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Lore Books and Skill Lines

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We all know that every time we advance a level, it gets progressively harder to advance to the next one. Down in Coldharbour, it takes us five minutes to get to level 2. I'd suppose getting from 48 to 49 would take us weeks.


Apparently, there are lore books in the game that instantly boost skill lines by one level the same way they do in Skyrim. For example: say a certain crafting skill line is level 5, and has made 60% progress towards level 6. If you find a lore book that boosts that skill line, it immediately gets boosted to level 6 with 60% progress towards level 7.


I have arrived at the stark realization that, unless this is changed, it will be most efficient to never even attempt pick up a book until you've hit the late stages of level 40.


God dammit.

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I was thinking it too, but no-- there are set books available, you are suppose to collect them all to get achievements and they all do specific things..


I plan to write down dense book areas, like mage guild, then revisit those--but pick up the random ones in obscure buildings when I see those while leveling.



EDIT: Min/Max is what's fun to some of us. :P

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Are you sure they raise you one full level? Seemed to me that if I was level 5.6 in a particular skill and found a book for that skill it raised me to 6.0.  So effectively raising me TO the next level, not raising me one full level.


Yeah I'm sure there will be people waiting for their final levels before picking up books. I imagine most of those people will be people who took the time in BETA to record those locations.  No guarantee that you will find a post listing all known locations for all skill level books before you actually reach level cap.

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