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NEW Werewolf, Vampire and Imperial Skills


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Hey guys,


Skills and passives for Imperial race, lycanthropy and vampirism are available on a newly updated google spreadsheet. Don't know what their source is but seem to have coincided with NDA lift, Have fun:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArII4nGY0Yf3dC0xM0YtQ3phVnNjUVdCbkJkaUl3VWc&usp=sharing#gid=0 

P.S. The weakness/disadvantages that Zenimax onced talked about are not made apparent on the spreadsheet but I assume are still in the game. So don't automatically assume there are no weaknesses to turning vamp or were.


Thal.EDIT: Sorry if some of you have already seen these! I didn't see a recent post about it so I thought I'd make everyone aware. Weaknesses are listed in notes section.

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[*]Receive +50% damage from fire sources.

[*]Breaks down into 4 stages of hunger depending on the last time the player has fed.

[*]Stage 1: 30 minutes; no additional effects.

[*]Stage 2: 60 minutes; -25% health regeneration, -20% mana cost for vampire skills.

[*]Stage 3: 90 minutes; -50% health regeneration, -40% mana cost for vampire skills.

[*]Stage 4: 120 minutes; -75% health regeneration, -60% mana cost for vampire skills.


do we know how you fed as a vampire?if you use drain essence u reset the stages?do you really get 60% less magika cost on vampire skills if you dont fed? thx

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[*]Receive +50% damage from fire sources.

[*]Breaks down into 4 stages of hunger depending on the last time the player has fed.

[*]Stage 1: 30 minutes; no additional effects.

[*]Stage 2: 60 minutes; -25% health regeneration, -20% mana cost for vampire skills.

[*]Stage 3: 90 minutes; -50% health regeneration, -40% mana cost for vampire skills.

[*]Stage 4: 120 minutes; -75% health regeneration, -60% mana cost for vampire skills.


do we know how you fed as a vampire?if you use drain essence u reset the stages?do you really get 60% less magika cost on vampire skills if you dont fed? thx



You have 2 options from this: 1) Don't feed and use the -60% cost to do more ultimates and pop in/out of mist form to cast heals on you. 2) Feed every 30 minutes and use a high health regeneration build to tank in Mist Form. Huge EHP... will probably be very effective pusher in PvP.

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The question that is seriously bothering me is does the Sorcerer Lightning Form, stack with Vampire Mist Form? as in can i get benefits of both? or do they cancel one another out... i need to know this

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yeah i would like to know how they feed as well, the passive says that u can stun/unblalance enemies after u feed so it must be something that u can do during battle,i think that the drain essence spell is considered a way to feed but maybe there is another way....lightning form gives armor and spell res while mist form gives a flat dmg reduction,so in theory they can stack,but the problem is that maybe you cant have both animations on at the same time,so the only way to know its to test it....in my opinion its better to use a shield anyway,the dmg mitigation u get from lightning form its not needed while u have mist form and you still get damage to your life

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If the Imperial racials are real I might have to rethink my choice of race.


What do you guys think is best for a tank with focus on PvE, Imperial or Orc?

imperials seems to be very strong but we have to have an eye to the hard and soft caps.

Its seems to be easy to reach these caps and in this way the imperials just have 1 effective passiv and its nice but not very strong.


imho orcs have still the best passivs for pvp. I guess a Nord is a slightly better tank bc of the amorbuff. (but i dont know how effective amor is atm)

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I will say Imperial will have a better passives then most.


A simple point to make is that Red Diamond can't / nor will be counted towards a soft cap, unlike +% Regen or Raw Resource.


I am pretty sure my once Breton Nightblade will now be an imperial. Siphoning Strike - Morph: Leeching Strike + Red Diamond.... Yeah my Blood Knight is coming along nicely. :)

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I will say Imperial will have a better passives then most.


A simple point to make is that Red Diamond can't / nor will be counted towards a soft cap, unlike +% Regen or Raw Resource.


I am pretty sure my once Breton Nightblade will now be an imperial. Siphoning Strike - Morph: Leeching Strike + Red Diamond.... Yeah my Blood Knight is coming along nicely. :)


Strife also, yes? For 10 seconds...

[*]Caster is healed for 30% of damage done every 2 seconds.



  • Deals 21 magic damage over 12 seconds.
  • Recover 12 health every 6 seconds.
  • Morphs
  • Degeneration: Your weapon attacks against target restore health.

and a little Might of the Guild to have your spell after Entropy have 20% more spell power.

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Guest Batailleuse

Vampire effective (pusher) in PvP ?

Err with 50% vulnerability to fire I highly doubt I'd be close to effective as vampire in pvp.

Anyone with destruction staff will do fire dmg, dk and Templar have most offensive skill doing fire ....

And up to -75% life regen ... Hmmm I wouldnt play vampire in pvp honestly

More sounds like Suicide to me.

However except bow and a morph in vampire ... No one and no other skill have poison dmg.

I'd bet a 100% physical / stamina player that morph into werewolf would have better change of surviving.

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Guest Batailleuse

Vampire effective (pusher) in PvP ?

Err with 50% vulnerability to fire I highly doubt I'd be close to effective as vampire in pvp.

Anyone with destruction staff will do fire dmg, dk and Templar have most offensive skill doing fire ....

And up to -75% life regen ... Hmmm I wouldnt play vampire in pvp honestly

More sounds like Suicide to me.

However except bow and a morph in vampire ... No one and no other skill have poison dmg.

I'd bet a 100% physical / stamina player that morph into werewolf would have better change of surviving.

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yes the vulnerability to fire is huge in pvp,just like the invulnerability to healing while in mist form, hp regen not so important....the problem of the werewolf its that u have to stay into the werewolf form all the time to get the bonuses, and its possible that u cant use your normal skills during the ultimate....so its quite possible that both will be pretty bad in pvp

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yes the vulnerability to fire is huge in pvp,just like the invulnerability to healing while in mist form, hp regen not so important....the problem of the werewolf its that u have to stay into the werewolf form all the time to get the bonuses, and its possible that u cant use your normal skills during the ultimate....so its quite possible that both will be pretty bad in pvp


HP regen is very effecient for none healers - Vampires weakness make it very vulnerable in pvp other then class abilities and weapons - we still need to talk about oil and catapults.


But how do they feed?  Drain Essence is 1 of 2 vampire moves - you'll never see stage 4 and at that point it would be pointless to want to get to stage 4 because the only damage ability (that isn't an ultimate) causes you to loose the only benefit of stage 4....based on the description they are Feeding and Drain Essence are 2 different things but how long do you have to wait before you can use either again? What does feeding do other then take you down to stage 1? There must be some offensive benefit that warrants a passive that cause a daze. Based on past trends - i think its safe to assume you can only feed from stealth. Explains the bonus to stealth and the off-balance/stun after feeding.


Also - on werewolves - having pounce increase the timer on werewolf form is a good indicator that at minimum your action bar will include the 2 wolf abilities and your weapon will be sheathed and you'll be a melee fighter.

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in a video i saw that while ure transformed into a werewolf u dont have ur weapon just like in other es games....as a vampire u can either use drain essence once during every fight or u can avoid it and feeding to get to stage 4 and use a cheap mist form....so the question is if those 2 abilities are good enough to balance the huge drawbacks of being a vampire

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in a video i saw that while ure transformed into a werewolf u dont have ur weapon just like in other es games....as a vampire u can either use drain essence once during every fight or u can avoid it and feeding to get to stage 4 and use a cheap mist form....so the question is if those 2 abilities are good enough to balance the huge drawbacks of being a vampire


More information is required I guess - I'm still not buying into the drain=feeding just yet. Stage 4 vampirism would be terribly underwhelming.  mist form isn't that great. In small scale battles you'd be lucky to get it off more then once. 3 second cast time and Im lead to believe that it only last 4 seconds- the minute they figure out you're a vamp  with mistform you'd get it off once - unless the casting animation for it isn't generic - then you'd likely never get it off. Everyone has an interrupt. How big is the radius? Poison Mist might be good....because i can't see mist attacking anyone, you likely lose you're action bar.



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More information is required I guess - I'm still not buying into the drain=feeding just yet. Stage 4 vampirism would be terribly underwhelming.  mist form isn't that great. In small scale battles you'd be lucky to get it off more then once. 3 second cast time and Im lead to believe that it only last 4 seconds- the minute they figure out you're a vamp  with mistform you'd get it off once - unless the casting animation for it isn't generic - then you'd likely never get it off. Everyone has an interrupt. How big is the radius? Poison Mist might be good....because i can't see mist attacking anyone, you likely lose you're action bar.

Mist Form is ridiculously cheap if you happen to be in stage 4 and also in full light armour. It is also instant cast and therefore is not interruptible.But I agree in general that it is a tough decision as to whether this skill is worth being a vampire for...The extra mits when you drop under 50% health as a passive is potentially very useful and so is the +10% stamina and magicka regen.

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Just wondering as a Werewolf setup...


Would I have all my Normal skills n such be on my prime Bar.


Then my 2nd weapon Swap bar will have all my Werewolf abilities and Transform Ult...


This could be sorta fun for RP and useful management of the 2nd action bar....



Only thing I am worried about as a Werewolf is mainly Poison Arrow seems to be staple in all Archer Builds.... ouch.

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Mist Form is ridiculously cheap if you happen to be in stage 4 and also in full light armour. It is also instant cast and therefore is not interruptible.But I agree in general that it is a tough decision as to whether this skill is worth being a vampire for...The extra mits when you drop under 50% health as a passive is potentially very useful and so is the +10% stamina and magicka regen.


Look again - mistform has a 3 second cast time.

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