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Is everything that uses magika considered a spell?

Is their any difference between an "ability" and a spell or a weapon skill?


When using a Destruction Staff "spell" does the inherent damage of the staff itself make a difference to how much the spell does?  (example: Wall of Elements: Fire does 2 damage x2 for a toal of 4 damage despite using 53 magica. Or half of your initial mana bar.) Its pretty incredibly low for Destruction spell. But if it was modified by the Staff itself, then it would make sense.

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Hello, Elder Souls! I have a question regarding resource recovery and regeneration.Reading Thal's excellent info on the state of the game, it appears the Stamina has a base regeneration percentage rate of 5.5 and Magicka somewhere between 4 and 5 per two seconds. This percentage of your total pool determines the Recovery attribute score for the relevant resource, and that Recovery is ostensibly affected by any bonuses from armor passives, racial passives, etc.My question is concerning the wording of certain skill descriptions. The racial passives "Spellcharge" and "Vigor" both state that they increase "recovery" while every other +regen skill for all three resources refers to "regeneration," even other "in combat" specific regens like "Robust." All armor passives and class skills refer to "regeneration" as well, leaving only Vigor and Spellcharge to refer to Recovery. This wording is used in every description I have seen, no matter the source.Do you think this is indicative of the way those two skills affect regeneration (i.e. directly adding to base % vs raising it by x percent, as an example) or is it just a curiously-specific deviation from the normal language used to describe regeneration rates?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have a question regarding soul gems.

Can those be crafted (in that case, by which proffession?) or can they be baught?


You buy them from vendors. Empty soul gems are a lot cheaper compared to filled gems. So better use the soul trap spell that you get for free after completing the tutorial to safe some money.


Also you get 1 filled soul gem from eahc boss in the instanced dungeons (at least how it was with the first 3 low level dungeons).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Correct me if im wrong, but healing and destuction staff + the abilities frm the mages guild cost magica (as it says in the eldersoulds database). In the esohead skillcalc they cost stamina.


ESOhead's wrong.


Is there any other way to receive a soul gem except the NPC vendor?

How many skill lines are we able to max until lvl 50? I mean in common case, which means that not all sky shards are discovered.


Soul gems drop very often in dungeons, if you run enough dungeons you will never have a shortage. You can max out 6 skill trees by 50 (2 weapons, 1 armor, all 3 class trees) But you need to do it right, or you will waste time in one way or another and hit 50 without reaching max level in your trees.

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What is the idea of filling up the soul gems? Why we do that?


you can use a filled gem to do things, such as revive a friend or your self on the spot where you died, when you die.



Looking at the Khajiit's passives i found One called Carnage"

"Carnage / +1/2/3% critical rating for melee attacks. / +5/10/15% damage done with critical hits."

1: Bow does not count as melee attack, right?

2: Does the increased critical damage only apply to melee?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a question:

In cyrodiil at armor vendor there are two choices with equal prices. the one is called small piece the other is large piece of armor. what does that mean? i was thinking that larger pieces could be chests and pants, but they are not, because i bought large piece of armor and got a helmet. please explain this.

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