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Cyrodill Log-in issues


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During last beta I couldn't log-in my character for hours. Lastly I decide to create another (new) character, because my other was in Cyrodill. The experiment worked. I logged in immediately. So I made the following conclusion, that when the Cyrodill is full and your character is there you can't log in. This fact is really disturbing. Do they say something about that? I mean at least they could teleport your character to a non PVP area where you can play with it.

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actually there were ways out


you just had to open and close the client sometimes it worked the first time sometimes you had to do it 2 or 3 times in the end it allways worked.


Trust me. I tried everything. Yes, sometimes openening and closing the client worked. But most of the time my load screens were 30 min+. Even after closing and opening for 6 times I still had to wait for 30 minutes.

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Trust me. I tried everything. Yes, sometimes openening and closing the client worked. But most of the time my load screens were 30 min+. Even after closing and opening for 6 times I still had to wait for 30 minutes.

But in the end it still worked. Trust me i had loading screens which sometimes lastets me over an hour.


Somtimes i was stuck in a cricle:

Wanted to leave dungeon was stuck in loading screen.

Ended game was stuck in character load.

Than loaded world

ended up in the dungeon again

and so on.



Still in the end it allways worked.





Basically the statement:

"So I made the following conclusion, that when the Cyrodill is full and your character is there you can't log in."


Is just wrong, it didn't even really have something to do with cyrodiil because the same thing could have happen to you in pve but you were allways able to get in again.

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But in the end it still worked. Trust me i had loading screens which sometimes lastets me over an hour.


Somtimes i was stuck in a cricle:

Wanted to leave dungeon was stuck in loading screen.

Ended game was stuck in character load.

Than loaded world

ended up in the dungeon again

and so on.



Still in the end it allways worked.





Basically the statement:

"So I made the following conclusion, that when the Cyrodill is full and your character is there you can't log in."


Is just wrong, it didn't even really have something to do with cyrodiil because the same thing could have happen to you in pve but you were allways able to get in again.


Yes, in the end it always worked. But from my experience and from posts on the beta forum I concluded that the loading screens in Cyrodil were significantly longer (and long load times occured more often). So I do think it has something to do with cyrodil (could be the amount of players in cyrodil). 

But I think we can all agree that 20+ minutes loading screens are a waste of someone's time. And it is stupid that the only way to not waste your time is to create or log on another character. But, of course this is a temporary inconvenience. The game is still in beta, and they are working on fixing this problem.

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The strange thing was it didn't seemed that it would be just because they stress test their servers.

They really had some serious troubles but it's a good thing that this happend in beta so they hopefully can fix it till release.


One reasons for their problem could have been that they didn't had an US and European server they just used one for all, like they will this weekend.

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