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Nightblade Healer


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The goal is a primary PvE build that can provide strong heals for a group when needed, but primarily focuses on consistent damage output.


Working on a more of a caster build with mostly light armor and a few pieces of heavy tossed in


DPS bar



Teleport Strike

Assassin's Blade

(weapon skill)? dont know a strong weapon to take here, 


Soul Shred


Healing bar




Blessing of protection

Shadow Cloak


Soul Shred


Im new to the theorycrafting thing, so be kind. Like I said earlier, Id like to be able to dish out strong dps (possibly a bow?) but still switch to heals for dungeon runs when needed.




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Hey,As far as the healing goes, it seems like you will be relying on regeneration and strife as your mainstay for healing with occasional use of blessing of protection since it is a more costly spell than the other two. This build could work well as a support healer but in my opinion I do not see it providing sufficient heals to be a main healer for an entire 4 man group. Especially considering strife at best can only heal yourself and one other player but not your whole group.I also noticed that your ability bars are heavily magicka-based: your dps bar is 4/5 magicka skills and your heal bar is 5/5 magicka skills.This would lead me to believe you would choose light armour to support your build or at the very least be stacking up on magicka and not placing as many points or enchants into your stamina pool. So dps'ing with a bow may not be best if that is what you were hoping for because of the fact that your bow damage will be scaling off your stamina pool. Since your magicka pool will be greater to support this build, perhaps a destruction staff would be more appropriate for your dps bar.Anyway, that is my 2 cents worth. Hope it was somewhat helpful...

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Atropos was healing with just Regeneration/Mutagen and Grand Healing/Healing Springs, so having 3 heals might be more than enough, depending how well you manage your heals. I might actually go the same route +strife, for PvE at least.


Edit: I wasn't sure if I remembered it right, but now that NDA is lifted and stuff is out - Strife with Funnel heals 2 extra allies now, not one.

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Things like that are hard to test because of how the UI works, I don't believe it stacks off one target, but I've heard rumors of it stacking if you tap multiple targets, no clue how accurate that is. The bigger problem with Strife I can foresee is that it doesn't really say whether it has the smart targeting that Regeneration has, if it does not, that might require you to position yourself in danger in order to be effective.

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