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Immovable - Controversial Ability


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I want to discuss immovable. This is a controversial ability, because on paper it seems like it is an absolute requirement for pvp and a top notch skill that everyone should use. That is of-course until you learn that everybody has a CC break that accomplishes the same thing as immovable, CC break with 8 seconds of CC immunity, but this free CC break can be used on demand and has an unknown but potentially very high stamina cost.


Immovable has a hidden cost too, it eats up 20% of your ability bar for a little bit of extra armor and spell resistance. That is a HUGE issue, considering that the free CC break allows you to slot 1 more ability.


If you are a player with quick reactions, there is no reason to not just use the standard CC break which also gives 8 seconds of immunity, UNLESS ofcourse the stamina cost for it is absurdly high compared to spamming immovable.


My guess is that immovable might be worth slotting if you are a heavy armor tanky pvp character, but for all other classes it is just smarter to use the standard CC break and have the use of an entire extra ability. Thoughts?

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It depends really. Don't forget that to break out of stun comes with the hidden cost of time. There are the fractions of a second that are required for one to realise that one is stunned, to press the stun release, then the animation time of the character recovering from stun before returning to being able to use skills normally. Such an interrupt to normal play and time loss can prove to be crucial when trying to close the distance between an opponent, when needing to cast that all important heal to save yourself or a comrade or even when kiting and therfore losing a little distance between you and the oncoming opponent.However, you're right, it depends on your build. The price of 1/5 of your ability bar is high. And there are at least a couple obvious builds which don't quite need Immovable, e.g:1. Classic Mage - stays away, plays as support dps and aoe cc for his group and therefore largely does not use his stamina pool so can easily rely on natural stun break.

2. Classic light armour Templar healer - won't be using stamina for hardly anything so who cares about using it up for stun breaks and the more magic skills they can slot - the better.But it also depends on the way you intend to PvP. If you play in a group where everyone has their own role and you like it to be so - your build may not require it and not suffer for lacking Immovable. But if you like going solo or in really small groups of 2 or 3 and intend to try to take on larger groups - you'll need it because there will be a lot of incoming damage and incoming cc moves and you're likely going to either need to be self-sufficient and never afford to be stunned at crucial moments where every fraction of a second counts.Heavy armour characters that are tanky may benefit - but then again they already have high mitigations and they rely on stamina pool more than traditional casters. Obviously because they need to sprint, block, etc more often and probably will be slotting at least one or two weapon skills. So even they may hesitate to slot Immovable and instead rely on the heals of their friendly players and their mitigation and high block mitigation to shrug off moments of CC choosing to only use the natural stun break at crucial moments.In the end, there are pros and cons, and you were right in saying that at initial glance it seems foolish to not use it but when you really think about it - class, build, your role, your group composition and your own style will determine whether you need it to be successful. But for some, it will indeed be a must.Still though, we are plagued by the question: do you need at least one piece of heavy armour equipped to slot the skill? That makes a difference to whether it is worth it for any given build too...

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That is of-course until you learn that everybody has a CC break that accomplishes the same thing as immovable, CC break with 8 seconds of CC immunity, but this free CC break can be used on demand and has an unknown but potentially very high stamina cost.


How does the free CC break work?

I never heard of that before?!

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Both abilities cost nearly the same I even think Immoveable is cheaper than CC break.CC break makes you immune for 4s, immoveable for 8 plus the amount of Armor and SpellRes is quite nice too.Immoveable is pro active CC is counter acitve.Many builds will use a defensive skill either way therefore the whole CC immunity is just a bonus for them so I wouldn't say it's a waste.

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Both abilities cost nearly the same I even think Immoveable is cheaper than CC break.CC break makes you immune for 4s, immoveable for 8 plus the amount of Armor and SpellRes is quite nice too.Immoveable is pro active CC is counter acitve.Many builds will use a defensive skill either way therefore the whole CC immunity is just a bonus for them so I wouldn't say it's a waste.

The stamina based CC break gives 8 seconds of immunity not 4. If it was only 4, it would mean that Immovable would be a required skill on almost every PVP characters bar.

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As Irons points out, Immoveable is proactive, it makes you invulnerable to cc before the cc happens. Whereas cc break is reactive so in order to use it, the cc must have already affected you. On the one hand, this makes Immoveable superior because you don't get interrupted or stopped, on the other hand, you might be wasting stamina on Immoveable sometimes because you never get cc cast on you in the first place.


In certain situations though, there is a big advantage though to knowing you wont get cc'd for 8 seconds. Question is, is that worth a slot on your quickbar?  Likewise, there is a big advantage to saving enough stamina to break any cc.


AOE cc's will be helpful in ESO in two ways: 1) make people waste stamina early in a battle, and 2) lock them down with cc later in a battle when they have depleted their stamina.

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