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please improve this Nightblade build :)


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Havent seen this build here, so im posting it :)


Hey, i did the last beta weekends, and have played around with the NightBlade, i never had problems at all, but i made it only to about 10 each time with a different approach - had no problems taking on 2-3 of 1-2lvl above me though ;)


After the weekends, i came up with this build, my goal is mostly pve but also some smallscale pvp and if it comes up largescale pvp


I would appreciate every comment, suggestion, critics, or whatever :)



Race: Altmer since all damage from "Primary Weapon Selection" comes from magica skills.
Class: Nightblade
Stats: Something like 25magica/12health/12stamina
Armor: 5light/2medium or 5medium/2light im not sure

i would go light if the following assumptions are correct:
light armor 5piece bonus: "spells" includes all NightBlade skills, using wepons or not, all use magica

light armor is not about "dont get hit at all"


Ulti:Death Stroke(Incapacitating Strike)
Teleport Strike(Ambush)
Strife(Swallow Soul)
Flurry(Rapid Strikes)
Sparks(Heated Blade)
Assassins Blade(Killers Blade)

Assumptions(correct me if wrong):
TeleStrike and Sparks damage buff stack
Sparks doesnt break on damage

Opener with Ultimate up:
stealth - TeleStrike - Sparks - DeathStroke - HeavyAttack - Flurry - Sparks - NormalAttacks -...- AssassinsBlade as finisher or inbetween if enough Magica

opener without Ultimate:
stealth - TeleStrike - HeavyAttack - Strife - Flurry - Sparks - HeavyAttack -....- again AssassinsBlade as finisher

Pro: lots of selfheal, lots of damage, finisher, distribution between magica and stamina

Con: no long CC, no real "ohShitButton"  or "getawayButton" for PVP

Secondary(Endurance, Range)

U:Soul Shred(if you can use 2 Ultimates)
Siphoning Strike(Siphoning Attacks)
Mark Target(Reapers Mark)
Snipe(?anyone got the morphs here?)
Poison Arrow(Venom Arrow)
Cripple(Crippling Grasp)

Assumptions(correct me if wrong):
I can switch to primary to use Strife if needed and switch back - no self heal here in secondary ;)

Mark Target doesnt break stealth, and doesnt alert the enemy

Never played with bow but an opener could be:
SiphStrikes runs always
Poison Arrow in between to interrupt+stun ;)
stealth - MarkTarget - Snipe - Heavy Attack - (PoisonArrow) - Snipe - NormalAttacks - Cripple - HeavyAttack - run :D


I hope you can help me to get this build better, every comment is welcome :)

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Guest Don Qioute

I can tell you what one main problem is, stop trying to use rotations as you know them in other mmos.


Think of them more like combos and plan around 2 or 3 hit combos


Also you're missing my favorite NB ability "Shadow Cloak"(shadowy disguise morph for +70% crit for next attack, works for both magicka and stamina abilties)   its a good mutli-use ability that can be used to get several stealth attacks within the same enemy encounter, as well as a handy way to temporarily "pause" combat to pop a potion, change position, etc and last but not least run the f**k away.

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hey, thanks for your input :)


i didnt speak about rotations though... just openers - sequences to optimize damage output in the first seconds. after that, in ESO resources are limited(or empty) - thats for sure, and its a good thing in my opinion.


my reason for posting here was to improve the build i theorycrafted - after playing something completely different during the beta weekends.


you suggested shadow cloak - i tried to play with teleportstrike-shadowcloak-veiledstrike as an opener last weekend. that was too much magica-consuming. i adapted to criticalcharge-shadow-veiled: there i could use shadow/veiled a second time, but i didnt really like 2handed combat. thats why i thought of this build, replacing shadow->sparks

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Guest Don Qioute

Yeah it looks like a pretty solid build, it will def do more damage than mine, I'm assuming you played pvp in beta?


My only concern is that your never going to get to do the extra damage youre capable of, wearing light armor and having only sparks as a defensive move(snares/ccs are easily broken, in addition to everyone having access to heavy armors immovable regardless of armor worn[if leveled]) 


Also all the pvp scaled stats were standardized as med armor during last beta, so youre going to take more damage on release and do less damage to heavy targets on release(if you use light armor) and the gap will increase because true 50s will have much more stat stacking capability before overcharging(soft caps)


For 1v1s I see your build destroying people, but as that is rarely the case i see you telporting into zergs and getting downed in under 3 seconds.


Playing a light/med armor melee NB in AvA PvP without shadow cloak is just plain suicide(aside from small scale battles) unless you love 5 min horse rides and 30 secs of combat.


I literally see your current build as a kamikaze glass cannon, and if youre going glass cannon, stick to ranged or have a true "oh shit" button.




I'm currently planning on a simple build, 


7/7 medium

25 magicka-9 health-15 stamina



teleport strike(ambush)

assassins blade(impact)

shadow cloak(shadowy disguise)

haste(focused attacks)

siphoning strike(leeching strikes)


everything is situational, a lot of light heavy attacks worked in, and stamina pretty much for dodging and sprinting

haste(focused attacks)+siphoning strikes(leeching strikes morph) is seriously op mana, stam and health regen, low dmg but almost unlimited dodging/sprinting and really good to keep magicka up

this build allowed me to run into zergs of 50+ people and tag dozens before needing to stealth out of zerg range(only when people started going out of their way to look for me.) 



Ive been having serious trouble trying to work out a good build for my secondary weapon though(bow)


I dont think can really contribute to your build other than suggesting shadow cloak, as we dont have the same playstyle at all =p

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hey DQ,


thanks for your input, i havent PVPed at all, but of course the burst/melee part of my build is also designed for bursting one single target in seconds and  then switching to bow and trying to get away :) - guess i need some more getaway skills on bow...


time will tell...


could you give me some insight on the assumptions i made?

A: light armor 5piece bonus: "spells" includes all NightBlade skills -> one says: TRUE

A: light armor is not about "dont get hit at all" ???

A: TeleStrike and Sparks damage buff stack???A: Sparks doesnt break on damage???

A: you have 2 ultimates - this was confirmed on another forum

A: switch to other weapon, use something with timer or ticks - switch back and it doesnt cancel - WORKS (said on another forum)

A: Mark Target doesnt break stealth, and doesnt alert the enemy

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Guest Don Qioute

I will answer what i know in order that you asked.


1. As far as I know all class skills count as spells(i have heard they can count as melee depending on range but unconfirmed)


2. if we consider heavy 100% armored, medium is about 85%, and light about 60-65%, so youre not super squishy but still squishy with out some passive +dodge, +armor, etc. so unless youre a mage spamming lightning form you probably dont want to be hit that often.


3. I'm assuming they do because they are from different skill lines, I know teleport strike(+30% dmg) and shadowy cloak(+70% crit) stacks really well. I use TS then SC and then the next attack gets +30% dmg AND +70% crit.


4. As far as I know no, but most forms of cc/stun/impair break on damage unless specified in skill description. where blind falls in I dont yet know.


5. you can have a different ult on each weapon bar


6. Buffs activated on weapon bar do not dissapear if you switch weapon bars, toggles do end immediately, I have heard not all buffs carry over but havent confirmed


7. not sure about mark target, but self toggle abilities do not end stealth, as mark target is cast on an enemy I am unsure.




I'm sure if you can find a pocket healer for your build, you could just tear through people, without worrying about survivability.


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If u think about sequence i would do other way around tele>flury>white,white>sparks>strife . This way casting time of flurry is within tele stun so u continue with whites coz there u have haste from flury and when opponent starts to wake up u hit him with sparks to increase miss chance and u back up it with strife. At the end u should end up with more or less balanced resources and u will probably be pretty ok with heath as well. If u are with full health strife is not doing much for you and this way u will get all health strife is providing. And morph on sparks will probably increase healing of strife coz its connected hit. 

Flurry is ok if u channel all the way but if your opponent gets out of your reach u will lose best of it. So if i would go for flurry i would always pair it with tele. I am not sure that flurry is best way to go - its not that flexible in pve and specially in pvp. 

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I've got a similar build that needs looking at. Its more of a Pure Archer build that cranks out as much dps as it can. Primarily a PVE build


Ill put points into Stam>Mana>Health. The reason I'm not designating numbers to each of these is because I just dont know. I plan on increasing each stat on a case by case bases. If I find Im running short on mana all the time, put a point into it. If not, put the point into Stamina. To say I'll now exactly how much each stat will need in an end game setting is a bit naive. 


When it comes to armor, Primarily medium armor with a few cloth pieces (again for mana if need). I just want to avoid diminishing returns. 


Question: Does increasing stamina increase base damage with melee weapons? 



Ulti:Death Stroke(Incapacitating Strike)
Poison Arrow(Venom Arrow)
Assassin's Blade(Impact)

Mark Target(Reaper's Mark)
Haste(Focused Attacks)

Secondary(Endurance, Utility)

U:Death Stroke (Soul Harvest)
Siphoning Strike(Siphoning Attacks)
Scatter Shot (Draining Shot)
Volley (Scorched Earth)
Shadow Cloak

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