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Weapon enchantments stronger on different weapons?



This is a question that has been bugging me for  a while now. 


I've been using my Elven Bow of Fire for quite some time, it does 25 points of fire damage and I think the bow itself does 20 or 21? I recently came across an Ebony Bow and gave it the same fire enchantment but it only does 18 points damage and the bow around 25.


Is it the weapon damage level that determines the enchantment's level of damage? I'm not too sure if I should stick with my Elven bow or use the Ebony bow now. Which one causes more damage? This question also goes for swords and armour as well. 


Thank you!

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Really sorry about not answering this earlier, I must have missed it. Have a free +1.


The weapon damage has no effect on the enchantment's level of damage. The enchantment damage is determined by a few things...

  1. Your enchanting level when the item is enchanted.
  2. The soul gem you use for the enchantment, with grand providing the best effect.
  3. Additional enchanting bonuses from enchanted apparel / alchemy, if applicable. You can actually create an infinite boost loop with alchemy / enchanting.

Your elven bow does 25 + 20/21 = 45/46 damage (assuming it's charged). The ebony bow does 18 + 25 = 43 damage when charged. If the weapons aren't charged, they'll do their base damage (20/21 and 25) only.

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