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Server Upgrade


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Many of you probably noticed that the site has been consistently slow over the past two weeks. To make a long story short, our (former) host was placing near-constant resource restrictions on my account due to overages that resulted from a large increase in traffic. A good problem to have, I suppose.


After having battled the resource restrictions for weeks-on-end while members complained to me about how slow everything was going, I decided it was time for a change. At 1:00PM on Sunday I impulse purchased a VPS and spent the rest of the day attempting to configure everything. A LOT of things went wrong, and I ended up working on it for what's now ~13 hours (it's 2:10AM as I'm writing this).


I'm pretty sure the site was only completely down for about 3 hours... So we had that going for us, which was nice. 


Things are mostly working now, but expect possible issues in the coming days as final details are resolved. I would like feedback on performance (i.e. how fast things respond) - and don't try to spare my feelings! I want the truth so we don't get stuck in the poor situation of the last few weeks.


I would like to personally thank Crazier for putting up with one of my sad server rants in the chat and then donating towards our new host. The rest of the Premium Members deserve our thanks as well. Everything we receive goes a long way and it is always appreciated!


If anyone else is interested in helping out with our increasing costs, you can either purchase a Premium subscription or donate any amount you wish via the client area.

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Pfft, Eric thinks he's a veteran. ;)


But yes, surprised you didn't notice, it was dreadfully slow at certain times and indeed, got some 500 errors and site wouldn't load. Nice to see it's being handled, despite the new bugs (that mobile one you mentioned, for example).


I should probably donate some time, after all. Just been spending all my money as it comes in on new damn hardware, and the list isn't still finished. @_@ Anyway, if I do, it shall be more than the $1.99 for Premium, don't really care for it, all about teh supportz liek.

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Can't say i noticed the site being slowing tbh.


You probably weren't on during peak times when it got bad. Generally it was extremely cyclical...

  • Receive tons of traffic.
  • Get a resource restriction.
  • Restriction annoys traffic and they leave.
  • Restriction lifted 1-2 hours after traffic is down.
  • Traffic returns.

Basically what we'd end up with is ~2 hours of normal speed, then 2-3 hours of restriction, and on and on.


Pfft, Eric thinks he's a veteran. ;)


But yes, surprised you didn't notice, it was dreadfully slow at certain times and indeed, got some 500 errors and site wouldn't load. Nice to see it's being handled, despite the new bugs (that mobile one you mentioned, for example).


I should probably donate some time, after all. Just been spending all my money as it comes in on new damn hardware, and the list isn't still finished. @_@ Anyway, if I do, it shall be more than the $1.99 for Premium, don't really care for it, all about teh supportz liek.


I generally give Premium to those that donate lump sums as well unless there's a request otherwise. ;)


So far the server doesn't seem particularly fast at all, but it also doesn't slow to a crawl during peak hours. Hopefully we'll be able to test high traffic this weekend again.

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