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Do you support or oppose the Imperial Edition?

Imperial Edition  

67 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you agree with ZeniMax's decision to include exclusive in-game content in the Imperial Edition?

    • Yes. Sign me up!
    • No. It's absurd.
    • I don't care.

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I strongly oppose pay-to-win. There is a huge benefit to having a horse and mara rings at start of game. I only care about imperials if they have the strongest racials for a specific build, but if their racials suck then it doesn't matter to me. That ring and horse though...it forces us to pay an extra $20 already.


If their cash shop looks like it's trending towards shit like this then I'll never play more than the first month.

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This sums it pretty much up for me


"It seems almost like a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t scenarioâ€. If you offer great exclusives people will complain that not everyone gets them, if you offer lame exclusives people will accuse you of exploiting or nickel-and-diming your customers."



ESO isn't the first MMO with a p2p system which had a premium edition with a mount.

One of those I remember was RIFT and there the community wasn't upset with it.


I really have the feeling that a big part of the ESO community is a extremly whiny croud.

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This sums it pretty much up for me


"It seems almost like a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t scenarioâ€. If you offer great exclusives people will complain that not everyone gets them, if you offer lame exclusives people will accuse you of exploiting or nickel-and-diming your customers."



ESO isn't the first MMO with a p2p system which had a premium edition with a mount.

One of those I remember was RIFT and there the community wasn't upset with it.


I really have the feeling that a big part of the ESO community is a extremly whiny croud.


Rift is f2p, so people who aren't paying for things have no room to complain.


Most MMOs do not have a problem with releasing collector's editions without game-breaking content within them. ESO would have been fine with a physical-only collector's edition with the statue, book, and map-poster. The Mudcrap vanity pet is fine, because it's vanity.


Here's my stance, and I'd never go back on this ideal: Paying extra to have an advantage in a b2p+p2p game is complete bullshit and you know it.

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Rift is f2p, so people who aren't paying for things have no room to complain.


Most MMOs do not have a problem with releasing collector's editions without game-breaking content within them. ESO would have been fine with a physical-only collector's edition with the statue, book, and map-poster. The Mudcrap vanity pet is fine, because it's vanity.


Here's my stance, and I'd never go back on this ideal: Paying extra to have an advantage in a b2p+p2p game is complete bullshit and you know it.

Rift was p2p when it came out.

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Then I'm sure there was just as much complaining per person--it just had a smaller community of followers to complain.

Not really no that's the point. The ESO community seems to get crazy about everything Zenimax releases, I have never seen such a negative community like this one.

On most games there is this hype train and if someone says something bad about the game people will attack that person for doing so.

But with ESO it's allmost the other way around.

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Get a load of this gem from the new variety pack: The only other alternative would have been to offer a collector's edition that offers no in-game items whatsoever. That simply didn't seem fair to fans who are excited about the game and want some special digital items.


Does that seem fair to the vast majority of players who don't want to pay extra in a p2p game to get all the content, you know, the rest of the people who won't buy the CE? That's quite a lot. Is one a "real fan" if they only buy a CE because it has in-game exclusives, is the included physical memorabilia not enough? I for one would have gladly bought, or at least strongly considered, the IE if it didn't have any in-game bonuses. I'm interested in a CE if it's reasonably priced (100 or less), contains interesting physical items and doesn't contain any in-game boons. This one checks out otherwise, but I just don't feel right about paying for in-game exclusives. Now it doesn't feel right to buy the base game at all, because doing so supports shady bonuses like these. The only "AAA" game I've pre-ordered in the last few years was Skyrim, because it explicitly did NOT have any kind of pre-order bonuses. I was disappointed in the game for other reasons but I'm saddened to see that pre-order bonuses, especially ones in a p2p MMO, have become so acceptable.

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This isn't a pay to win scenario. This is a collector's edition! You can quickly get a mount ingame at little cost if you know where to look. Everyone whining that the game is going to the annoying pay to win format is sadly mistaken. I understand the lack of solid information floating around due to the NDA is only fueling the fire, but trust me when I say the benefits offered by the collectors edition isn't game breaking, nor does it give some indecent advantage over those who didn't purchase it. People really need to grow up with their opinions and rants.



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Who the fuck wanna race to 50lvl with such beautiful game? They will skip most of game for what? Being 50lvl faster and then wait for others to level up?

Imperial race is just cosmetic. They are similar to Bretons. Just with other minor racial passives. No better or worse.

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This isn't a pay to win scenario. This is a collector's edition! You can quickly get a mount ingame at little cost if you know where to look. Everyone whining that the game is going to the annoying pay to win format is sadly mistaken. I understand the lack of solid information floating around due to the NDA is only fueling the fire, but trust me when I say the benefits offered by the collectors edition isn't game breaking, nor does it give some indecent advantage over those who didn't purchase it. People really need to grow up with their opinions and rants.




Things don't have to be game-breaking to be pay-to-win, they just have to offer any advantage exclusive to those who pay. With that said, that's not even why most people are upset. As few as 40 days ago ZOS was specifically stating that there would NEVER be any pay-gated content. Does anyone even remember these quotes? They should, because they were repeated ad nauseam when ZOS was trying to convince everyone to get behind a payment model that has failed more often than not recently.


Posted Image


This is shady as hell for a few reasons.

    [*]It directly contradicts what they've said earlier about the reasoning for a subscription AND a cash-shop. There is legitimate concern to have that not only is the CE a bad direction, it sets an even worse precedent that they'll abuse if they can get away with it.

    [*]Despite the fact that we still know almost nothing about this game, ZOS is cashing in on $20-$40 of additional content that they said wouldn't exist. On top of that, we don't even know what this content actually is. What are the unique bonuses? No one knows, but they can still pre-order it.

Before I add more let me just state that I expect the game to be successful. However, it genuinely looks like they're trying to make a quick buck here and cash-in with pre-orders before anyone sees how these things work. In other words, between this and the whole NDA debacle with two months before the game goes gold, they appear (whether warranted or not) to be extremely afraid of their own product. We've hardly even seen any game-play. Have some faith in your devs and none of this is necessary.


Who the fuck wanna race to 50lvl with such beautiful game? They will skip most of game for what? Being 50lvl faster and then wait for others to level up?

Imperial race is just cosmetic. They are similar to Bretons. Just with other minor racial passives. No better or worse.


No one has any say in how others play and enjoy the game. This is an MMO... Tons and tons of people always play these games to race to end game.


Also, it's just blatantly false that the Imperial race is cosmetic. They've already been confirmed to have unique bonuses and abilities. Whether or not these bonuses are OP compared to any other race is completely irrelevant because they're still unique, pay-gated content. They may or may not surpass the other races depending on what you're trying to build.

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Well didn't they clarify and say the horse wasn't faster than other horses.


Also, as far as the rings which speed up leveling, I agree with the other poster who doesn't want to rush leveling any faster. Personally I would pay for an item that SLOWED DOWN leveling, because in a lot of these games that's the most fun part, and I hate outleveling content.


Personally I have no problem with the Imperial edition at all. People wanted to play imperial, fine, here's your chance right from the outset.


What I DID have a problem with was the any race/any alliance benefit of pre-order. I think that waters down the alliance theme. That being said, some folks were very upset about being forced into an alliance, so I can see why they revised that.


I also think a lot of people who say they wont buy it or will boycott it, will end up buying it. Then they will complain about something else and say they are going to quit, repeatedly ... and not quit.

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From the main site:

"Do people who order the Imperial Edition gain a big gameplay advantage over those who don’t? – Sven Denteu

No. With the Imperial Edition you get the opportunity to play as a rogue Imperial who has broken from their Daedra worshipping ways, and you get a unique racial skill line of equal gameplay impact to other races’ unique racial skill lines. As an Imperial you also get a mount and the automatic ability to craft items into the Imperial style. All non-Imperial races can also learn this ability after locating the corresponding racial motif. Imperials do not begin the game in a unique starting location or via a separate quest, but they can start in any alliance as befits their status as un-aligned outcasts of their own Province. Being an Imperial includes a racial skill line that offers unique gameplay opportunities, but there is not an overall gameplay advantage. It is an opportunity to set yourself visually apart in the lands of Tamriel.

Gameplay benefits within this edition have been designed to avoid bestowing unfair advantages over players who do not purchase this special edition. This is cool content designed for some of our biggest fans who wish to have something different from other collector’s editions in the market. The only other alternative would have been to offer a collector’s edition that offers no in-game items whatsoever. That simply didn’t seem fair to fans who are excited about the game and want some special digital items."

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I am mostly indifferent about it. I had planned on buying whatever Collector's Edition they came out with, anyway.


As to the fact that an entire race has been made exclusive to said edition; I agree and disagree. I can certainly see why they would do it - a way to incentivize pre-sales, and a way of rewarding loyalty. I can also see why people are outraged due to many not being able to afford it.


I was more dissappointed in their decision to allow players who pre-order 'any' edition of the game to play in any Alliance regardless of race, as that is much more confusing and non-lore friendly. It also significantly underminds the Alliances as a whole. IMHO

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...For access to passive abilities that nobody paying the standard fees will ever get without paying real money.

...For the 15+ hours (for a very fast player) it will take to initially grind the 47,000 gold to buy a horse equivalent to the free Imperial horse.

...For the X amount of hours you'll save by having the "substantial" experience gains you get from ring of Mara.

...For the amount of sheer time you'll save by early access to a horse.


You cannot tell me this doesn't give you an advantage.


Our definitions of P2W might differ, but mine is simply "paying money to give yourself a clear advantage over people who don't pay."


Now, some of you might not be very competitive. Some of you might not have your eyes set on Emperor, or one of the first few to complete a dungeon... But those people do exist. And for those people, if they were to get a regular edition of the game, they would be entirely out of the competition before they even started. Hence, this is already a pay-to-win game from the start.


This doesn't pose much of a problem, because it's only an initial $20. This is a small fee for most of us, especially the hardcore people I talked about in the previous paragraph. The problem that many of us are having is the principle behind this initial model. If they decide to apply this same type of pay-for-advantage model to the real-money-shop then they will FORCE hardcore players to pay for those benefits.


I know that most of us aren't the hardcore player that's competitive enough to care, but there are a lot of those people out there. Out of respect for them, and the gaming industry as a whole, I hope you all can see why this is a sad money-grubbing tactic for a game that's already pay-to-play, buy-to-play, and pay-for-support such as alliance transfers and ring-partner swaps.


This would, of course, be different if the game was free-to-play, because then it makes sense that they'd need the money in order to continue to create content. However, this huge title does not need to do this on top of the already (in this day) very hefty price to pay the game.


Thanks for reading my post. Even if you disagree with me I hope you can see where I'm coming from.

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Guest ryacual

id bet that the horse could be helpful but getting another horse probably isn't hard. the rings will be useful until you find anything else.  These are just things to make the consumers spend a little more money.  That is all unless the racial skills are amazing which they wont be. stop crying.  I preordered games and get special editions and the bonus stuff was garbage.  Complete waste of money.  However the statue book and map are physical and pretty cool.  you guys are complaining about getting useless items what about five days extra access!!! omg that is an advantage of 5 days playing.  you should complain that you are getting an advantage over the people who haven't heard of the game yet.  Why are we not complaining about be in any alliance with any race. 


That is stupid.  They talk about how the war for cyrodil is centerstage and then you can be an aldmeri ork now.  face it you are all happy you can be anyrace and play with your friends regardless.

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Guest nnotssr sooner



what you say makes perfect sense but it is still an elderscrolls.  There will still be plenty of people who wont want to be on horse who want to soak in everything.  People who don't want to hurry and level to endgame.  These people probably don't care about an advantage t he hardcore guys have.  but bottom line it is about money.  They will squeeze as much as they can without losing subscribers.  The hardcore players are not the ones who will stay subscribers.  They come to said game conquer game and move on to the next mmo.  They will say end game is lame and that there isn't enough content at launch since they only care about pvp and raids.  They will say darkfall is way better.

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