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NDA partial lift on Friday ?

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No, he is referring to his own ability to write an article on the experience he and, likely, other game review site members, have been given specifically by Zenimax so they can release some info on the game soon to get hype up.This won't affect the normal beta player's NDA unfortunately.In fact, I am not even excited at the prospect of some article releases because we essentially know they will report on the basics of the game, its look, how it feels, etc and for us who have interests like "what morph will skill X have" - we are going to be utterly bored by their news since it will likely be stuff that is either too basic or already known to us anyway.

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Brilliant! I can't wait to be able to share my experiences so far in clear view.


Did you not even read the one comment that happens to be mine under this post???

The linked article says, and I quote, "Since the embargo on our coverage doesn't lift until 10am on Friday, you'll have to come back then."

This is only referring to the restriction on a game reviewers ability to write an article on the game, not to the beta NDA itself.

The NDA will not be lifted this Friday. However, if you want to throw every screenshot, video and information you've picked up from your own beta experience anyway - I will welcome it lol.

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Did you not even read the one comment that happens to be mine under this post???

The linked article says, and I quote, "Since the embargo on our coverage doesn't lift until 10am on Friday, you'll have to come back then."

This is only referring to the restriction on a game reviewers ability to write an article on the game, not to the beta NDA itself.

The NDA will not be lifted this Friday. However, if you want to throw every screenshot, video and information you've picked up from your own beta experience anyway - I will welcome it lol.


Is there any information out there that explicitly states that it won't be publicly lifted? If they're going to let the media talk about it there's a good chance the whole thing will be lifted.

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Did you not even read the one comment that happens to be mine under this post???

The linked article says, and I quote, "Since the embargo on our coverage doesn't lift until 10am on Friday, you'll have to come back then."

This is only referring to the restriction on a game reviewers ability to write an article on the game, not to the beta NDA itself.

The NDA will not be lifted this Friday. However, if you want to throw every screenshot, video and information you've picked up from your own beta experience anyway - I will welcome it lol.


Settle down turbo, I happened to read the linked article and made my own conclusions.  I didn't state I was going to be posting beta feedback on Friday, simply that I am looking forward to the opportunity to do so.

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Is there any information out there that explicitly states that it won't be publicly lifted? If they're going to let the media talk about it there's a good chance the whole thing will be lifted.

They've let the media talk about it and discuss their "hands-on" experience with older builds of the game - right around July last year. They too could only post about their experiences under rules given by Zenimax, but it was a media-only affair. I believe strongly that this is going to be a similar scenario. To answer the question though, no I have not seen explicit information stating there will not be a lift of the NDA this Friday. However, I cannot say there really exists the slightest hint that the public will have their NDA lifted either - this article to me makes no such suggestion. In fact, I would bet that there will be no public NDA lift at all this Friday and would be willing to bet that if I was wrong, I would turn up to work naked for losing that bet. :P

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./bet 10 bucks for 2. beta this weekend with NDAlifiting.




(right now the last beta is 1month ago.... in early march will be a 3. and last beta prolly..... just my personal guesses)

I hope you're right man. I really want another beta and hopefully a lvl 50 one this time so we can finally discover all the morphs to the skills! They did say betas would be more frequent closer to launch; I'm hoping they keep their word on that...

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I hope you're right man. I really want another beta and hopefully a lvl 50 one this time so we can finally discover all the morphs to the skills! They did say betas would be more frequent closer to launch; I'm hoping they keep their word on that...



we are 54days before release. That's quite nothing in comparison to the total developtime.

I dont want to destory your dreams, hype and hopes but we can be glad we're getting at least 1 beta before release... all mmodevs/publishers doing the same marketingtactic.


sweetening the Fans and nonfans, but dont give em too much bc some of em would leave the game before buying it.


but anyway im on the hypetrain for the next beta anyway! wanna play moar cyrodil!! (and i dont think they'll raise lvl cap to 50)

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Last Weekende they had a media-beta-weekend (fact) and on friday they will allow the publication of articels about that weekend beta. (my guess)

I dont think they will lift the NDA on past beta experiences. They will lift it only for a new beta phase. (my guess)

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