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[NA][PC] XIII Legion -PvP-PvE-RP-


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XIII Legion


"Rex populusque foederis"

"For King and the covenant"



Alignment: Daggerfall Covenant
Focus: PvE, PvP and RP
Guild Leader: Selkak
Guild Officers: Ghamul(Forum Admin), Xilostacia (RP leader, Teamspeak), Kuzeed(Recruitment, Player Orientation)
Timezone: Est - International
VOIP: Teamspeak
Number of members: 25


What we do. 
13th Legion is a PC guild which delves into all branches and aspects of the game. You will find us doing open world player versus player combat, to hunting deer in the forest as a group, to doing raids on bosses. Anything fun to enhance the game experience!
Who we are. 
Over multiple games and from multiple backgrounds the legion was founded. We are international gamers with a passion for Elder Scrolls, MMOs or just games.
What we aspire for.
To make your game experience the best it can be; doing that by completing a great game with a bunch of friends. We strive to be more than a community, rather a family and hope to be able to integrate any new member into the tight group we hope to be.
We are recruiting all classes!
Dragon Knight: Open
Templar: Open
Sorcerer: Open
Nightblade: Open
Our requirements are simple:
 - Mature member (maturity and age aren't the same).
 - Don't be disrespectful to people, guildmates or external.
 - Remain active and involved, life permitting.
We reserve the right to judge all applicants and make guild eligibility decisions.
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