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DO certain Weapon passives work for 2nd weaponset??


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Hey guys,


im pretty confused because some weapon passives (heavyy weapons from 2H tree or sword and board from 1h+shield tree) say that the bonus is applied "while 2H is equipped". Other passives say "while dualwielding" (f.e. slaughter). Is there a difference?


Does the heavy weapon bonus of a 2h-sword works while im currently using a bow but having that 2h-sword equipped as 2nd weapon set?


I'd love if anybody could test it or give me a solid awnser :)



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It's precisely what any logical thinking person should infer from the text. Passives from the 2H weapon line only work when you actually have 2H weapon equiped (not ready, not in inventory, equipped). Same for every other weapon passives with their respective text. So no, you cannot wield weapon X and have passives working from weapon type Y, where X is not the same as Y.


Armor passives generally work always but have a scaling factor to the number of actual armor of that type currently worn. The text makes that very clear and it works exactly like that.

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It's precisely what any logical thinking person should infer



first at all: dont do that. Its not Dota and neither CS. Its a nice Community. At least I try to imagine that. You really have no clue about my competence in logical thinking.



it is not precisely descriped for 2 reasons. (and that's why i ask. thx again for make me rage with your cocky behavior)


1. There are two different descriptions for the same effect  "while 2h is equpped" and "while dualwielding" ( i tried to point that out in my first post)

2. "while 2H is equipped" can also be understood as being equipped as secondary weapon set. (which is not your inventory. its equipped to your character in char screen i guess)


ps: i did not ask for armor passives. They are indeed precisely described.



There is still no reason to awnser in the way draxinusom did, even im getting this wrong. (english is not my native language)

This is a theory crafting forum and i try to figure out mechanics and good synergies.



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The texts of all weapon passives are precisely as follows (I actually have them screenshotted but you can't easily upload attachments here):

  • With restoration staff equipped
  • While using a destruction staff heavy attack
  • With destruction staff equipped
  • With bow eqiupped
  • While dual wielding
  • While using dual wield attacks
  • With one-handed weapon and shield equipped
  • With two-handed weapon equipped

I really, seriously, have trouble understanding how these could be named more precise or what should be in doubt about how they are worded. English is my third language, and when I first saw this I immediately understood what it meant. I'm wondering now how it could be worded differently to make it more clear while not writing 20 word setences.


The official wording of the second weapon set is "backup weapon set", and it's not even shown on your character, neither sheathed or drawn only the active one is equipped. Although I give you the point for it being in you character sheet.


Personally, I have never seen more clear and to the point worded tooltips in an MMO. Almost the only thing left to speculation is some specific terms where you have to know what a "disabled" or "unbalanced" opponent means. That is why your question had me flabbergasted and hence why my reply was worded in the way it was.

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I really, seriously, have trouble understanding how these could be named more precise or what should be in doubt about how they are worded. 

I'm guessing someone really just only looked at esohead's info (which was mixing up stamina/magicka costs on a lot of stuff on top of missing the weapon requirements on most of the weapon ppassives).

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Guest Adi-Wan

Well, the OP does bring up a great question, but may not be describing a scenario that allows you to envision what he's getting at.

"While dual wielding..." Passives:

... targets with <25% health take more damage.

... 8% damage while attacking disabled targets.

Scenario in question;

Can my active bar be filled with only class active abilities, my chanter then equips 2 daggers (+5% crit), I never use a DW ability at all, but my class abilities are now affected by these passives?

For instance, if I'm a DK, does something like Lava Whip now do more damage when my target drops below 25%

Or if I use stonefist to knock down a target before doing a fiery breath on a target, do they take 8% more damage JUST because I have 2x daggers equipped (even if I'm not really using them as weapons, but just equipping them to gain the passives against my class spells)?

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. Almost the only thing left to speculation is some specific terms where you have to know what a "disabled" or "unbalanced" opponent means. That is why your question had me flabbergasted and hence why my reply was worded in the way it was.


Pretty sure Unbalanced is when you see a NPC/player who is wobbly and has a circle (like cartoon birds) going around his head.

That means he wont do anything for about 1.5 seconds and you can use an "exploit" maneuver on him (both mouse buttons) and knock him down and stun him for about an addition 3-4 seconds at the cost of a wee bit of stamina and an almost instant animation graphic.

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Can my active bar be filled with only class active abilities, my chanter then equips 2 daggers (+5% crit), I never use a DW ability at all, but my class abilities are now affected by these passives?



No, because all your class active abilities use spell crit (and not [physical] crit that dw daggers passive give).

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I looked at DW passives in the last beta, and the way it's written in the DB on this site is not the same as it's written in game.

The cited wording in my post above is wrong, and in game, it calls out specifically for DW abilities to benefit from the passive, killing the concept.

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No, it does not kill your concept, some passives and short term buffs do cross over e.g. The 2 hand skill momentum adds 2 damage a second for 10 seconds it keeps working when you switch to bow. If the description does not state that it only applies to a weapon type or certain abilities it probably will cross over.

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I may be wrong about this, but I did in fact test this in the beta. "Ruffian" which increases your damage against slowed/immobilized or stunned targets by 15%; actually works with any weapon equipped. I know some of you have stated similar things, however I confirmed this one for sure, so logically speaking others would work as well. 


For those who will ask, I had a dual wield offset; when I was using my two handed ms, I noticed a slight increase in the damage numbers I was seeing when targets were cced. 


I believe that as long as the passive does not say "When using" then the weapon type, the passive should work 100% of the time regardless of the weapon equipped. 


There are some rather vague passives, like the bow tree, "damage increases vs distant targets"-would that effect the damage of a charge? That is my question

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  • 3 months later...
Guest Rogue

I don't think it's as clear as some of you are making out. For example the bow and the staff ARE two-handed weapons. Yet I do not believe the two-handed weapon passives work with staff or bow. This skill tree should have been called "heavy weapons" not "two-handed weapons". So the wording COULD have been more precise actually.



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