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The Dragonknight Thread


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Kyle, it depends on a lot. First off, PVP or PVE?


This is the DK build I like the most. It seems decent in both PvE and PVP:


Orc DK, 7 Heavy, 1H&Shield/2H, 1:1:1 Resource Ratio

1H/Shield- VS melee (all the time in PVE)

Fiery Grip


Normally Dragon Blood for the 20s of hp regen and the passive +healing received during those 20s, but Searing Strike if you really want it...although it doesn't fit in too well for any tank build. XD

Ash Field


2H- VS caster


Critical Charge

Normally Ash Cloud to keep people close to you after you charge at them, but Searing Strike would help do damage to people with high armor I guess..still not great IMO.

Reverse Slash 

Molten Weapon

Ult- Magma Armor


There's just not much room for it with a tank build. :(


If you're building your character with Weapon Power over Spell Power, which you should, then your spells won't do enough damage to be worth taking DPS-only abilities (utility is better for Weapon Power builds).


Also, if you're using your 2H bar to kill casters as fast as you can then you are better off with physical damage anyway, so searing strike's not even worth it. + You need a slow, and the 40% on fire damage isn't going to cut it when chasing casters.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think dragon knight is an excellent pvp class. It has high damage, high survivability, and will work best paired with a healer. The class has no get out of jail free card like sorcerror (bolt escape) or nightblade (shadow cloak, consuming shadows). This means that if you build a squishy dragon knight, be prepared to die fighting if you get overwhelmed. This makes having a healer even more important, DK's are built to take damage in the face rather than avoid it, its a tank class. This is further evidenced by skills like spiked armor and obsidian shield.


I think the class will work best in pvp as a tanky damage dealer, also called a bruiser. Pure tanks are always bad in PVP because they just get ignored and contribute very little to the fight, but a bruiser contributes a lot of damage and causes a lot of disruption with AOE CC abilities. The strongest pvp abilities look to be fiery grip (pulling enemies to bad locations), and searing strike (massive damage for very little mana cost). Ash cloud and dark talons are excellent AOE CC abilities that will greatly impact group fights as well. This will probably be one of the strongest classes to combo with a healer and contribute greatly to group fights.

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Dk in my opinion is the tanky bruiser and CC Monster, if played correctly.I would also pair him with a squishy DD, to just CC/slow the enemy for max DPS output.

CC is also a form of dmg migration. A stunned/slowed/immoed player cant deal high dps, but will take a lot more hits.

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Fire Dragon Knight PVP Build


This is the best PVP build I have come up with for a dragon knight who is damage/bruiser oriented. This is a selfish build with no real group utility, but gives you excellent power in small scale PVP. It should be able to hold its own in 1on1, and is probably one of the strongest builds in the game in a 2vs2 if paired with a healer.


7/7 Heavy Armor

High Elf 

30 Magicka

20 Health

0 Stamina


Destruction Staff


Weakness to Elements

Fiery Grip

Destructive Touch

Searing Strike

Ash Cloud



2 Hand Sword



Critical Charge

Lava Whip 

Searing Strike

Dragons Blood

Magma Armor


Typical Playstyle:

You open the fight at range with weakness to elements and continue charging towards the target until your fiery grip is in range. You then use fiery grip to pull the enemy close to you, land a searing strike and then immediately use destructive touch (fire) to land a knockback. Once the target is knocked back (he will use his CC break here, and with it lose half his stamina) you cast ash cloud and then switch to your two hander and critical charge (morphed for immobilize) into a lava whip. If he did not use his CC break earlier and does not have immunity he will be knocked down again. From here you maintain searing strike on the enemy while using basic melee attacks that are powered by arcane fighter (a 2h passive that will make you proc fire damage more often). Most people should not be able to stand toe to toe with you since you are a powerful melee character in heavy armor but if it becomes a prolonged fight you can use entropy and dragons blood to self heal. 

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The kd from destr touch is several meters. its used to know s/o away and not down.If u want an on-the-spot kd take stonefist. While those 3s he will probably use his CC break. I personally wont use it on the kd from destr touch.


Just searing strike as ur only magicka dps skill (2ndbar) is wasted and doesnt make use of ur 30points into Magicka. Imo u need one more frequntently used magicka skill in that skillbar. Maybe Inferno, aoe slow and dot dmg.

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The kd from destr touch is several meters. its used to know s/o away and not down.If u want an on-the-spot kd take stonefist. While those 3s he will probably use his CC break. I personally wont use it on the kd from destr touch.


Just searing strike as ur only magicka dps skill (2ndbar) is wasted and doesnt make use of ur 30points into Magicka. Imo u need one more frequntently used magicka skill in that skillbar. Maybe Inferno, aoe slow and dot dmg.

Thats perfect, because you can can switch to 2 hander and immediately charge them after the destr touch knockback. I will edit that into my playstyle description. Him using his CC break is awesome, because it uses half his stamina bar.


Searing strike isnt your only magicka dps, you also have lava whip which blends perfectly with critical charge morphed for immobilize. Having such low magicka using offensive abilities is awesome because it allows you to use your magicka on defensive abilities like reflects, or switch back to the staff and recast weakness to elements.


The real weakness of dragon knights in PVP is that they have no drop target or escapes. If you get focused in a PVP fight, your only option is to tank the damage. This is why dragon knights are a healer dependant class and that's why building a squishy Dragon Knight is out of the question for high level PVP. It also means that you should have Magma Armor on at least one of your ultimate bars. 

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Guest Commrune

Race: Dunmer

Class: Dragon Knight

Armor:  5 light/2 heavy pieces


Stat allocation:

MP:20 points
Purpose of build: RvR Support/Peeler/PBAE

Magma Armor(2)/Standard(1)

Bar 1 - Sword/Shield
Goal: Charge+ash cloud, buffs

Shield Charge
Ash Cloud
Obsidian Shield
Molten Weapons

Bar 2 - Destruction Staff
Goal: PBAE after the charge/Ash Cloud combo

Dark Talons
Fiery Breath
Wall of Elements/Impulse






The flow of this build will differ based on the situation, but my thought is to initiate a group fight with bar 1, throwing up situational buffs and CC'ing any outlying healers with Petrify if the opportunity presents itself.


Then, as a group member gets trained by the enemy DPS, I will charge into the cluster and drop Ash Cloud.  The idea is simple after that... I attempt to PBAE down the enemies within Ash Cloud with bar 2 abilities while popping Ultimate 1 or 2 depending on how things are looking.


Now here's the thing: Since I haven't beta tested and know so little about the mechanics so far, I have no idea if I will have enough magicka to supplement this build.  I know very little of the morph options, which is why I have Wall of the Elements OR Impulse on Bar 2.  Also, I would like to be as least squishy as possible, but don't want to sacrifice damage or utility to do so...


So what I'm saying is I don't know what the hell I'm doing. It's my build though; I like it and I'm stickin' to it.





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Anything other than mostly heavy armor is not going to work on a dragon knight in high level PVP, I could be wrong due to something unforeseen but thats my opinion right now. Dragon knights do not have any ways to avoid damage besides tanking it or blocking. What are you going to do when a flurry nightblade is on you as a Dragon Knight in light armor? I guess you might be able to make it work with spiked armor, but spiked armor becomes an absolute must if you arent wearing heavy as a dragon knight. Dragon knights just dont have the pvp damage avoidance that other classes do like bolt escape, shadow cloak, blur, etc... If you want to keep your light armor build, you have to use spiked armor or you are toast to any high physical damage class as a dragon knight.

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Guest Commrune

^ If that was towards me:


I'm under the impression that mostly light armor will be a must for my build.  MA or HA would leave me with magicka issues.  I have Ash Cloud, Inhale, Dark Talons, S/S and Obsidian Shield to help with survivability... Anything after that is up to the healers.



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^ If that was towards me:


I'm under the impression that mostly light armor will be a must for my build.  MA or HA would leave me with magicka issues.  I have Ash Cloud, Inhale, Dark Talons, S/S and Obsidian Shield to help with survivability... Anything after that is up to the healers.



Your build could work because of all the defensive abilities you are taking to make up for the light armor, but I believe that if you have a buff on, and switch weapons to something that does not have that same buff on the bar, you lose the buff. I am not sure about that though.

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My son and I are going to use a DK/Templar combo. He will be the 2H DK, with Fiery Grip, Molten Weapons, Obsidian Shield, Uppercut, etc. I will be a Sword and Shield Templar, with Restoring Aura, Cleansing Ritual, Rushed Ceremony (morphs to heal two others), Solar Flare (Morphs to be a PBAOE), Shield Charge, etc. The whole idea is to fight near each other, pull the enemies to us, and rely on the area auras to enhance each other. Not quite sure about armor yet, but we will both go with a couple pieces of Heavy at least, with my Templar using some light and his using medium, in a 5/2 or 2/5 ratio.


I know this isn't the Templar thread, but I will say that a shield really helps your defense it seems. Switch to a staff and you feel naked after having that shield armor and block...

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This my my Dragonknight "Initiator/Support" buildI'm partial to Daggerfall Covenant so I may seem skewed on race choices at all times. I like all three races for this build, the Bretons MRes, the Orsimer Racial, and the Redguard's ability to regen ST for more CC break. Pick what you want in life, but one thing is certain:7/7 Heavy ArmorI do like the Breton for this though, between DK and Breton passives, we should have a pretty high MRes, which is king in a Rock-Paper-Scissors world, where Paper beats Rock, unless it's on fire, DK FTW!P.S. Does anyone know if we can make our armor look like an enemy factions? I love the Khajit Samurai influences.1h/S Axe for bleed (Offensive- pushing the fight, targeting softies so my team can capitalize and pick up kills.)1. Fiery Grip w/Extended Chains (22m isn't far off from ranged abilities, should be able to bring the squish into my entourage.)2. Molten Weapons (Since we're bringing the fight to our team, let's bolster their damage.)3. Dragon's Blood (So we never leave the front line.)4. Dark Talons (Provide easy target acquisition.)5. Immovable (Keep pressing forward until someone secures the kill.)Ultimate: Dragonknight Standard (Shut them down so we can pick up some kills and end the attrition.)Focused on being more of a bully here, trying to set up kills and stay in the line of fire as much as possible. At the end of the day, my ideal numbers would be something like 0-43-7, I am your meat shield.1h/S Mace for peeling tanks off (Defensive- protecting my plush friends in the back line, peeling tanks and the sort off them while bolstering their defense.)1. Puncture (Remove some armor, hopefully I'll have some melee help, this will benefit them greatly in peeling tanks off.)2. Ash Cloud (Slow them down and make them miss, run my squishies!)3. Obsidian Shield (I'm sure my healers have a shield of their own, but double bubble, free from trouble.)4. Dark Talons (For multiple targets.)5. Stonefist (For single target peels.)Ultimate: Dragon Leap (Break up the monotony.)Tank all the time, just separate bars for separate mindsets. Sometimes you need to advance, other times defend. This PvP build is not about personal glory, and you won't be looked as the reason the day is won, but if you play your cards right, you should be a mighty influence on the battlefield.

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Ash Cloud is where it is at. Dark Talons is weak, the Dragon Knight Standard Ultimate has a synergy root on it if u are looking for some lock down in a group setting. Ash Cloud is MISS chance & snare which means you are not getting hit 30% of the time and any power attack you or your friends make puts them on their butts. Lasts 14.5 secs fully traited, sadly I dont know the morphs on it.


As for race choice DKs are so magicka dependent its sick, I honestly think some of our abilites cost far too much, others are fair.


Last but not least once you have Fiery Chains (which is early early) you will never want it off your bar.

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Ash Cloud is where it is at. Dark Talons is weak, the Dragon Knight Standard Ultimate has a synergy root on it if u are looking for some lock down in a group setting. Ash Cloud is MISS chance & snare which means you are not getting hit 30% of the time and any power attack you or your friends make puts them on their butts. Lasts 14.5 secs fully traited, sadly I dont know the morphs on it.As for race choice DKs are so magicka dependent its sick, I honestly think some of our abilites cost far too much, others are fair.Last but not least once you have Fiery Chains (which is early early) you will never want it off your bar.

Yeah, I might replace Dark Talons on my Offensive bar for Ash Cloud then. I know I want as much CC on my second bar to break people's ST pools if they go for the kill. I just figured if we're pressing in, having everyone immobile would have made it easier to pick up kills, and unless the miss chance applies to spells, it might not be worth it for my Offensive bar which is meant for picking up casters and the lot.
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If the opponent misses, is that like an 'off-balance'? I was trying to understand Jorik's comment above about Ash Cloud putting them on their butts. Or maybe the description of Ash Cloud I am reading isn't complete.


Now the Templar ability 'Blinding Light' specifically says that they miss AND are put off-balance so that one I get.


By the way, Fiery Grip is awesome. People are already complaining its overpowered in PvP, but to some extent that's probably because people are too low level to slot some of the skills that would negate it. Better to pull the enemy to you than to jump to them.

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