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Do you support or oppose the Imperial Edition?

Imperial Edition  

67 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you agree with ZeniMax's decision to include exclusive in-game content in the Imperial Edition?

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    • No. It's absurd.
    • I don't care.

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id bet that the horse could be helpful but getting another horse probably isn't hard. the rings will be useful until you find anything else.  These are just things to make the consumers spend a little more money.  That is all unless the racial skills are amazing which they wont be. stop crying.  I preordered games and get special editions and the bonus stuff was garbage.  Complete waste of money.  However the statue book and map are physical and pretty cool.  you guys are complaining about getting useless items what about five days extra access!!! omg that is an advantage of 5 days playing.  you should complain that you are getting an advantage over the people who haven't heard of the game yet.  Why are we not complaining about be in any alliance with any race. 


That is stupid.  They talk about how the war for cyrodil is centerstage and then you can be an aldmeri ork now.  face it you are all happy you can be anyrace and play with your friends regardless.


In general, people who support this are missing the point that they claimed this wouldn't happen, yet it did, and thus, there is no knowing of whether or not more of these will be implemented in the future, no doubt with the potential to be more powerful that this.


The statue and book do actually look pretty cool, and I would be tempted to buy the Imperial addition purely just for those - Horse is a nice addition, the difference here being, I won't even be playing until well after launch, so these in-game bonuses are less of an advantage if any. Still wouldn't even bother use the rings. I just think the horse looks cool. I plan on playing my first build very slowly, enjoying the game anyway. If anything, the extra cash supports them, I do however not like the way they are money-grabbing as such.


As for the races in any alliance - It can be viewed from both perspectives - Of defeating the purpose of exclusive alliances, and of allowing more people to play with their friends, improving the experience. Not really sure where I stand on it, middle group I guess.

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As I already wrote in this forum I respect all opinion but frnckly I don't understand why epople are so furious about the Imperial CE.


- ESO = pay to play = monthly subs : right now the price is not that expesensive compare to others p2p mmo

- 1 month free subs before starting to pay = just like any other p2p mmo


- ring of whatever which boost your xp = cannot care less of such thing, I'm not racing to the highiest level, I want to take time to explore all area

- imperial horse = will just be equal to any other horse = just cosmetic

- imperial race = specific skills = just like any other race = Dev said that they'll not have any stronger skill comapre to others

- play any race in any alliance = cannot care less = good to whoever want to play a specific race and still be with his guildies in case they're in a different alliance. For the pvp aspect,sorry I don't do pvp so...

- little pet = com'on who care about such thing


A collector edition has to provide something worth the price they're asking for.

9 races are available to everybody.. it's not because 1 is dedicated to the imperial CE woners that the game is not fun anymore.

Well at lmeast to me.


But I understand that for some it is.. the real question for those one is more : will you move on..if you don't then you'll never play and have fun with ESO.

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ZOMG!! An XP ring is Pay-to-win!! lol That's the funniest shit I have heard yet. Maybe if they gave a weapon for $20 that was better than anything in the game...then maybe you could cry that. As for a paywall.....look up the definition. A paywall inhibits progression until you pay. This does not do that.


If you don't like it...you don't have to buy it.

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It's not that big of a deal to me. First i personally planned on getting collector's any way.


Playing any race is fine. Most people will most likely stick with being in their races specific faction. So the demographic will feel realistic and non like isolationist xenophobes. 


The exp bonus has been available in a lot of games. From ring or hat that only last to level 10 to friend referral stuff. Exp bonuses are everywhere so its not that big of a deal. Additionally, I feel like racing to end game in ESO is missing the point. The Dev's seem to want to make an experience based game. Most modern MMO's i feel like the level grind is just a BS way to force you to pay a month's sub to try the end game. I think ESO wants to make leveling and being max level feel very similar. Its about experiencing the environments and stories and not just getting to max and raiding. I don't see why people stand for this.... just seems sort of dumb. Either make the game about questing and growing or make it about dungeons and looting. . . just saying.


The new race. that's fine. Its a sparkle pony, but wait they lied to us.... oh nooooooo an MMO dev didn't do everything they said they were doing to do... Come on guys I'm sure alot of you have seen this before, gaming companies don't and can't always deliver on everything they say they will. I'm sure from here on out they wont have anything you can't get to. 



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You're allowed to be greedy and crooked just because other developers have been too? Unbelievable. Just unbelievable. I'm tired of trying to be a voice of reason, others can carry on the fight. Something as ridiculous as this is unacceptable and you people know it, but don't care because in this one moment you have the money and don't think of it any more. That's the mindset of pre-order bonus enablers.

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Brodo Swaggins checking in to fight the good fight.


As I already wrote in this forum I respect all opinion but frnckly I don't understand why epople are so furious about the Imperial CE.


- ESO = pay to play = monthly subs : right now the price is not that expesensive compare to others p2p mmo

- 1 month free subs before starting to pay = just like any other p2p mmo


- ring of whatever which boost your xp = cannot care less of such thing, I'm not racing to the highiest level, I want to take time to explore all area

- imperial horse = will just be equal to any other horse = just cosmetic

- imperial race = specific skills = just like any other race = Dev said that they'll not have any stronger skill comapre to others

- play any race in any alliance = cannot care less = good to whoever want to play a specific race and still be with his guildies in case they're in a different alliance. For the pvp aspect,sorry I don't do pvp so...

- little pet = com'on who care about such thing


A collector edition has to provide something worth the price they're asking for.

9 races are available to everybody.. it's not because 1 is dedicated to the imperial CE woners that the game is not fun anymore.

Well at lmeast to me.


But I understand that for some it is.. the real question for those one is more : will you move on..if you don't then you'll never play and have fun with ESO.


Ring XP: It's fine if it's not a big deal to you, but as others have said there are plenty of people this will effect who will care.


Horse: It's not really cosmetic because, as Muscle said, you're getting two things.

  • [*]Free gold for whatever a mount costs, which is likely one of the most expensive things in the game. [*]A large decrease in the travel / exploration time due having a horse at launch.

Imperial Race: This is the only thing most people, including me, are upset about. It doesn't matter if they're stronger than other races or not. They are pay-gating 1/10th of your options in the game here. This is the equivalent of major DLC. Beyond that main point, they WILL be better than other races depending on what your character build is because they have their own unique racial bonuses.


Any Race / Any Alliance: I don't think most people are that upset about this. From what I've seen, people just complain because ZOS was so adamantly against this in the beginning. They're abandoning key tenets at the last second and for little to no reason.


Pet: Agree, no one cares.


CE should have just been physical items and vanity things. That would have been inline with expectations, previous ZOS statements, and other games.


ZOMG!! An XP ring is Pay-to-win!! lol That's the funniest shit I have heard yet. Maybe if they gave a weapon for $20 that was better than anything in the game...then maybe you could cry that. As for a paywall.....look up the definition. A paywall inhibits progression until you pay. This does not do that.


If you don't like it...you don't have to buy it.


Pay-to-win isn't all or nothing. I'm not upset about the rings because they give a huge advantage, I'm upset that they're including things like it at all.


There's a clear pay-gate on the Imperial Race that completely eliminates progression if that's what you want to play. They're charging for exclusive content - why does that not apply?


The exp bonus has been available in a lot of games. From ring or hat that only last to level 10 to friend referral stuff. Exp bonuses are everywhere so its not that big of a deal. Additionally, I feel like racing to end game in ESO is missing the point. The Dev's seem to want to make an experience based game. Most modern MMO's i feel like the level grind is just a BS way to force you to pay a month's sub to try the end game. I think ESO wants to make leveling and being max level feel very similar. Its about experiencing the environments and stories and not just getting to max and raiding. I don't see why people stand for this.... just seems sort of dumb. Either make the game about questing and growing or make it about dungeons and looting. . . just saying.


The new race. that's fine. Its a sparkle pony, but wait they lied to us.... oh nooooooo an MMO dev didn't do everything they said they were doing to do... Come on guys I'm sure alot of you have seen this before, gaming companies don't and can't always deliver on everything they say they will. I'm sure from here on out they wont have anything you can't get to. 


Just because other games have had experience bonuses doesn't make it okay, especially given previous dev statements. Just curious, though, what games that have the same payment model have such substantial CE's? They're almost always shit vanity items in my experience, not an entire race in a race-based game.


I personally agree with your experience race stance, but I understand people do play that way so I don't support the rings.


You're right on the most devs in the industry lying... And do you know what? I'm pissed every single time. Frankly, I'm appalled that most people seem to embrace and accept it - it's exactly the reason they continuously do it! It's bullshit and everyone knows it.


This particular instance is even more bullshit than usual, though, because the whole point of the subscription system was to eliminate this. They're not breaking a small comment, it was supposed to be the core tenet of their model.

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Customer service screenshotted on another forum already implied that there will be a way to unlock the Imperial race. Not to mention, you could always Upgrade to CE after 4/4/2014 according to TESO FAQ page on the CE.


If this really breaks the game for you people, I wonder how you can face real problems.

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Customer service screenshotted on another forum already implied that there will be a way to unlock the Imperial race. Not to mention, you could always Upgrade to CE after 4/4/2014 according to TESO FAQ page on the CE.


If this really breaks the game for you people, I wonder how you can face real problems.


I have seen numerous screenshots saying the opposite (or maybe the same with a different meaning). What was the exact wording? It's known that you can unlock the Imperial race... If you pay to upgrade in their cash shop. I won't bother going into how that doesn't actually solve the problem for obvious reasons. 

It's not about whether or not it's breaking the game. It's about getting taken for a ride by bullshit-merchants.


By the way, I'm tempted to up-vote you just for your beautiful, flowing, Orc-mane avatar.

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Hm. I raise you this (which answers nothing and contradicts itself, but that's the point). I've seen contradictory CSR statements... I don't think they really know, honestly. They're not devs or anything so it's doubtful they'd even know what the plans are.


Here's another discussion in which they say you MUST buy / upgrade to the Imperial Edition.


Agent: Greetings!

You: Hello, I just want to know if I don't get that particular pre-order, if I will never be able to play as an Imperial

Agent: Correct the only way to be an Imperial is to purchase one the Imperial Edition.

You: Forever?

Agent: Not forever.

You: And after that point of not forever, will it be purchasable or will it be unlockable by completing something in the game?

Agent: Starting April 4th if you pre-purchase the digital standard you can upgrade to the digital Imperial by visiting our page.

You: Right, but if I don't get the 'Imperial Version', sometime after the game comes out, I will be able to acquire the Imperial Race, by purchasing it as DLC or by unlocking it by completing some quest?

Agent: You will have to upgrade the the account to the Imperial Edition on April 4th or anyone after.

You: Ah, I see.

You: Can you give me a figure on that upgrade?

Agent: As of now there is no information if the Imperial race will be unlockable by doing something in-game.

Agent: Sadly I don't have that information it should be available before or on April 4th 2014.


Either way, it's still BS. Imagine you pay $20 for what turns out to be an in-game unlock. All the current complaints stand, and potentially more from those that support the CE as-is.

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Collector's Editions have a longstanding history of offering a lil somethin' somethin' extra for people that want to spring for it.  Star Wars CE had physical items and 7 in game items including a mount.  Rift had physical items and three in game items including a mount.  GW2 had physical items and 5 in game items.  Age of Conan had physical items and in game items including xp rings and a drinking cloak that let you get free beer from taverns.  Some would scoff and say "Who cares about that?!"  I do!  I'm a RP'er!  But I was also late to the game so I didn't get one.  Their bad?  Nope.  Mine.


Now, I seriously think the NDA needs to be lifted and that some details need to surface.  I'm pretty sure this "massive" xp bonus will be something like 5% till level 20 or something along those lines.  If they just talked about these things freely then people wouldn't have to get so stressed out with speculation.  FFS, if half the people ticked off and outspoken about this CE were half as vehement about the state of our government rather than a company in it for profits making profits this would be a Utopia!


It's going to be alright one way or another.  Those in opposition will break down and join the rest of us for some gaming fun time, or they'll really put the man in his place with their protests and overturn the way gaming industries work.  Let's see how it goes.


I'm satisfied with a few bucks of my entertainment budget going to fund a game that keeps me entertained.

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Those in opposition will break down and join the rest of us for some gaming fun time, or they'll really put the man in his place with their protests and overturn the way gaming industries work.  Let's see how it goes.


I'll openly admit that there's a decent chance I'll end up buying the Imperial Edition. Does that make me a hypocrite? Maybe, but I habitually hold a deep desire to own all of the DLC in games so that I have the opportunity to get the entire experience. That's also the reason I supported the high subscription fee; we were told that we would be getting the stated "100%" of content. 


If ZOS were just peddling physical / vanity items with their CE I wouldn't care. I care when 1/10th of a subscription game with a box-price and a cash-shop is pay-gated.

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Well, everything depends on how you see all things they included in the imperial CE.


- ring of M : you have to be with 1 specific person to have a xp boost

Nobody knows how much xp boost it'll be 5%,10% or 50%...??? so you have to stick with the same person to have the rings work.

You call that a huge advantage ? rushing to the highiest level faster than others ? being +4 level comapre to all area.. no challenging fight, just a 1 or 2 shoot fight.. really ? you consider that as an advantage and fun ?

I'm sure hardcore player will level up faster than anybody who got those rings anyway...


- imperial race : calm down on this one as well, nobody knows what race skill this race will provides.

Let's say that I want to start ESO with a bow / 2 hands character, if the imperial race skill offer a bonus on having a shield and sword then sorry I'll stick on the wood elf race.


- horse mount : guys wake up honestly, nearly all CE edition offer a mount.

You think it's a advantage because you have it without paying in-game gold and  you can go faster to into any area..well it seems that everything is related to "how fast you can have things" with some of you.

ESO, imho, is about exploring, taking time to see and find any caves, hidden things etc.. not about rushing to level 50/60 and skipping 60% of each area.

At the highiest level everybody will have one or several horses and the xp will be capped anyway.


It's not because we'll pay a monthly subs that they cannot inlude anything in the collector edition.

The PHYSICAL edition have a statue, book, map etc.. but what would you give to the DIGITAL one then ?

The DIGITAL edition has to include something worth the money they ask for and it can only be something related to the game and that you can use in the game.


All imperial CE items don't remove anything to the game so you can still play it and have fun.

I have the feeling that for some of you feel that they have removed something or did something really wrong.

Well sadly if it's beyong your strengh to move on, I don't see any solution than turning your back from the game.

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I think it was a fantastic idea, a really great way to get people talking about your game and a fantastic way to ensure a strong start.

I don't understand all the hate though, how does the digital pre-order or imperial items affect anyone but the people who buy them?

There are no stat buffs (which other games have done) and no balance altering items, the xp boost is for you and 1 player who you 

choose to play with frequently (very similar to recruit a friend) which seems like another savvy business idea. 

Personally, I was gonna wait to purchase the game, but this pre-order package got me hook, line and sinker.

Seems to me they thought of a really good way to get people to digitally pre-order months in advance, that money is sure to be used to pump out additional content.

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I don't disagree with their decision to include exclusive in-game content for an upgraded version of the game ( I think all MMOs do this) I do disagree with their decision for it to include a race that is obviously a fan favorite. 


Any time you buy a new car they will offer options you can purchase at an additional price but there are certain features like wheels and an engine you expect every car to have. I consider races and classes to be core features of any newly released MMO to be available to everyone that purchases the game.


The other problem I have is that when I decide to pay extra to purchase additional options I like to know what I am getting. Too many unknowns with the Imperial upgrade.


- Racial bonuses If all Racial bonuses are considered relatively balanced then odds are one of the other nine races will be a better fit for my build than the Imperial one. 


- Imperial Horse  Description reads  "Summon this exclusive Imperial mount and journey through Tamriel with increased speed."  I could just as easily show a picture of normal horse and say  "Summon this mount and journey through Tamriel with increased speed."  Doesn't mean I get one for free.  Also, will this horse be available to all characters I create or only the Imperial ones?


- Rings of Mara Are these slotted rings?  If so I doubt anyone will be wearing one past level 10. If my mate leaves the game for whatever reason can I get a divorce and perform the ritual with someone new? Is there a level cap or other restrictions where you would not gain the exp bonus?


When will we receive these bonuses?  Currently, I have confirmation of early access and the Explorer Pack digital rewards but told I will not receive the code for the Imperial bonuses until closer to the release date. Does that mean before early access or the day before the official release date? Those rewards will hold much less value if you can't receive them during early access.

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