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There will be bound weapons! *hopefully*


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hey ppl. just found a semi old thread, were eso comfirmed bound weapons!!




i would like to hear some ideas for how they would scale their damage.my own guess would be with spell power ofc, but would you be able to grab the abilities from regular weapons? or will there come a new skill set for bound weapons!? :D










PS. im a new user, im from denmark (my english kinda sucks a bit) and i dont know if its to silly to make a thread about bound weapons which we really dont know anything about !!  :o

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Sorcerer's have "Bound Armor" which just increases their armor by X. DK has Spiked Armor, Molten Weapons (though that just kind of turns weapons orange). Templar has..yeah.. spears, like Irons said. Nightblades have things like "Assassin's blade" which shivs a target with a magic blade.. There are many more examples, but conjured actual gear? That doesn't seem to exist.

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The link just threw me onto the standard-support-page. my fault. but..due to the lack of a conjuration-spell-line, i highly doubt it yet, beside the things you allready got as answers (spear, etc.) its not like skyrim, where you get 7(?) spell-lines to invest your points, and can get bound weapons to run around with. you can summon pets (like atronarch) as well as "AF-Spells" (Bound armor-like). Due to the lack of Spots on the skillbar, it would be a heavy disadvantage, if you would have to use one slot of five for your bound weapon only, where "physical-weapon-user" would have one more slot for active abilities..

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