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What is our purpose and goals


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Our purpose is to provide home, through friendly atmosphere , logistic support and material resources, for mature players who want to improve themselves and contribute to our group performance.

Our zones of interest are equally in PVP,PVE and Crafting.


Our PVP goal is to become significant and recognised factor in overall war effort, be accountable and reliable partner to other DC guilds in order to win our war campaigns. 

Our PVE goal is to progress through content as fast as possible and to find enjoyment in fact that we are good by our standards.

Our Crafting goal is to raise our professional skills and production capacities on top level in order to fully support our military efforts and to make our guild economy as much stable as possible. 

How do we see it 

Small to medium size guild (up to 100 man) with high level of organisation and support to our players who are satisfied and can give their best on battlefield. We, 9th legion will be recognised as good and loyal friends and honored by our enemies. We will not talk about ourself, our results will speak on our behalf.

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