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Creating ESO: Designing Skill Lines

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" you can change your hotbar configurations any time you’re not in combat"


Terrible news for this game.

This will be patched when they realize that it kills PVE when there are sequences and different dungeon characteristics... There needs to be a drawback or else the game will either be too hard or too easy depending on how well you pre-build for each fight.... How annoyed am I? Very.


Oh well, it makes it easier to kill noobs because they'll be messing around all the time with their stuff for specific situations rather than being good for all situations--so when I come at them, they're going to have huge weaknesses that they won't be able to overcome at all.


Also, I wonder if there'll only be 1 set of morphs at launch. I think they're having problems balancing things already, so I honestly hope they only have 1 set of morphs until next expansion--that way they could work on balancing and other things a lot easier than cutting down the OP builds people (like us) will find.

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Why is that terrible news for the game? You can change your build and role at will in Rift, heck, even in WoW.


You can't change instantly to this extent though. It's going to make dungeons really easy after you learn the dungeon, and really really hard when you don't know the dungeons. It just punishes people who don't play a ton and spreads the PVE skill-curve based on experience rather than gameplay, which I'm never a fan of.


We'll just have to wait and see how they do it. It's not like it ruins anything, I just think it would be better to have to at least run a single dungeon without being able to change builds to this extent.. although that wouldn't be ES-ish.... I get that you need to be able to pick up a new weapon and use it, so you'd have to be able to at least change your weapon spells around.

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