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Only answers that are public knowledge will be posted, not things that you could only know through beta access/private intel.


Someone might happen to have seen some answers that were publicly released by ZOS. By PMing the answers to the asker we keep things tidy. We don't want this forum to get too long, or it would be hard to find FAQ's. Duh!


I'll start:

1) What are the morphs on Sparks?

2) What are the morphs on Puncture?


Keep posting new questions if you have any, even if it doesn't appear like there are answers.

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2) What are the morphs on Puncture?



  • [*]Target's armor -40% for 12 seconds.

can be morphed to also reduce spell resistance by 40% or give yourself a armor bonus for a short time (6/7 sec)


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Can an ability be morphed more than once? i.e. can an allready morphed ability be morphed again into somthing even more powerful? does anyone know, and if so, is there a known limit to this?

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Q: do weapon skills add the weapons damage or is it a flat amount like magic/class skills?Reason I am asking is the mich loser damage number given for weapon skills.Searing StrikeCost: 18 MagickaDeals 11 fire damage.Deals 15 fire damage over 10 secondsTwin SlashesCost: 18 StaminaTwo hits for 2 physical damage.Bleed target for 8 physical damage over 7 seconds.

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Can an ability be morphed more than once? i.e. can an allready morphed ability be morphed again into somthing even more powerful? does anyone know, and if so, is there a known limit to this?

found the answer to this


At level 5 on an ability you can morph it:

Individual abilities can also be morphed into more advanced versions of their basic form. An ability can be morphed by spending an additional skill point after leveling the that specific ability through 5 ranks. Morphing (transforming) allows the player to choose between two advanced skills but this decision can be respecced.



One ability can only be morphed once (at the moment)



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Does weapon skill animations use attack speed or cast speed?


I have never heard of a general stat like "cast/attack speed".

The NB skill "haste" for example will boost the speed of your light and heavy left click attacks by 30%, but wont affect skills.



exactly how much more mitigation does going sword and shield give you vs dual weild?


A typical shield has around the armor of a heavy breastplate. Then there are some passives which make blocking with the shield more effective and cost less stamina, so that should boost mitigation a lot.

The exact nmbers of course are very hard to calculate without combat chat / damage meter.

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Light armor + S&S => 75% mitigation ? Are u sure - it sounds too good to be truth . If thats a case than any light armour if wears S&S can fight in melee range against melee. 


I guess he means while blocking?

There is no passive mitigation except the armor value of the shield (that I know of).

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Anyone know a viable build for a Templar that allows for decent Healing and DPS (Both PvE/PvP)?


I have already looked at the ones posted...but really, I am unimpressed. May just try my own combo once the game releases, but want to see what someone else may have. All the number crunching for mitigation, DoT, blah blah blah...makes my head hurt.

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In light armor without blocking you will take x damage while when blocking you will take ~15-25% of that x.

Same goes for heavy armor but the x will be smaller.


Note that it seems like that. It might still be an armor-based migitation instead of ''% of incoming attack''. Its possible for instance, that while blocking, your shield armor counts triple, simply migitating damage based off your armor. Im just speculating.

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I have never heard of a general stat like "cast/attack speed".

The NB skill "haste" for example will boost the speed of your light and heavy left click attacks by 30%, but wont affect skills.


this is what im refering too. Attack speed will obviusly work on normal and heavy attacks, but what is unclear to me is if the animation's of Weapon skills will be faster too. If you have played another MMO then in general magic type abilities use 'cast speed' while attack type abilities use 'attack speed' just like basic attacks.


I.E. will increasing attack speed allow me to use the dual weapon skill "twin slashes" more often and will the 15% increased attackspeed from Flurry's morph reduce it's own channel time? Like If i'm going to mainly use abilities then attack speed would not be very useful otherwise.

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2) After using a restoration staff, it seems that it has a sapping effect when targeting enemies, and a healing effect when targeting allies. Can anyone confirm that?Thanks.

I had a dream last night about that: The animation and sound looked and sounded more like a healing one suggesting that but both the heavy and normal attack were in fact pure dmge, pretty much like a destruction staff. The healing effect that I received after using the staff was simply the autohealthregen and had nothing to do with the restoration staff. I healed just the same when using any other weapon or none

Anyone know a viable build for a Templar that allows for decent Healing and DPS (Both PvE/PvP)?I have already looked at the ones posted...but really, I am unimpressed. May just try my own combo once the game releases, but want to see what someone else may have. All the number crunching for mitigation, DoT, blah blah blah...makes my head hurt.

I had a dream in which I was trying out the first 2 skills in Dawn's wrath and in the light tree and the first 2 in the light tree and focused all stats, armor upgrades and passive skills towards +totalmana,+manarecovery,+reduceskillcost, and also health!! and then just got my restoration staff and destruction staff skills up and result was really satisfying and versatile in PVE both for healing and dps.No idea of course how that will work in pvp at release time since people will jump and focus fire you no doubt so I would assume a melee type of templar in heavy armor might stand a better chance
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I had a dream in which I was trying out the first 2 skills in Dawn's wrath and in the light tree and the first 2 in the light tree and focused all stats, armor upgrades and passive skills towards +totalmana,+manarecovery,+reduceskillcost, and also health!! and then just got my restoration staff and destruction staff skills up and result was really satisfying and versatile in PVE both for healing and dps.


No idea of course how that will work in pvp at release time since people will jump and focus fire you no doubt so I would assume a melee type of templar in heavy armor might stand a better chance

this is actually something im going to try, been thinking about it for a couple of days now, and it seems fun. Atleast while im leveling. Guess i have to respec when entering endgame anyway :)

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