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lvl50 vetern rank 10 purple gears

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The only reason for heavy armor is -20% block cost, which is only better for PVE. Immovable's great for PVP--but you can use it no matter what armor type you're using, and it barely gets better with additional heavy pieces. Honestly, if they made the duration increase like 25% per piece of heavy it still wouldn't be worth going heavy instead of light.

I'm not sold on a light armored "tank type" character at all.


Even PVE tanks I've seen are in light. It's truly that bad! XD

Using Inner Fire is better as a taunt than Puncture, because not only is it ranged but you save St for blocking by using MP to taunt. It's really fucked atm. =X

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So for a PVP based Khaj NB? This is all Im going to be doing in this game. I will stab people with whatever I can get my hands on. 

Been looking at a lot of 2h NB but I havent tested the damage myself. 

So while im working some things out, Let me know what you guys recommend vs NB armor. 

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Even PVE tanks I've seen are in light. It's truly that bad! XD


Using Inner Fire is better as a taunt than Puncture, because not only is it ranged but you save St for blocking by using MP to taunt. It's really fucked atm. =X

Yes, its a very strange mechanic, that the sorcerer class has BY FAR the best activated armor ability in the game, 1750 armor AND 1750 spell resistance = 93% to the soft cap on both! But of course, you gotta keep spamming that magicka resource every 8 seconds.


To me, the holy grail, would be to find a way, to hard cap both armor and spell resistance, without using any type of resource consumer. 50% damage reduction to everything? Yes, please :)


That ring proves that you could hard cap armor with 7/7 heavy easy, but not even come close in 7/7 light.


We just don't have enough info on end game itemization.

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Yes, its a very strange mechanic, that the sorcerer class has BY FAR the best activated armor ability in the game, 1750 armor AND 1750 spell resistance = 93% to the soft cap on both! But of course, you gotta keep spamming that magicka resource every 8 seconds.


To me, the holy grail, would be to find a way, to hard cap both armor and spell resistance, without using any type of resource consumer. 50% damage reduction to everything? Yes, please :)


That ring proves that you could hard cap armor with 7/7 heavy easy, but not even come close in 7/7 light.


We just don't have enough info on end game itemization.


Pretty sure they nerfed the armor part of that spell.  Its been adjusted on the PTS.

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Interesting, so the VR10 blue crafted armor is about 4% better than the blue VR10 PvP armor.


I don't remember the pvp armor having traits on them, I have only purchased a couple of pvp armor pieces, I blow all my alliance points on siege equipment and repair kits >.>   Do they all have the same "divines" trait? 


I'm sure it must be random.......


Lets see, I know that the Mundus Stone "The Thief" gives a 5% crit chance, so 7 pieces of the above armor, with the same "divines" trait, each giving an 8% increase would mean .08*.05/100=.4% crit increase each piece of armor, so wearing all 7 pieces of that armor above, would give us a 7.8% crit chance.  Not bad i guess.

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Lets see, I know that the Mundus Stone "The Thief" gives a 5% crit chance, so 7 pieces of the above armor, with the same "divines" trait, each giving an 8% increase would mean .08*.05/100=.4% crit increase each piece of armor, so wearing all 7 pieces of that armor above, would give us a 7.8% crit chance.  Not bad i guess.

You would not happen to know what the percentage increases are for all the Mundus stones? Like what damage increase warrior stone gives or how much magicka Mage stone gives? If you do, you should post a list of it up because I don't think that is widely known and I have not seen it anywhere on this site, thanks man.

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Guest alderic

well, so what could be the advantage of heavy armor compare to light armor ?
if you go full light you get :
8-9 spell mana pool and you can spend one to have the save armor as someone in heavy (if he dont use any armor spell)
 you have more resist than someone in heavy armor
you cant compensate any debuff armor spell / heavy armor dude can compensate with an armor skill

so in the end it is always better to be in full light unless you got armor debuffed which will always happen but you have 7-8 spell to control your openent while heavy amor dude have only 3 if they compensated the debuff.

to me it look like there is no point of going heavy, and i feel sad about it because i planned to go full tank heavy armor and armor spell to hit the hardcap and be still on the softcap even after huge armor debuff, but the fact that ligh armor have 8 spell when heavy have 4 just breack the thing the disaventage of playing in light is too easily compensated by armor spell

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You would not happen to know what the percentage increases are for all the Mundus stones? Like what damage increase warrior stone gives or how much magicka Mage stone gives? If you do, you should post a list of it up because I don't think that is widely known and I have not seen it anywhere on this site, thanks man.

I only know a few of them

"The Thief" -  gives 5% crit chance

"The Tower" - at level 20 it gave an increase of 40 to Max stamina - so my guess is an 8% increase

"The Mage" - at level 20 it  gave an increase of 40 to Max magicka - same

"The Ritual" - gives a 5% increase to healing effectiveness

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