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Speech training

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I'm running a character who needs some pretty high speech so what are the options (post 1.9)? Also, would I be better cooking things then selling, or just selling raw ingredients? I know for max profit sell ingredients to farmers, but I want speech.

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I had master Enchanting and Alchemy before I trained speech, so I just made a full set of equipment with the maximum barter enchantment and repeatedly bought and sold expensive items with a merchant. The more expensive the item, the more speech experience you gain by trading with it. You will lose a lot of money with this method, but if you're far in the game chances are you're already loaded anyways.


In the end, it didn't make a dent in my finances since I just used the merchant, now overloaded with gold, to sell my extra and useless expensive items that I would have been forced to take a huge loss on otherwise.

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Go to a trainer, thats for speech and then ask to be trained.... and both with the food i'm thinking just the ingredients tho, you can sell ingredients you find on the road to alchemy shops or alchemist or anyone truthfully, and you can sell meat cooked or uncooked to Hunters, general stores, khajit and once again mostly anyone.....  Another thing with the speech get a necklace that ups the speech then use the speech skill to your advantage.......



I really hope this helps?!?!?!?


Good Luck <3

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