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What would you have put in the Imperial Edition?

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2 weeks early access; Mount; cool costumes; pets; 5 free skill points on every character start


wont be offensive but this is exactly what about many ppl complaines, ingame advantages what u can buy with RL money.


in my IE would be:

hardcopy: pretty similar the stuff what is actual included

ingamestuff: mount, pets, costumes, and a unique weaponskin (it should be cool but endgameweapons should have designed better than this)

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Pretty happy with the collectors edition content.  I'll admit I'd prefer that the Imperials and race unlock should be available by default.  The only item I'd love to see would be a USB loaded with the game soundtracks and developer videos.


If the USB happened to be in the shape of a Daedric artifact or the head of Wabbajack then even better!

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