 to 565 with 20 extra points spent.

As I stated, the developers are perfectly aware of the tiny boost.

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This is personally my Templar build.  Basicly a holy vampire.  " The Abel Nightroad build"   from the JAPANESE ANIME " Trinity Blood " THE TEMPLAR VAMPIRE!!    ( -60% cost for magicka ablities stage 4 vampirism )


     ( TWO HANDED WEAPON REQUIRED and ALL HEAVY ARMOR ) Not possitive on all morph options yet.                                                                                            1:Focused Charge - morphed into Explosive Charge - Charge toward target enemy. Casting targets are interrupted and unbalanced for 5 seconds dealing damage and Immobilizes target for 0.5 seconds and does AOE damage. ( Magicka Ability )

 2: Rally - Gain +10% attack damage and another 2% every 2 second for  20 seconds when effect end you are healed.  ( Stamina ability )

 3: Cleave - morphed into Brawler -  Deal physical and bleed damage to all enemies. which then gives you a damage absorbing shield that scales with number of targets hit. ( Stamina ability )

 4: Sun Shield - Create a shield that absorbs damage up to 24% of your maximum health for 6 seconds. ( Magicka Ability )

 5: Bone shield - morphed into Spiked bone - Gain +20% armor for 10-20 seconds
Melee enemies recieve damage back. ( Magicka Ability )


   ULTIMATE : Devouring Swarm - Summon a swarm of bats that surround you and deal magic damage to enemies per second for 5 seconds which drain health from every target. 


Take what ever you want from it of course.  It is a 2 handed DPS/ TANK  berserker build for PVE pretty much.  Could be decent in PVP if the charge is changed to stun version.

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This is personally my Templar build.  Basicly a holy vampire.  " The Abel Nightroad build"   from the JAPANESE ANIME " Trinity Blood " THE TEMPLAR VAMPIRE!!    ( -60% cost for magicka ablities stage 4 vampirism )...

Hey, just wanted to point out a couple things:


1. The vampire skill cost reduction applies only to vampire skills and not to other magicka abilities so it won't reduce the cost of your sun shield, bone shield or focus charge


2. Bone shield does not last 20 seconds and does not give 20% more mitigation. It provides a high armour bonus for 5 seconds now.


Hope that helps you to refine your build

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Hey, just wanted to point out a couple things:


1. The vampire skill cost reduction applies only to vampire skills and not to other magicka abilities so it won't reduce the cost of your sun shield, bone shield or focus charge


2. Bone shield does not last 20 seconds and does not give 20% more mitigation. It provides a high armour bonus for 5 seconds now.


Hope that helps you to refine your build

Ah crap..... I guess me wanting be OP was just a dream.... Thanks haha

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