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What happened to the member titles?

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They were removed awhile ago. I felt they cluttered everything up while also not really adding anything useful when viewing threads. Guests also regularly mistook them for member names due to their location.


I actually think that you were one of the only people that received a customized name. The system usually just automatically increments the titles based on post count. After hitting a certain number of posts, members can change them themselves.


For what it's worth, they're still attached to your profiles - just not displayed in threads. If there was demand to do so I could bring them back easily, but as I said they've been gone for months and no one has noticed or said anything until today.

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Yeah, I knew you didn't really bother to give them that much. But I did see it happen a few other times on the older TRR threads. If I'm not mistaken, as a result, Eric took on the Basilisk persona for a while, and you plastered Blake's bad pun about Elder Soles onto his profile. Haha.


It could've been a cool tradition if you guys did it more. But I'm just curious, I don't really mind.

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