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lvl50 vetern rank 10 purple gears

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Great post Dyon!


I feel like 32 unresistable damage is much better than 42 resitable (shock or w.e), even against someone with base mRes in medium.


+530 armor on one ring is complete bullshit.... I cannot see any reason now not to go Light Armor. One of those makes the difference between light and heavy base armor rating with ease.

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Great post Dyon!


I feel like 32 unresistable damage is much better than 42 resitable (shock or w.e), even against someone with base mRes in medium.


+530 armor on one ring is complete bullshit.... I cannot see any reason now not to go Light Armor. One of those makes the difference between light and heavy base armor rating with ease.

So even on rouge builds you think light armor will be better?

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Hmm...that screen shot is missing the shoulder piece, I'll assume its at 141 armor, and with that uber ring, that puts this light armor set at almost 75% to the soft cap, or around 26% damage reduction.


7/7 heavy with shield, gets us to 99% soft cap or 35% damage reduction, you could use that ring to push toward the hard cap,(big diminishing returns tho) which is at 50% damage reduction.


Guess its all about your build and play style. 

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Hmm...that screen shot is missing the shoulder piece, I'll assume its at 141 armor, and with that uber ring, that puts this light armor set at almost 75% to the soft cap, or around 26% damage reduction.


7/7 heavy with shield, gets us to 99% soft cap or 35% damage reduction, you could use that ring to push toward the hard cap,(big diminishing returns tho) which is at 50% damage reduction.



Thats beautiful to hit the 50% mark.  For both large scale PvE and PvP.  Your teammates will love you.

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Thats beautiful to hit the 50% mark.  For both large scale PvE and PvP.  Your teammates will love you.

Until I saw that ring, I wasn't sure if it was even possible, to hit the hard cap number on armor, without using up a precious active ability on our hot bar.


Diminishing returns hits hard for -50%, but with 3/3 on the heavy armor passive "Resolve" and two of those rings, you just hit the hard cap :smile: 50% damage reduction.


Not only that, but 3/3 Resolve gives you 71% to the soft cap on spell resistance too, not bad. 

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Until I saw that ring, I wasn't sure if it was even possible, to hit the hard cap number on armor, without using up a precious active ability on our hot bar.


Diminishing returns hits hard for -50%, but with 3/3 on the heavy armor passive "Resolve" and two of those rings, you just hit the hard cap :smile: 50% damage reduction.


Not only that, but 3/3 Resolve gives you 71% to the soft cap on spell resistance too, not bad. 

What is the actual armour value roughly to achieve that hard cap?

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Whats that? 


Heavy Resolve has 3% x 7 pieces = 21%.  That's 71% of the soft cap? No way.


What about light armor that has 8% x 7 pieces = 56%? 

The spell resistance soft cap and hard cap numbers are the same as armor

Soft cap=1870

Hard cap= 2600


So.........7/7 light with 3/3 of the "Spell Warding" passive will give you 1716 which equals 92% to the soft cap.

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These are the current Veteran Rank 10 Caps on the long term beta, of course they could change at any time.

Armor Softcap: 1870

Armor Hardcap: 2600

I roughly knew the soft cap but wasn't aware of what the value for hard was, so thanks for this info!! :)

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Guest alderic

the fact is that this game have debuff that do from -40% up to -75% armor spell resist.

so you can say what's the point of having an heavy armor if in the end i will be only a bit more tanky that someone in light (after debuff), and this is why you have item like this that allow you to go so far over the hardcap so even with -40 % Armor debuff you are still on the softcap and you also got skill that increase your armor by 1500 to compensate those debuff.

if you are glasscanon and you think having 2 ring that give +1k armor will save you, you are wrong face the -75%debuff armor and they give you +250 which is what a piece of heavy armor give at rank 10, in the end this isnt a big bonus, and you better have something else.

Those kind of item are for those who want to still be tanky after suffering from heavy armor debuff, not for light armor glass canon build who think they can do uber damage and be tanky.

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Alderic in general you would be right, only your forgetting the guys in light armor (so they can basicly cast 8more spells in the same combat) can keep up 1 armor spell to exerperience the same armor as heavy  thus gaining 5-7more casts, while beying as tanky as a heavy armor         normaly it would be   ''no, cuz the other has heavy armor AND those defense skils''...but in this game the soft and hard cap are so easyly obtained  the light armored mage would also hit hardcap

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I'm not sold on a light armored "tank type" character at all.


The only way, a light armored character, can hit soft cap on the armor number, is by using an active ability on their hot bar, something like "lighting form" or "bound armor". This means, your using magicka and taking up at least one spot on your hot bar, or two spots, spamming them every 8 seconds, if you want to hit the hard cap. This also means that you are just one cc/silence or magicka drain away from turning back into Mr. Squishy. 


Personally, if I was building a tank character, I would go 5 Heavy, and 2 Light and max out BOTH "Resolve (heavy armor passive)" and "Spell Warding (light armor passive)".


This would give you 78% to the soft cap on spell resistance, BEFORE any itemization, uses up no magicka or hot bar spot, and is "always working".

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