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Alchemy * Spoiler *

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Each plant has  4 possible hidden effects, here you can see the effect already discovered

you combine 2(later 3) different plants and these need to combine 2 similar effects

Effects with a ? mark still need to be confirmed

Example       wormwood (+wepcrit) and water hyacint (+wepcrit) will generate a +weaponcrit potion 

Synergizing ingredients to make double potion (for example gain +80hp AND +80magicka ) can be done, if you find 2 plants that both for example give +magicka and +magicka      columbine and buggloss would create doublepotion for example


Wormwood              1.+wep crit      2.-speed        3.+ detection        4.UNSTOPPABLE?
nirnroot                   1.-hp               2.-------           3.-wep crit            4.invisible
namira's rot             1.spell crit       2.+speed        3.invisible             4.----------
Mountain flower       1. +armor       2.+hp              3.-weppower         4.+stamina
Lumminous russula 1.-stamina      2.-wep pow     3.+hp                     4.-speed
Lady's smock          1.+spellpow    2.+magicka     3.+spellcrit             4.-----------
emetic russula         1.-hp              2.-magicka     3.-------------           4.-----------
Dragon thorn           1. +wep pow   2.+stamina     3.+wep crit             4.-----------
columbine                1. +hp             2.+magick      3.+stamina             4. UNSTOPPABBLE?
Bugloss                    1.+spell resist 2.+hp             3.-spellpow            4.+magicka
blessed thristle         1.+stamina     2.+wep power 3.-hp                     4.+speed
water hyacint            1.+hp              2.spell crit 3.+wep crit                 4.---------
white cap                  1.-spellpow     2.-magicka      3.-------                4.---------
blue entoloma           1.-magicka     2.-spellpow      3.+hp                   4.Invisible?
voilet corpernicus     1.-spell resist  2. -------           3.----------            4.----------
corn flower                1.+magicka     2. + spellpower 3.-hp                 4.+detection
imp stool                   1.-wep power   2. +armor         3.-wep crit        4.------------
Stink horn                 1.-armor          2.-hp                3.-----------         4.------------
Everybody feel free to fill in the blanks ^^
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I can already see some strong potions:


Mountain flower + Dragon thorn + imp stool =  Weapon critt + weapon power + Stamina + armor 


This is the ideal potion for the bow based khajiit nightblade that I am going to play! Imagine the increase in damage (especially with the passive from the Siphoning tree which increases potion effectiveness by 20%).

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Sry to disappoint you but you have to pay attention if there is + or - before the effect.

Your combination of Mountain Flower, Dragon Thorn and Imp Stool would create:


increased armor

restore stamina

decreased weapon power


However, I think that there will be really sick potions and alchemy will be really important. (And if you go for alchemy you can massively

reduce possible negative effects with the Snakeblood passive).

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Yes you are right. I didnt notice the + or - in this sheet. But I did find out about the negative effects 2 days ago when I was reading other alchemy documents. I just assumed Dionysis made a mistake. 


Yea I am definitely going to level my alchemy. You can even even reduce the negative effects by 100% with snake blood.


blessed thristle 

Dragon thorn

water hyacint    


This combination will give +weapon power, + weapon critt and + stamina!!

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  On 2/20/2014 at 1:56 PM, BigSteel said:

How long does it last?


I saw a video today where a mage was showing that you could get 102% critt chance without getting that stat overcharged. He used a potion which gave 602 spell critt rating and 602 weapon critt rating (602 critt rating gave +60% critt). And the potion lasted 10 seconds (potions have a 30 sec cooldown. With the +30% duration passive "medicinal use"  that could last up to 13 seconds.


The mage was an end game mage (vr10 I believe). So you probably wont get any stronger potions than this (unless you have nightblade/argonian passive).

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  On 2/20/2014 at 2:54 PM, yerion said:

I saw a video today where a mage was showing that you could get 102% critt chance without getting that stat overcharged. He used a potion which gave 602 spell critt rating and 602 weapon critt rating (602 critt rating gave +60% critt). And the potion lasted 10 seconds (potions have a 30 sec cooldown. With the +30% duration passive "medicinal use"  that could last up to 13 seconds.


The mage was an end game mage (vr10 I believe). So you probably wont get any stronger potions than this (unless you have nightblade/argonian passive).


I crafted a 602 weapon crit rating potion at lvl ~10 (but never used it)

First time in game I read of "crit rating".


Now I wonder how potions will scale...

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