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Guest bababooey

Does anyone know if kindling and warmth passives affect non DK abilities/enchants? such as a fire enchant on a weapon or fire staff abilties? 


the wording on the warmth and kindling passives do not specify abilites whereas the other 2 passives from the ardent flame tree do.

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Hi, I would like your input in my DK PvP build!


I am going for a tanky sneaky 2H DD with 5 MA and 2 HA pieces that balance mana and stamina use.




I read that its a bad idea to mix spell dps with melee/bow dps. 

Won't this work well? Should I redo it from scratch or is there some changes I can make? Is this build PvP viable?



Im not that good at number crunching, but here are some of the resource consumtion.

I am aiming for enough resources so I can refresh all buffs and DoTs.

I haven't calculated with any passive that may reduce cost.
+ Fiery Breath 10 sec / 35 mp = 3.5 mp/s
+ Dragon Blood 20 sec / 60 mp = 3 mp/s
+ Spiked Armor 17 sec / 42 mp = 2.47 mp/s
+ Molten Weapons 45 sec / 35 mp = 0.77 mp/s
+ Weakness to elements 15 sec / 35 mp = 2.33 mp/s
-+ Inferno = 7 mp/s
= 12,07 - 19,07 mp/s
+ Evasion 17 sec / 56 sta = 3.3 sta/s
+ Immovable 10 sec / 56 sta = 5.6 sta/s
+ Momentum 20 sec / 46 sta = 2.3 sta/s
+ Critical Charge ~10 sec / 46 sta = 4.6 sta/s (a rough guess that I will use the ability every 10 sec)
= 15,8 sta/s
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Hello all! I'm very new to this and I'm trying to piece together a build that I can use for group PVE content, as well as pvp. I guess I would call this a Bruiser build. This build is based heavily on the choices others have made in this thread (particularly TheoryExpert), but with my own tweaks. Please pick it apart and let me know where improvements can be made.  Right now the most challenging aspect is balancing Stamina use with Magicka use, I'm not convinced I did a very good job. I really liked the idea behind TheoryExpert's build on the previous page, but it looked really heavily Magicka based so I wasn't sure how it would hold up in actual use. I'm also completely clueless on which passives to go for and how to build my stats, so advice is appreciated.

  • Dragon Knight

    • Armor: Heavy

    • Weapon(s): Sword/ Shield and 2 Hand

    • Skill Slot 1: Sword and Board

    • ULT Magma Armor (Corrosive Morph)

    • Fiery Grip (Empowering Morph)

    • Fiery Breath (Snare Morph)

    • Ash Cloud

    • Puncture (-spell resist morph)

    • Power Bash (dmg and duration morph)

  • Skill Slot 2: 2 Hand

    • ULT Standard (might morph)

    • Immovable (duration morph)

    • Critical Charge (immobilization morph)

    • Uppercut (Extra Damage morph)

    • Lava Whip

    • Dragon Blood (Stam Regen morph)


Primary Goal and Play-style:

   Slot 1 is aimed at controlling the field of battle in group encounters and group pvp; get them in close, slow them with Breath, debuff with Ash Cloud, keep them in with Bash, etc. Slot one would also be the load out of choice when dealing with melee focused combatants, due to the shield and damage mitigation.


   Slot 2 is focused on pummeling casters and stopping runners. Basically Slot 2 is the answer for situations when keeping enemies in ash cloud is unfeasible, or for when a little extra oomph is required. Slot 2 has CC resist, immobilizers, gap closers, and knockdowns; this slot can also synergize with puncture and fiery grip from Slot 1.

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I have pretty well decided my main character will be my Imperial Dragonknight playing in the Daggerfall Covenent.


 I have played 3 chars in the beta and my Redguard DK was my favorite., although both my Bosmer and Dunmer were pretty fine.


 The Imperial will do Sword and Board as a primary and a Restoration staff secondary setup. This allows both tank and resiliant healer to operate as needed, and things change fast in Cyrodiil. Heavy Armor and we should be good to go. A lot of magica will be needed as compared to a less versetile build but the ability do to both Assult and Support well, I think will be quite useful.

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Guest Ondesvin

im still lost on the stats in this game...


as i can read in the game i havent testet it yet but i need to test it if no one else know.


Magica  = 10 more mana and more spell damage? (but how much more damage)

stamina = 10 more stamina and more melee damage? (but how much more damage)

health = 20 more hp, but will it also add a damage reduction to it? (how much damage reduction will it give if there are any)



as a tank, we need high hp pool, and we need high stamina reg. to handle the blocks, and that leaves us with magica to maintain buff and threat imo.


in all the beta tests i have gone full HP and i did't have any problem with threat or block power. my point is this, if i can get a huge damage/threat boots from my class skills by going heavy Magica, it would help alot more then going heavy health if health only give me 20 hp and no damage reduction.


i would not spread out my point between stamina or magica, i need all my stamina for block and that leave my magica for buff and threat, so it would help me more if went heavy magica, but it depends on the health stats and if it give me nothing but more hp, i can allways get more hp from armor enchants



so do any of you know what the stats give per point you invest in each of them?

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A few questions about fire-related skills:


1. The morph for Molten Weapons that adds fire damage to light and heavy weapon attacks: does it add some fire damage on top of the weapon damage from your light and heavy attacks, or does it TURN your weapon damage from light and heavy attacks INTO fire damage?


2. Is 'magic' damage separate from elemental damage? ie, is magic damage from a fire destruction staff = magic damage or = fire damage?


3. What is the damage type of light and heavy attacks when using a fire elemental staff: fire damage, or are they some other type of damage? (magic? common? weapon?)


Thanks in advance for any help!!

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Hi, I would like your input in my DK PvP build!


I am going for a tanky sneaky 2H DD with 5 MA and 2 HA pieces that balance mana and stamina use.




I read that its a bad idea to mix spell dps with melee/bow dps. 

Won't this work well? Should I redo it from scratch or is there some changes I can make? Is this build PvP viable?



Im not that good at number crunching, but here are some of the resource consumtion.

I am aiming for enough resources so I can refresh all buffs and DoTs.

I haven't calculated with any passive that may reduce cost.
+ Fiery Breath 10 sec / 35 mp = 3.5 mp/s
+ Dragon Blood 20 sec / 60 mp = 3 mp/s
+ Spiked Armor 17 sec / 42 mp = 2.47 mp/s
+ Molten Weapons 45 sec / 35 mp = 0.77 mp/s
+ Weakness to elements 15 sec / 35 mp = 2.33 mp/s
-+ Inferno = 7 mp/s
= 12,07 - 19,07 mp/s
+ Evasion 17 sec / 56 sta = 3.3 sta/s
+ Immovable 10 sec / 56 sta = 5.6 sta/s
+ Momentum 20 sec / 46 sta = 2.3 sta/s
+ Critical Charge ~10 sec / 46 sta = 4.6 sta/s (a rough guess that I will use the ability every 10 sec)
= 15,8 sta/s


i like this build . Dont have much to add except maybe considering searing and reverse/uppercut ( take out evasion ) to put on on stamina side .

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On several occasions you have mentioned that dark elves are the best for your destro staff dk build. Yet when I look at the racial passives I believe high elves look clearly superior and have much better damage bonuses. Can you please explain what I am missing or why you think dark elves are better?

The racial passives have changed quite a bit over time.

Currently it's hard to say if more spell power or +x% dmg is better.

I personally would go with Altmer but others swear on Dunmer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Would you consider that the racial passive effects (either Altmer or Dunmer) do apply to all "fire effects" like the Fire DOTs but also the Molten Weapon buff and so on ?

Same question for "Weakness to elements" ?


I would personally assure Weakness to Elements to work on every fire effects as it's a debuff of the target. However i fear that the racial effects will only apply to the DOTs, but nothing more.

Your thoughts ?

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A few questions about fire-related skills:


1. The morph for Molten Weapons that adds fire damage to light and heavy weapon attacks: does it add some fire damage on top of the weapon damage from your light and heavy attacks, or does it TURN your weapon damage from light and heavy attacks INTO fire damage?


2. Is 'magic' damage separate from elemental damage? ie, is magic damage from a fire destruction staff = magic damage or = fire damage?


3. What is the damage type of light and heavy attacks when using a fire elemental staff: fire damage, or are they some other type of damage? (magic? common? weapon?)


Thanks in advance for any help!!


1) Separate. Its an additional fire damage.

2) Yes.  Fire, provided its a fire spell. Like Altmers boost damage to fire/cold/lightning effects, but not magic effects. Dunmer increase all fire even further.

3) Fire.

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After looking into the Dragon Knight I realized if the info is correct on skills and isnt changed much on release that if you plan on making a vampire then Dragon Knight is a huge advantage.



       " Dragon blood "

  • Heal 27% of missing health.
  • +40% health regeneration for 20 seconds  

    This with the morphed Blood Altar from Undaunted skill line means No penalty now on health regeneration for vampires which means you never have to feed as a vampire again and you get to keep the -60% magicka cost for vampire abilities without a penalty.  If morphed into Sanguine Altar does not work and only buffs  ally health regen than you can still get passives from heavy armor and vamp passives to increase health regen if needed and Dragon knight has a passive to increase health regen also haha.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there, just wondering if anyone has any thoughts on this potential build (dual wield/bow):


Bar 1: Stonefist, Blood craze, Unstable flame, Coagulating blood, Deep breath   Ultimate: Corrosive armour         (take spiked armour and igneous weapons before melee fights)


Bar 2: Dark talons, Magnum shot, Reflective plate, Spiked armour, Igneous weapons   Ultimate: Meteor

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