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I'll do anything. I chose to ignore the perks that helps you get stuff, so I usually caught in pve or trade / npc shop and friends. I chose to be all professions not to be independent and sell a everything. As already said it will only be possible to master two professions, and each will have 6 perks (except Provisioning is Enchanting 7 and 5). With this we have an average of 12 perks for professions. 
I leave here my build crafting:

Aspect Improvement
Potency Improvement

Solvent Proficiency


Recipe Quality
Recipe Improvement

My build: Khajit, NB, Medium Armor, DW and Bow. 
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As already said it will only be possible to master two professions, and each will have 6 perks (except Provisioning is Enchanting 7 and 5). With this we have an average of 12 perks for professions. 


This isn't right. I know they changed crafting so maybe its just old but you can master every profession just like you can master all weapons. Eventually. And by spending alot of skillpoints.

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This isn't right. I know they changed crafting so maybe its just old but you can master every profession just like you can master all weapons. Eventually. And by spending alot of skillpoints


Are you sure? On the official site mentions that TESO is possible only two professionsPosted Image


edit: http://elderscrollsonline.com/en-uk/news/post/2013/05/20/ask-us-anything-gathering-and-exploration

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I was planning to go with Alchemy and Enchanting, being only able to master two professions.We can master all professions now? Would that not effect the economy if everyone can make anything themselves?Also, I was just wondering how easy it is to spot proffesion materials from a distance, on a good system with graphics set on high, (I only had the pleasure of running at minimum setting, and that barely handled it) Is it worth spending skill points to highlight them in the world?

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The tricky part is the Traits. They will be a PITA to discover, as you have to research each for every piece of armor or weapon individually, you need to have the Item with that Trait and it takes 6(!) hours.


There ae about 10 traits available. 7 Armor slots, 3 Armor types, daggers, 1H, 2H swords, axes, ... this is where people will specialize.


For example there is a passive which lets you research 2 traits parallel.

Iron nodes were more easy to spot, enchanting stones the easiest, glowing colorfuly. jute plants are hard to spot, alchemy plants were different.

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