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Beta Key, who has theirs?

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Got mine too, in case ye missed me wild status update.


Not sure about everyone after getting one though. Maybe. I was looking around Reddit, seems that all previous people invited were re-inviting on top of new people.


Whatever the case, doubt all the emails have been sent yet, give it time at least if ye haven't got it yet I guess.

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I understand and im fine with that. The only thing i have to say is that you take in count the real people devoted to this project (such as myself) and choose the right persons to give the 2 keys, not to a guy that will sell it right away. You have great power in your hands, and has Mr Parker said:


"with great power comes great responsibility"


Thanks for doing this giveaway.




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So this thread got me off my lurking ass.  Hope to get a key and join you guys in game.  Falkner, I'm with you on that luck thing.  This weekend would be ideal though, getting shoulder surgery Friday and could use something to take my mind off it (besides the lovely meds).

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I might not have luck on my own, but a friend kindly gave me his spare key out of the blue last night, so I'm all loaded up and ready to go for this weekend. ^.^ I'd poke around, you might know people who have gotten extras, because I've seen that happen quite a bit.


Good luck with your surgery!

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