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Sorcerer Bow build - Pve Oriented


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Cast Time: Instant / Self
Cost: 125 Ultimate
While toggled...
Light and heavy attacks are replaced with empowered versions that cost ultimate.
Energy Overload: Light and heavy attacks have increased damage and restore magicka.
Power Overload: Increases range and radius of heavy attacks.
    Poison Arrow
Cast Time: Instant
Range: 28m
Cost: 32 Stamina
Deals 5 poison damage.
Target takes (?) poison damage over 10 seconds.
Poison Injection: +35% damage over time against low-health targets.
Cast Time: Instant / Self
Cost: 70 Magicka
For 17 seconds...
+3 weapon damage.
Critical Surge: Critical strikes heal player for 50% of damage dealt.
    Bound Armor
Cast Time: Instant / Self
Cost: 70 Magicka
While toggled...
+11 Armor.
-10% maximum magicka.
Bound Armaments: Bonus to heavy attack damage. Starts at +8% and increases 
    Mages Fury
Cast Time: Instant
Range: 28m
Cost: 32 Magicka
Deals 7 shock damage.
Explodes for 27 shock damage if target falls below 20% health within 4 seconds.
Mage's Wrath: Explosion deals more damage.
    Daedric Curse
Cast Time: Instant
Range: 28m
Radius: 5m
Cost: 39 Magicka
Target cursed for 6 seconds.
Nearby enemies take 22 magic damage when effect ends.
Nearby enemies take 11 magic damage.
Only 1 curse active at once.
Velocious Curse: Timer shortened to 3.5 seconds.
                    Passsives (unsure of how many i have to choose from, here are some honorable mentions):
    Exploitation   0/2
+7% critical strike chance when attacking targets affected by dark magic.
    Unholy Knowledge   0/2
-3% magicka and stamina cost for abilities.
    Accuracy   0/2
+3% critical strike. While a bow is equipped...
    Hawk Eye   0/2
+8% bow attack damage. When striking vulnerable targets...
    Prodigy   0 / 2
5% critical chance for spells. With 5+ pieces of Light Armor...
    Dexterity   0 / 3
+1% critical strike chance for physical attacks per piece of equipped Meduim Armor.
  The idea behind this build is to have heavy crit/attack damage bonus, while still utilizing the sorc's heavy magic damage. Also, while surge active, my crits will heal me for 50% of damage dealt, which is HUGE
So far i have a lot of ramp up to heavy attacks and attacks in general, so that the bow attacks do massive damage.
stealth - surge/bound armor  - Heavy attack
While solo questing i would probably exchance curse for a pet.
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You are missing Dark Magic that would leverage Exploitation.   My suggestion would  be putting in Encase+Immobilization.  Other than that looks pretty solid... I would suggest pairing bow with 2hand to also get momentum and crit charge.

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I am planning to make stealthy sorcerrer archer but PvP oriented.


My idea is:




Race: Bosmer

Archery Expertise
  • [*]+15% experience from Bow skill line.

Vigor3/ 3
  • [*]+3/6/9% stamina recovery in combat.

Resist Affliction0 / 3
  • [*]+7/14/21 poison and disease resistance. [*]+1/2/4% maximum stamina.

Stealthy3 / 3
  • [*]+1/2/3m to stealth radius. [*]+3/6/9% damage done while in stealth mode


Class: Sorcerrer


Dark magic:

Unholy Knowledge2 / 2
  • [*]-3% magicka and stamina cost for abilities.

Blood Magic2 / 2
  • [*]Hitting an enemy with a dark magic spell heals the caster 3% of maximum health.

Persistence2 / 2
  • [*]+10% duration of dark magic spells.

Exploitation2 / 2
  • [*]+7% critical strike chance when attacking targets affected by dark magic.




Accuracy2/ 2
  • [*]While a bow is equipped...
    • [*]+3% critical strike.

Ranger2/ 2
  • [*]While a bow is equipped...
    • [*]-10% stamina cost for bow feats.

Long Shots2/ 2
  • [*]While a bow is equipped...
    • [*]Up to +6% bonus damage against distant targets.

Hawk Eye2 / 2
  • [*]When striking vulnerable targets...
    • [*]+8% bow attack damage.

Hasty Retreat2 / 2
  • [*]While a bow is equipped...
    • [*]+25% movement speed for 2 seconds after a dodge roll.



Armor: Medium

Dexterity3 / 3
  • [*]+1% critical strike chance for physical attacks per piece of equipped Meduim Armor.

Wind Walker2 / 2
  • [*]+2% stamina regeneration per piece of equipped Medium Armor.

Improved Sneak2/ 2
  • [*]-3% sneak detection area per piece of equipped Medium Armor. [*]-4% cost of sneaking per piece of equipped Medium Armor.

Agility2/ 2
  • [*]With a full set (5+ pieces) of medium armor...
    • [*]+5% attack speed.

Athletics2 / 2
  • [*]+2% sprint speed per piece of equipped Medium Armor. [*]-2% stamina cost of roll dodge per piece of equipped Medium Armor.





Snipe (BOW)
  • [*]Cast Time: 3 Seconds [*]Range: 20m - 40m [*]Cost: 60 Stamina [*]Deals 15 physical damage. [*]Morphs
    • [*]Focused Aim: +10 weapon power for ranged attacks; target marked by focused aim can be hit from +5 meters away.


Scatter Shot (BOW)
  • [*]Cast Time: Instant [*]Range: 10m [*]Cost: 42 Stamina [*]Deals 6 physical damage. [*]Knocks enemy back 6 meters and disorients them for 5 seconds. [*]Morphs
    • [*]Magnum Shot: Slightly increases range and damages, knocks you away from target.


  • [*]Cast Time: Instant [*]Area: 15m x 3m [*]Cost: 70 Magicka [*]Immobilize enemies for 4.5 seconds. [*]Morphs
    • [*]Restraining Prison: Adds snare after immobilization ends.


  • [*]Cast Time: 1.5 Seconds [*]Range: 28m [*]Cost: 42 Magicka (?) [*]Disorient enemy for 15.1 seconds. [*]Morphs
    • [*]Rune Cage: Target is stunned for 3 seconds when disorient ends.


  • [*]Cast Time: Instant / Self [*]Cost: 70 Magicka [*]For 17 seconds...
    • [*]+3 weapon damage.


  • [*]Critical Surge: Critical strikes heal player for 50% of damage dealt.


  • [*]Cast Time: Instant / Self [*]Cost: 125 Ultimate [*]While toggled...
    • [*]Light and heavy attacks are replaced with empowered versions that cost ultimate.


  • [*]Energy Overload: Light and heavy attacks have increased damage and restore magicka.



High crit rating working thanks to passives. Some auto healing abilities, and stealthy. Absolutely no AoE. I am still thinking about replacing ENCASE with CRYSTAL SHARD morphed into CRYSTAL FRAGMENTS for at least some AoE but this build is mainly focusing on heavy use of stamina abilities therfore there wont be much Magicka to work with.


I also have alternative skill set up im mind that will be mele but i am to lazy to post it ;p


Please comment what you think :)

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Guest Guest

Seems very nice to me, only change I would consider is to squeeze Bolt Escape in there somehow, as I think you'll be vulnerable to cc / burst otherwise.

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