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I don't get it, stamina abilities in pvp, will they be used much?


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From what I can see on the character builder, all weapon abilities require stamina. At the same time CC breaker/dodge requires a great deal of stamina.

Does this mean you will barely be using your weapon abilities in pvp? Basically giving you only like 5 active abilities... I might have misunderstood how it works, please enlighten me!


Also, will this CC breaker system not make most CC rather useless?

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CC is good for strategical situations. Once you consider its a resource battle and the cost of the breaks you will see that CC still has a place. You can still use weapon abilities for damage, but in order to be successful you may have to gear and or stat to  get the most out of your stamina. That is just one way to look at it. You could focus more on magica damage and use 1-2 stamina abilities and use most of your stamina for CC breaks. If you have sufficient stamina perhaps you can keep up Immovable.


Its also worth mentioning that if you are stunned  more then twice in a short period of time a immunity will activate for a short duration. 


I'm sure other have stuff to add. 

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As we all know, stamina fuels the basic game mechanics - dodge, block, sprint, cc break, etc. So as you've worked out, even stacking into stamina stat still does not leave you a great deal to use on active abilities.This is because stamina is not really there to support a skill bar that predominantly uses stamina-based skills. All stamina skills are common skills that any class can use. As such any build in this game that relies heavily on stamina for their abilities is generally a poor build for two reasons. Firstly, they do not make much of what is unique to their character by relying so heavily on common skills. Secondly, they will not have good resource management and will either sacrifice not using the basic game mechanic moves or their skills while playing any battle that lasts more than 10 seconds.ESO as a result seems to be a game which pushes you away from just relying heavily on stamina in your builds for skill use. Don't misunderstand me, stamina is still really important - but it is not there to support a 5/5 stamina-based move skill bar. It is there for good reliable use of block, sneak, dodge,etc in support of your class abilities which are all magicka with the occasional use of a weapon skill or Immovable/Evasion. So if your heart was set on a skill bar with mostly or all stamina skills - go ahead and use it but it will be a disappointing build as far as I can see because it does not make use of the best resource management that the game has to offer.I agree with Gannicus about CC.And to answer one of your initial questions. Generally, weapon skills are used in most builds and fairly often but definitely not spammed from the pvp and pve I've seen so far. (There are some exceptions like Twin slashes)

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You'll be using that weapon a lot, it just wont be with non-stop weapon skills, but rather light and heavy attacks. You wont be able to spam magicka/class skills either because you will quickly run out of magicka. There will be a lot of time when you wont be using skills but simply light and heavy attacks. But I agree that it seems like weapon skills will be used less than I would have thought, not only because of limited stamina but also because it seems like the best skills are class (magicka) skills.

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There are plenty of awesome weapon skills that will complement your class skills.  The best builds will likely have 1-2 Weapon skills on each bar.  The real challenge is to balance out your stam/magicka usage so you can continue to use abilities.   If you go all 5 Magicka use abilities you are going to blow your wad early and not full utilize both bars.  With the current soft caps on stats stacking one particular stat is not going to work out well for you unless it's health since the soft cap is much much higher than stam and magicka and you will hit the soft cap on those without putting in a single point in.

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I just (wrongly) assumed that your main attacks would be those on the weapon equipped. Seems weird to have 5 skills bound to the weapon you use that you won't really use very often.

Those 5 skills are meant to be situational and used efficiently in times of appropriateness rather than forming the mainstay of your dps. As others have said before me, your dps most of the time is likely to come from light and heavy weapon hits instead of the spamming of skills. Those skills are there to be used in reaction to certain contexts and to complement your normal light and heavy attacks and battlefield decisions (e.g. do I block, do I want to retreat, dodge, etc) rather than be the dominating focus.

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Also, will this CC breaker system not make most CC rather useless?


The CC break uses half your total (full bar) stamina.


No matter how much stamina your character has at full bar, the break uses half that amount.


This means that, unless you were topped off (And you weren't. You had been sprinting, crouching, done a roll dodge, SOMETHING that used stamina. It's almost unavoidable in combat unless you're doing it very wrong.) you can break CC once and not immediately break it again. If you were close to full (or hypothetically full), you can break it again shortly thereafter, but now your bar is almost empty. This means no sprinting, no roll dodging, no crouching, no weapon based abilities (and with things like sparks and various snares/stuns weapon abilities can be very useful in staying alive)... In short, breaking CC is not a decision to be taken lightly. There are absolutely times it would be preferable to ride out the CC. Remember, odds are that the CC you're breaking is far more spammable than your CC break. So, no, CC is not rendered useless.

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PrimalSteam is correct, however any build which uses stamina dps abilities will likely use slotted CC breaks such as immovable or rapid maneuver. As well as certain other abilities' morphs (I can't remember which ones) will remove snares and such. These abilities are a must have for pvp anyway, and use much less stamina than pulling a CC break. Therefore stamina based dps builds should have no need to ever pull a CC break and burn half their stamina.

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 As such any build in this game that relies heavily on stamina for their abilities is generally a poor build for two reasons. Firstly, they do not make much of what is unique to their character by relying so heavily on common skills. Secondly, they will not have good resource management and will either sacrifice not using the basic game mechanic moves or their skills while playing any battle that lasts more than 10 seconds.


I find this backwards - in most cases.


If you have more stamina, then you have 1 (at minimum) CC break every fight. Plus you can still greatly utilize your stamina skills because you will have a big pool (100-50%=50stam, 200-50%=100stam). And then you will still supplement with a magika cast and utilize an ability or two (incl 2nd hotkey bar). You also regen stamina faster if you have a bigger pool and likely to have some bonus regen also, in combat nothing refills as fast as stamina.

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I find this backwards - in most cases.


If you have more stamina, then you have 1 (at minimum) CC break every fight. Plus you can still greatly utilize your stamina skills because you will have a big pool (100-50%=50stam, 200-50%=125stam). And then you will still supplement with a magika cast and utilize an ability or two (incl 2nd hotkey bar). You also regen stamina faster if you have a bigger pool and likely to have some bonus regen also, in combat nothing refills as fast as stamina.

Thanks to the soft cap on stamina regen, this becomes an issue. The regen soft cap for magicka is the same as that for stamina except that magicka is not drained by basic game mechanics.As such, regardless of your pool, stamina regen in late game is not sufficient to fuel both a lot of cc break, dodge, block, etc as well as a skill bar that has a greater number of stamina skills than magicka.

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The whole point of stamina builds is to not use a lot of CC break or dodge, with the stamina active defenses less stamina overall can be used in preventing CC before it happens (which is arguably more valuable than pulling a CC break after the CC happens to you). Block's cost can easily be brought down to a manageable amount with passives. Stamina builds are obviously best for tanks, and any role otherwise I suspect to not do too well. However for tanks, stamina is the way to go.

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well tbh stamina skills are the strongest ingame.


imho stamina based builds are allinbuilds. If there's any room for all in builds in this game isnt quite sure.


but for example u could use Critical rush->wreckingblow->executioner in a combo 3stamina based skills. But i didnt found a combo which does the same or more dmg so far. 

I, and stamina based orc templar will use these 3 skills and combine them with sunshield and sunfire in my mainbar.  additional im using my restostuff with quick siphon, another stamina spell. Like said it quite all in. i try to combine it with heavy amor and survivel runes/enchantments but dont lose too much dmg. bc i have to take down my enemy in 1-2 combochains. 


Its just theoretically atm and i dont know if it works, but nobody knows if his build is as superior as he guessed.

and at least i'll use my magicks for heals,auras, and shields


well i just wrote it to show up there are possibilities to use staminabuilds. im going to test this build next beta and write my exp.





btw imho there are way to many stamina skill and less magicka skills,. for example  nearly all allicane and guild and world skills are staminabased

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ORC DRAGONKNIGHT with HEAVY ARMOR:TWO HANDED WEAPON1. Critical Charge       - Stamina: 492. Reverse Slash         - Stamina: 323. Momentum              - Stamina: 464. Molten Weapons        - Magicka: 355. Dragon Blood          - Magicka: 60Ultimate. Dragon Leap    SWORD AND SHIELD1. Low Slash             - Stamina: 392. Defensive Posture     - Stamina: 323. Obsidian Shield       - Magicka: 534. Dragon Blood          - Magicka: 605. Rapid Manuever        - Stamina: 105 (lvl 10)Ultimate. 

Magicka is definitely a good buff/debuff only resource.


This is the build I'm planning on trying either next beta, or when the game releases. Obviously certain things may need to be changed since we don't know exactly how all the mechanics will work. The build is meant for annoying the hell out of everyone in pvp 1 on 1, and tanking during huge battles while also doing decent mêlée damage (think white hits).




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My opener will be with the BOW and I will use SNIPE and possibly again and use Shadow cloak to restealth right after using it as a nightblade to get a couple snipes in and then have my vampire abilities like Poison Mist, Essence Drain / Invigorating drain, and of course the vampire ult  DEVOURING SWARM.  does AOE dammage and steals the life of all enemies nearby.  Basicly all around good build because you are good from a far and if people pressure you in melee range you are just as deadly if not more. So yes stamina abilties will be good openers but that is about it in my opinion. You wont even need to put any points into stamina for the most part unless you like that playstyle.  I think  PURE HEALTH and PURE MAGICKA builds are going to dominate the game.  Either go a shit ton of life or make it hard to run out of magicka and use Altmer race for the magicka perks and then 5 pieces of light armor for the magicka perks as well.  Nightblade Mage Vampires will be awesome.

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in game it doesnt always work like that. Not sure why.

Ya true. You need to get some distance or people will see you.  Have to go right into sneak after using shadow cloak.  Also if stamina does add dammage to stamina abilities like what has been said earlier than a pure stamina build actually could be good as a nightblade if for SNIPER builds.

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