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The Dragonknight Thread


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Here are a couple builds I have been working on.  Feedback is much appreciated!


Both are Altmer DK duo PvP with healing Templar


Build 1:

Weps: 2hand/Sword and Shield

Armor: 5H/2M




Fiery Breath

Obsidian Shield


Molten Weapons

Dragon Leap


Sword and Shield

Ash Cloud



Fiery Grip

Defensive Posture

Dragonknight Standard



Build 2

Weps: 2hand/Sword and Shield

Armor: Undecided mix of H/M



Searing Strike


Critical Charge

Lava Whip

Molten Weapons

Dragon Leap


Sword and Shield

Ash Cloud

Obsidian Shield


Fiery Grip


Dragonknight Standard


Both builds are pretty similar with the main differences being build 1 aims to have a little more AE with Cleave and Fiery Breath, where build 2 goes for the sick nasty single target damage of Searing Strike -> Uppercut -> Critical Charge -> Lava Whip -> Power Attack

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The best role of a Dragon Knight in PVP is going to be a group buffing, zone controlling and disrupting, pvp tank. Some people call this a bruiser. You wont have the high damage of a sorcerror or nightblade, or the healing of a templar, but you will be invaluable to you group by bringing several powerful group buffs, control zones with ash cloud and fiery grip, and be harder to kill then just about any other class as long as Magma Armor is available. This is probably the strongest class in large scale pvp where you can fiery grip people into your zone of control, and the rest of your team focus fires and instantly kills them.


Class: Dragon Knight PVP Bruiser


Race: Nord or Orc

7 Heavy Armor

2 Magicka

30 Health

17 Stamina


Primary Bar


Ash Cloud

Fiery Grip

Searing Strike

Free Choice: Inferno, Critical Charge, Stonefist, Purge, Rapid maneuver


Magma Armor


Secondary Bar



Critical Charge 

Free Choice: Purge, Reverse Slash or Dark Talons or Dragons Blood or Lava Whip

Free Choice: Obsidian Shield, Rapid Maneuver

Molten Weapons

Dragon Knight Standard


This build is incredibly good. You are extremely mana efficient and have complete control over where a fight takes place. Survivability is extremely good, as well as group buffs and aoe CC. In single combat you want to charge an enemy or stay put and then create a zone of control with ash field. Use fiery grip to make sure the enemy can not leave your zone of control. From here you searing strike them, switch to bar two and cast all of your self buffs. You force them to fight in your control zone doing moderate damage but taking very little in return. You easily win against most other builds. In group combat, you do the same thing, create a control zone and pull people into it. You can also searing strike multiple people and CC them with dark talons. If you ever get in trouble, just use magma armor, and rapid maneuver to adjust your positioning. This is a top tier pvp build with awesome zone control and survivability.

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This is not my build,but i am thinking about using it for pvp. Anyone have a reason why i shouldn't. :)


Destruction Staff

-Force shock

-obsidian shield 

-Dragon blood,entrophy or maybe even lava whip for those teleporting guys

-immovable: survival/before you switch bars

-weakness to elements:for obvious reasons

Dual wield or sword and board

-Fiery Grip: so they cant run has a great morph that decrases their armor by 40%

-Searing Strike :use after fiery grip/still sexy

-Flurry/so also use after fiery grip or puncture

-Ash cloud:survival at its finest

-Hidden Blade or low slash

I posted this here on iron request,but i cant decide whether or not to use DW or SS.
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This is not my build,but i am thinking about using it for pvp. Anyone have a reason why i shouldn't. :)


Destruction Staff

-Force shock

-obsidian shield 

-Dragon blood,entrophy or maybe even lava whip for those teleporting guys

-immovable: survival/before you switch bars

-weakness to elements:for obvious reasons

Dual wield or sword and board

-Fiery Grip: so they cant run has a great morph that decrases their armor by 40%

-Searing Strike :use after fiery grip/still sexy

-Flurry/so also use after fiery grip or puncture

-Ash cloud:survival at its finest

-Hidden Blade or low slash

I posted this here on iron request,but i cant decide whether or not to use DW or SS.



You need to leave room for pvp skills like purge and rapid maneuver which will probably turn out to be essential in pvp.

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  • [*]Cast Time: Instant / Self [*]Cost: 7 Magicka per Second [*]Deals 2 fire damage to nearby enemies every second."

This means: Out of combat you can toogle this skill permanent on, because you will have a much higher Magicka Reg then 7 per second?


Second Question: How far ist "nearby"? I asked, cause this could by a good permanent ooc spell (like magelight) to detect sneaking enemies. They will be surely reveal by the fire damage?


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Guest Dracoboar



On several occasions you have mentioned that dark elves are the best for your destro staff dk build. Yet when I look at the racial passives I believe high elves look clearly superior and have much better damage bonuses. Can you please explain what I am missing or why you think dark elves are better?

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[*]Cast Time: Instant / Self

[*]Cost: 7 Magicka per Second

[*]Deals 2 fire damage to nearby enemies every second."

This means: Out of combat you can toogle this skill permanent on, because you will have a much higher Magicka Reg then 7 per second?


Second Question: How far ist "nearby"? I asked, cause this could by a good permanent ooc spell (like magelight) to detect sneaking enemies. They will be surely reveal by the fire damage?


Is it possible to have more 7 mana regen a second!

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Is it possible to have more 7 mana regen a second!

Thats fine, thank you ... so as a DK you dont need Magelight, when fighting a NB in melee, just Inferno on, and the NB can't vanish/cloak, because the damage will put him out of invisibility

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What do you guys think of this PvP build, I pretty much took it from someone who posted in this thread on another page, but modified it a bit to (I think) be more functional.The goal is to be a good tanky damage dealer. Any anyone I find and be a powerful 1v1 PvP (or PvE as well I guess) build.DARK ELF DRAGONKNIGHT with 7 pieces HEAVY ARMOR:FIRE DESTRUCTION STAFF1. Weakness to Elements2. Fiery Grip3. Searing Strike4. Stonefist5. Inferno/Spiked Armor/other?SWORD AND SHIELD??1. Shield Charge2. Lava Whip3. Searing Strike4. Dragon Blood5. Inferno/Spiked Armor/other?Typical PvP Playstyle:You open the fight at range with weakness to elements and continue charging towards thetarget until your fiery grip is in range. You then use fiery grip to pull the enemy close to you, land a searing strike and then immediately use Stonefist to land a knockback. Once the target is knocked back (he should use his CC break here, and with it lose half his stamina) you switch to your sword and shield and shield charge into him followed by a quick lava whip. If he did not use his CC break earlier and does not have immunity he will be knocked down again. From here you maintain searing strike on the enemy while using basic melee attacks. Spiked armor and a CC could be used as alternate backup?

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This is to add to the build above:


The Destruction staff bar is (you could say) the damage bar, while the sword an shield bar is obviously the more defensive bar. Could add something like puncture (I think would work well) or ash cloud to the S&S bar, or a pvp skill.


I would probably add Dragon Knight Standard, and maybe Magma Armor as ultimates?


Does anyone else think there needs to be more CC?

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What do you guys think of this PvP build, I pretty much took it from someone who posted in this thread on another page, but modified it a bit to (I think) be more functional.The goal is to be a good tanky damage dealer. Any anyone I find and be a powerful 1v1 PvP (or PvE as well I guess) build.DARK ELF DRAGONKNIGHT with 7 pieces HEAVY ARMOR:FIRE DESTRUCTION STAFF1. Weakness to Elements2. Fiery Grip3. Searing Strike4. Stonefist5. Inferno/Spiked Armor/other?SWORD AND SHIELD??1. Shield Charge2. Lava Whip3. Searing Strike4. Dragon Blood5. Inferno/Spiked Armor/other?Typical PvP Playstyle:You open the fight at range with weakness to elements and continue charging towards thetarget until your fiery grip is in range. You then use fiery grip to pull the enemy close to you, land a searing strike and then immediately use Stonefist to land a knockback. Once the target is knocked back (he should use his CC break here, and with it lose half his stamina) you switch to your sword and shield and shield charge into him followed by a quick lava whip. If he did not use his CC break earlier and does not have immunity he will be knocked down again. From here you maintain searing strike on the enemy while using basic melee attacks. Spiked armor and a CC could be used as alternate backup?


No pvp build, without "Immovable" and "Purge" and maybe "Rapid Man."? All other builds are pve builds imho ...

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hi guys im thinking of trying a dk mage build.  Im positive most of you will disagree because you guys hate to waste a single skill or resource point. but I still would appreciate some feedback and advice. this is for pve build


to start im at a toss up between altmer and breton

destruction staff-meteor, destructive touch, force shock, impulse, searing strike, lava whip


sword and shield- shield charge, power bash, low slash, fiery grip, molten weapons and highborn/dragonskin.


I intend to use heavy armor and decided sword and board for additional armor and defense since I will be toe to toe very often.

obviously I intend to stun/knockbacks and burninate with staff and if shit hits the fan I hope to not die as fast.  Oh I have zero interest in healing people especially since ill be soloing a lot. do you guys think I need entropy for additional healing?

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build looks good to me but there are a few issues. You should have fiery grip on your destruction staff bar so that you can fiery grip people into your fire spell range. All of your spells besides force shock are melee range, so you need fiery grip on bar 1. Get rid of lava whip on bar 1 and add fiery grip.


For bar 2, lose fiery grip and add lava whip. Now you can shield charge, then lava whip to knock them off balance.


Good luck.

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Hello everyone.  Could I get some constructive criticism on this build please?


One Hand and Shield:

1: Fiery Grip - Extended Chains

2: Searing Strike - Unstable Flame

3: Dragon Blood - Coagulated Blood

4: PvE: Puncture - Ransack

    PvP: Immovable - Unstoppable

5: Ash Cloud - ?

Ultimate: Dragon Knight Standard - Standard of Might


Restoration Staff:

1: Blessing of Protection - ?

2: Grand Healing - Illustrious Healing

3: Obsidian Shield - ?

4: Rapid Maneuver - Retreating Maneuver

5: Purge - Efficient Purge

Ultimate: Warhorn - Sturdy Horn


I am planning on investing my attributes as follows:

20 magicka

20 health

9 stamina


P.S. ^^^ tomo28 - I'm sure there's a way (probably several) that setup could be viable for PvE!

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Did anybody test the molten weapon morph: Molten Armaments: +30% weapon critical for affected allies for 6 seconds.

Does it give you 30% critical chance? Or does it increase your chance by 30%?

Because in that case it would be only useful with med armor and a high crit chance.

Lastly, "allies" does include the caster, right?

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