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Paul Sage q&a

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I wish they'd give Eldersouls a Q&A like this.


Oh well, here's what I found the most interesting:

"Siphoning Attacks – when you activate your attacks leech health

Spear Shards / Blessed Shards – allows activation to recover stamina (good for those hungry tanks)"

Blood Fountain - (Did he mean Blood Funnel on Blood Altar?)


That could make siphoning attacks/haste really amazing for almost all NB builds. Spear Shards with +stamina...mmm, there will be better options IMO. Blood Fountain's probably a morph of Blood Altar, it sounds pretty cool whatever it'll be! :)


He said Anchors only scale up to 4 players, but in their Anchor video they had 5 people. Maybe they just didn't want to die to it in the video?


5-6 hours if you plow through the main quest? This must be wrong.


Only 16 instanced dungeons? I hope that means 32 including veteran dungeons. In vanilla WOW there were 32 dungeons and only a few of those were heroics. ESO does have the non-instanced dungeons, but this probably doesn't give you the same feel that a true dungeon does.

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5-6 hours seems about right. I'm not sure if he also counts the tutorial into this but other than that there was 1 short quest at lvl 4 or so and than the next one at lvl 10 which you couldn't do.


And keep in mind that the main Story in Skyrim isn't longer.



At Pax Prime they said that there would be 16 dungeons and 6 master dungeons at launch.

But that's a while back maybe the have added a few more master dungeons.

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