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Guest Jake Green

Hi, i would like to add some Questions of my own :tongue:


1. Whats the Multiplier for Crit Damage?

2. Whats the Multiplier for Sneak Attacks, is it different in pvp and pve?

3. Does Sneak Attack Bonus Damage only applies to Physical Damage?

4. Can you crit ontop of Sneak Damage Bonus?

5. Does Damagereduction from Armor applies to Spells?

6. Does Damagereduction from Armor applies to Stavesdamage?(guess so)

7. Is there a Difference for Damagereduction for the Damagetypes Magical and Elemental(Poison/Disease?) ?

8. With the way the Cyrodil Buff works do Ratings of Items(Damage/armor) have great effect in PvP? They mentioned only wider skillselection as an Advantage, not stats.

9. Do some Regen Bonus ignore Softcaps? Like if i stack Orc with Heavy Armor and Enchants that increase Healthregen will all 3 be affected by Diminishing Returns?

10. Does a Khajiit crap in the Woods?


thanks in Advance :wub:

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Hi, i would like to add some Questions of my own :tongue:


1. Whats the Multiplier for Crit Damage?

2. Whats the Multiplier for Sneak Attacks, is it different in pvp and pve?

3. Does Sneak Attack Bonus Damage only applies to Physical Damage?

4. Can you crit ontop of Sneak Damage Bonus?

5. Does Damagereduction from Armor applies to Spells?

6. Does Damagereduction from Armor applies to Stavesdamage?(guess so)

7. Is there a Difference for Damagereduction for the Damagetypes Magical and Elemental(Poison/Disease?) ?

8. With the way the Cyrodil Buff works do Ratings of Items(Damage/armor) have great effect in PvP? They mentioned only wider skillselection as an Advantage, not stats.

9. Do some Regen Bonus ignore Softcaps? Like if i stack Orc with Heavy Armor and Enchants that increase Healthregen will all 3 be affected by Diminishing Returns?

10. Does a Khajiit crap in the Woods?


thanks in Advance :wub:


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This is not my build,but i am thinking about using it for pvp. Anyone have a reason why i shouldn't.:)


Destruction Staff

-Force shock

-obsidian shield 

-Dragon blood,entrophy or maybe even lava whip for those teleporting guys

-immovable: survival/before you switch bars

-weakness to elements:for obvious reasons

Dual wield or sword and board

-Fiery Grip: so they cant run has a great morph that decrases their armor by 40%

-Searing Strike :use after fiery grip/still sexy

-Flurry/so also use after fiery grip or puncture

-Ash cloud:survival at its finest

-Hidden Blade or low slash

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This is not my build,but i am thinking about using it for pvp. Anyone have a reason why i shouldn't. :)


Destruction Staff

-Force shock

-obsidian shield 

-Dragon blood,entrophy or maybe even lava whip for those teleporting guys

-immovable: survival/before you switch bars

-weakness to elements:for obvious reasons

Dual wield or sword and board

-Fiery Grip: so they cant run has a great morph that decrases their armor by 40%

-Searing Strike :use after fiery grip/still sexy

-Flurry/so also use after fiery grip or puncture

-Ash cloud:survival at its finest

-Hidden Blade or low slash

pls post that question in the DK thread http://eldersouls.com/topic/4712-the-dragonknight-thread/

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I am interested as NB to exploit stuns as much as possible. So i would like to understand better what successful crouch attack is ( how to make it in the middle of fight)  and for how long it stuns ?


there are diminishing returns. but i guess for each CC a sperate DR. but not 100% about the 2. fact.

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probably i wasn't clear with my questions so ill rephrase it : I am interested in exploring NB passive master assassin ( stunning from crouch).

How can i pull successful crouch attack in the middle of combat. and for how long does it stun. So do i need just to crouch and hit him or there are additional conditions i have to meet. What is duration of that crouch stun. 

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